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Hello everyone! The chaos is near! Kashan Vra Dwarves are ready for an unsettling demolition. See everything there is to expect next month on our Patreon!

  • New collection of original artistic miniatures.
  • All pre-supported for easy printing!
  • The first collection to enter the Bloodfields straight and exclusively from Patreon

Kashan Vra Dwarves

It all started when the Metalbeard Dwarves have become too greedy and dug too deep when looking for materials for their machines. The mountain was rich with ore for a reason. Something unspeakable was living at its core, affecting the natural processes. Once released, a vile corruption started to run through the minds, bodies, and souls of every living creature that became exposed. 

Will the two factions fight for eternity? Or will they join forces and create an unstoppable army? Find out in July!  

Cyber Forge Coming in July!

We know some of you are waiting for the Cyber Forge and want to print all these new cyber punk and science fiction miniatures. That's why we have some great news. Everything points to the Cyber Forge going live in July! Brace for impact! 

June Contest

This edition of the Monthly Contests is still running! Be sure to post your entries before the end of the month. The Anycubic 3D Printer is waiting for the best diorama and this month might be a great opportunity to grab it!    

  • Resin Junkies. Post a picture of any printed Titan-Forge mini (not terrain) on our FB Group or Discord (dedicated #Resin-Junkies channel). 
  • Plastic Addicts. Create a diorama using Titan-Forge terrain (at least half of terrain in diorama must be from our Patreon). Post it on our FB Group or Discord (dedicated #Plastic-Addicts channel). Winners will receive a brand new Anycubic Photon Printer!

Happy Printing!
TF Team



Andrew Pryor

Has August been announced yet?


Are these weapons... "interchangeable" with the Metal Beards previousy released? (please, tell me yes🤩)


Yes. Its another Goobertown crossover: "Town of Secrets"




WOW, what a great set and I'm so glad to hear that Cyber Forge is going to be live next month. Keep going guys., you are awsome


Wow it looks AWESOME!


When it was announced dwarves I was like meh..Now I can't wait!


Very Very metal! Can't wait!!


Holy cow these are amazing!


I wish the big creature wasn't so mechanical. Everything looks cool but looks I'll only need some of the terrain from this set :(


They're not a theme I usually enjoy, but most of these are awesome! I can't wait to print, paint and incorporate these into my games. Incredible additions!

Cornelius Perkins

Fantastic. I love how mechanical the automata look, and the minotaur automaton is amazing.


Aren't you guys afraid of IP strike from GW? I don't mean every single model, most of your evil dwarves only share the general vibe with GW Chaos Dwarves but this cannon looks a lot like their Hellcannon. Regardless, really cool stuff you've done there :)


These look awesome!! Can't wait to bust them out in Bloodfields. In another note, what is the chance of a gaming system like bloodfields but for the Cyberforge range?


Another sick release. This is great, another chaos dwarves for my current Chaos dwarves army :D


OMG they look awesome, can't wait to paint those but again, I'm so damn behind!!

Gábor Tóbi

I have been a patron for 3 months. Your work is fantastic, congratulations! Each pack is really good quality, spectacular, and I can use a lot for Age of Sigmar. Keep it up :)


Amazing minis!


Love them!


This seams to be the first series supporting multipart minis right? I like the way things are developing 😁 And these chaos-dwarfs look really cool 😎


Nice !! Good job on this one.


Seeing how successful Bloodfields was I'd say theres a really good chance Cyberforge will get a game of it's own.

Benoit Michaux

At pas modular minis ! Awesome ! 😀 Too bad they are dwarves.


wow best looking blood bowl Minotaur i've seen!!! :3 And a new Doombull model is also very welcome! This month is amazing, love the modularity of the models


Just realized that they are modular! So excited!! I hope the modular options is gonna be routine, at least for the soldier type :D

Nicholas Brennan

These are amazing!!!! Im as hard as that dwarfs anvil right now


Can you clarify what you mean by the new content for Bloodfields being “exclusively from” patreon? I’m wondering if someone discovers the game in the a few months if there will be any way to get older models. Either via a new Kickstarter or older months being released in a store or... I am hoping the game is good and other folks will want to play at some point!

