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Hi all, how are you guys doing?
This last 2 weeks I was working on the world tasks like usual but also finished a few new stuff for the project too.

Systems and Animation
Dynamic Narrow Space Environment System (DNSE) is the latest big feature I've done for OGZ, this stuff will definitely make the exploring gameplay become more immersive and intense. DNSE is procedural btw, it'll automatically detect the narrow space based on geometry of the world and buildings. Btw, this will be used with crawling movement too.
Dynamic Custom Movement Animation, it's upgraded and now the movement animation can be modified by environment or weather (for example: your character will change the idle animation when it's raining, or when your character is on river or etc, the animation assets aren't done yet but the system is ready now), the character movement system is now at advanced state.
Automatically Activate Interaction System, this stuff now will allow you to automatically vault/climb/climb a ladder, the parkour aspect is now enhanced.
In Game Tutorial System, I know that most people have no idea what you are supposed to do during the gameplay, so I added this and it will give you hint of the mechanics and stuff. I based this stuff from Ubisoft games btw.

I added the Survival Elements into the game now, here take a look at the new survival status for your unfortunate unluckily PMC operator.

1 is Health Condition
Everytime your unfortunate operator took a damage by anything, your Health Condition will be reduced by 25% of the full damage amount (10 dps = 0.25 dps), if your Health Condition is low, your HP will barely regen from injury state. You need some medical treatments for your operator if the Health Condition is at 0 or use Medkit to recover some of Health Condition.
2 is Health Point
This is your current HP, pretty much don't need to explain about it.
3 is Stamina Point
Same as 2, this is your currently SP.
4 is Hunger
This status is the key of survival, you need to eat foods and drink some water to survive a dying city called Sector 101. If you could manage to get your Hunger to 100%, it'll boost your HP and SP to 200%, but if you are hungry, it'll reduce your SP to half, so do not forget to bring some foods when going outside.
5 is Temperature Resistance
This is the dangerous one, you have to keep your body warm and avoid staying too long on the lake. If your body temperature is too low, your operator will be suffering from the extreme weather condition, do not let your operator faint by the extreme temperature. Staying inside a building will keep your body warm for 50% of the world temperature.
(The Icon designs are made by Mikado, so he should be mentioned here)

I have a few stuff in my mind rn but I want to work on all of this but I think I should focus on one task at a time, but what do you guys want to see next? here is a list
1 Eating Food/Using Item Animation, I got inspired about this by Escape from Tarkov actually, seen it on youtube and it was very cool.
2 Assault Rifle, yes if you want some action and waste your ammo for fun.
3 Rework Walker Model, the current model feels flat, so I want to rework it with the nightmare-ish design and with the high details this time. Reworked Model will be the standard concept for mutant designs, so I can't rush this.
After finished one of these, I'll work on the building models because i'm so sick of currently cube buildings now. And of course, I won't work on any H content until the game is ready, I don't want to waste my animation because of outdated systems and such, I really hope you guys will understand about this.

The next update will be about $5 animated artwork btw, I hope you guys enjoy my animated artwork, so I'll keep doing more.

Anyway, what do you guys think about all this? I hope you guys enjoy the progress of OGZ btw, and I also hope you guys will stick with me until the first launch build got released on Steam by early-mid of 2024.
Stable budget will give me an opportunity to craft this ultimate Mateydev project, I hope you guys will give me a chance to make that happen.  

See you next update, have a nice day.


OGZ Test 10



Serious note as someone who frequents the 'alternative' gaming end of the internet. I played the most recent version and I have to say it looks amazing. What you're doing here will easily eclipse anything else on the entire internet if things continue the way they do. What I do recommend however to ensure that would be several suggestions. 1. There should be adult scenes pre-death with an escape system, whether that be E or awsd or ad is up to you. This feels like an extreme must above all else, and it shouldn't 'kill you' or result in unsconciousness as it does damage a health bar or something so you can go through multiple enemies(could even use RE's idea of double attack for double damage/threesome scenes if you get ganged up on) To balance this, fewer enemies, more scene variant to them. Or fewer scenes, more enemies. And I 'do' enjoy a 'captured-escape' mechanic because that hasn't been seen since Paperheads, like eight years ago. 2. I'd assume there is enemy variation by the end of product and as a recommendation from your older work if you remember it I suggest insert retrys or maybe a corruption element that results in game over, taking the scene from your older game where she crawls away as one of the monsters gets closer. I'd also almost add a pregnancy option far down the line at some point but that's far down the line. 3.Other than that if you were thinking of these three options I extremely recommend 1 and 3, with three feeling like something you'll just get around to with enemies because reason being, horror I think is the best element in these games. Maybe insert 2 mid to late game to really preserve the horror aspect of the game and mix it with survival. Resident evil, dead space, alien isolation vibes, and I'd make sure to add at least 1 lesbian scene and in general human scene to the game. I'd almost say remove the hunger/needs aspect all together in exchange 'for' the horror elements. Scarce ammo, healing(food could be healing) that sort of thing. Fulfill all those goals and I'd say you'll be swimming in money a month after release. But what do I know, I'm just a patron with an advocacy for lewd games. I really, genuinely wish you the best of luck. If this game is completed, it will set a new bar for adult games. And I saw that option in there but if you REALLY want to destroy, customization, however big would be neat, maybe even an alternative shemale, trans, futa variant of the MC would annihilate the internet. That's all I can really give for ideas. As it stands, this game is aiming not to reach the bar, but set the bar, as I said and that alone is enough.


Nice progress. The survival system might be interesting at the beginning, but I hope you get the progress right. For example: in Subnautica, the survival aspect at the beginning of the game defines the world and makes the game so much real and exciting. But as one progresses, you find ways to "create food/shelter/clothes" so it's does not remain the primary focus of the game and moves on to exploration. Otherwise, it might dull the gaming experience because you have to throw in food just because the status bar goes down. That might become annoying over longer time. The Dynamic Narrow Space Environment System is a fun idea. Good work. Lots of potential for mini "escape" games with stuff lurking in the shadow while the narrow space might give protection from walkers or bigger monsters. Might just be tricky with the camera perspective, light and wall clipping. I would suggest to limit camera movement to the space between the walls and use a static light if you implement any traps. There is nothing worse than a nice animation lost due to improper lighting. Regarding Automatically Activate Interaction System: Finally! Awesome! Can't wait to test it! I would also agree with Matt's comment about the corruption idea. But I wouldn't want to influence you by making suggestions. Except for maybe one: I think "Mission Mermaiden" has a lot of ideas there. Maybe you find that inspiration helpful. Finally, I just hope you find a way to distribute the game on a platform other that STEAM for the following reasons: 1. They take quite some money from you just to distribute "your" content. 2. They track how much you play and what. No clue how many players want to expose they are playing lewd games to their friends and colleges. 3. They censor really hard in central Europe. You won't be able to sell your game there due to law restrictions. They simply ban such games. Last time I checked, GOG was developer friendly in terms of finances. But I have no clue about the censorship there. Otherwise, there is itch.io, which definitely does not censor lewd games.