Luca Rio

Wow, the Minis look so cool! And you have interchangeable weapons! Thats freaking awesome! Keep up the work! It seems you are getting better and better each month! I am a new patreon (found this via the bloodfields Kickstarter), but I wish I would have heard of you sooner! Well now I have to wait for the 70% voucher to buy all your older stuff from MMF ^^


Great Job. The minis are brilliant. Awesome addition to the BF roster.  The modularity makes these dwarves great for large armies. 

Lee Perry

Jesus H Macy these are fuckin' insane!!! Best set you guys have done yet, holy crap. And SO many! Just scrolling through them thinking "that's gotta be about it"... Nope, more minis, more minis, more minis... Just amazing. Good Lord.


Y'all are KILLING me! I want these NOW! NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW! lol


FANTASTIC. I'd love to see a round 2 of these, like you did with the Dragon Dynasty (I forget the name) range. Maybe a couple more war machines? Then it would be pretty close to a full Kings of War Abyssal Dwarf army!


SO excited for this release! Everything looks amazing and I am really excited to incorporate it into my games and into BLOODFIELDS!!! May suggest a gnome line with alchemists and gnomes riding in mechs to differ from the dwarven automata?


Hmmm... Looks like I stocked up on corrosion and rust colors just in time. I am in love with the chain beards.


These look super sweet, perfect counterparts to my Dwarf Paladin in my current campaign.


Any chance of getting a crossbow in addition to the blunderbus


I think that big boys going in my display case for sure

John M

That cannon is definitely making its way into my Mawtribes army


WOW! Interchangeable parts! YES PLEASE! I think this may be my favorite release yet.

Josh Helton

Wow, love the models!

Hiro Protagonistak

These are great. You guys really come through every month, thanks. I love the interchangeable arms, I'll add some holes for magnets and be set.


Looks like the mechanical dwarf parts aren’t interchangeable with the flesh dwarf parts. Was looking forward to adding a few mechanical arms. I still probably will but will need to make some modifications.


Any chance of empty hands for the models too?


That's precisely what I'm wanting these guys for. I'm switching from good dwarfs to bad dwarfs and these models capture the flavor sooooooooo much better.


Minotaurs, characters and giant are awesome. congratulations! I would also love to have a variant with empty hands for the dwarves.


No clue why dwarves are so popular. Sorry, this doesn't do anything for me, I might sit this one out and come back when there is a more interesting release...


Multipart with variations? Love it!

Alessio Petricciuolo

Anyone's know when the painting contest exactly end?


I have not been this excited in a while.


Damn, I absolutely love Dwarves. I can’t wait!


Nose/Jaw on centerpiece looks really flat.


Strongly dislike this month, I hate dwarves, I guess not every month can be a winner. I am still sticking with it for the loyalty model though.


Yeah I likes the metal beards over chaos dwarves, really sad I missed out on them and the steam dragon. Looking forward to that 70% percent for 7000.

Studio Silvernale

I joined in January and all I've printed so far is the amazons


I've printed a few of their demons and i think a few cyberpunk things (i have yet to paint) The models are gorgous, but i hardly find any use for them.


Awesome work yet again. Curious but if I remember right in the past you mentioned about making another Patreon for your Scifi minis but any plans on a date or anything? Wish I could get the STLs already of the minis I didn't buy from your X Terra Kickstarter. Enjoying not having to deal with shipping more than people realize thanks to Project Elite showing up today and wondering if it was damaged and having to do the normal Kickstarter check. lol


Good morning Cyber-Forge is closer than you think. We hope to surprise You all, in a good way of course :) Michal


Thank you so much for putting the weapons as modular so we can make more combinations of these guys, really helps out and makes just 2-3 models become potentially 10+ possible poses.


Super excited for this release!


Gaming budget lowering, so I'm unsubscribing. Thanks for 3 months of good minis!


So excited for this release. Have already started making stats for our Pathfinder game for these minis and have put off the next session until August so i can print and paint all these sweet minis up.


Will we get an update on the 6 month loyalty and what it will be and if you’re working on it?


Will the information for using them in Bloodfields be in the release or will it come on the 6th with the Bloodfields Kickstarter release?


Does anyone know when these are available? Cant wait to print them 😍