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Hello everyone! We have some announcements regarding the polling system today! 

But first, we would like to take a minute of your time and ask you to vote for the September Release! We have some very cool choices for you today:

Barbarians. A tribe of fierce warriors from the outskirts of the realm is becoming a menace. Its members are brutal and the fury they unleash seems unstoppable. This is the time to get savage!

Vampire Hunters. The vampire crisis in the Gravehaunt Hills requires a firm solution. The mysterious faction might avert it but some think they will pose an even bigger threat eventually. The wooden stakes are high!

Ogre Pirates + Amazons.  The viciously jolly crew's armada has landed on the sacred grounds of the Temple of Serpents guarded by the dino riding Amazons. The clash is inevitable. And when two quarrel, you win a double release with a double content!

This poll will end on Saturday and the option with most votes will be our release for September!

Polling Changes

After the last months, we have decided that the polling system requires a little overhaul.  Our main goal is to bring you the most amazing miniatures all the time and every time. Obviously, the more time we have ahead of the release, the more unique, interesting, and dynamic models we can create.

Currently, after each poll, we have a little over a month to prepare all concept arts, turn them into 3d models, and pre-support them. Sometimes it does not allow us to follow our wildest dreams for each release. Sometimes working on a release inspires more great ideas for it and there is not enough time to follow up on all of them.

That's why we have decided that this September Poll is the last one in the current format. 

For now, the polling will be replaced by a new system. Starting November, the theme for each Release will be announced by us. Don't worry though, it is absolutely crucial for us to listen to your suggestions and opinions in that matter. By now, based on your past choices, we also have some ideas about what options you think are worth exploring. 

This also leads to the fact that we will be able to announce the themes for the following months much earlier. And when we will, we will be counting on you to get involved. In a monthly announcement thread, we will be collecting your suggestions for the line and for the models and other things you wish to see included in it. 

We will also be asking you questions about each line, like who you think their adversaries are? What material are they typically using for armor? What are the basic units in their army? What are their heroes known for? We would like to create a whole fantasy world around our releases and for you to be able to shape them to your needs and ideas.

We really think that the new system will bring some truly amazing miniature packs in the next months. We will leave it to you to see and judge. You can expect another post on that matter soon.

And if right off the bat you have some suggestions and ideas about the new system and potential themes for the next releases we would love to hear them!

Happy Printing!
TF Team

PS: The funds collection is not going very fast this month and is at 25% at this moment. It might take a couple more hours than usual until it is completed and until the new release is posted.


Garrett Parker

Love the ogre pirates. Hopefully everyone else does too




We had vamps launch in May, not we need a counter to that awesome army


Love the Vampire hunters. The world needs more nice minis like that out there.


Can we finally get some Ogre Pirates please. The time has come.


So glad to see what you guys do with actual freedom of control! Maybe we'll see something more creative than the community's hard-on for vampires and "dark" elves, exciting!


How could I possibly chose?! They're all awesome and I need them all!

Richard Mellow

Really want the over pirates and getting Amazon's too Will be great bonus

Jon Liao

Wish you could just release all of them over time.


c'mon vampire hunter


Im really into the look of the barbarians... But I really want those Amazons


so hard to choose! But well, double release, double fun. And those ogres looks so fun to get!


Pirate + amazon! Two release in one


Will there be any overlap with the ogre pirates/amazons and the bloodfield releases?


Went for the minority - the barbarians - not many minis to print around


Ogres and Anazons in September and the Vampire Hunters after that in time for Halloween


Ogres, Amazons AND Dinosaurs in one release? How could you not vote for that value of awesomeness 🤩


So glad to hear about the change! I think the work becomes that much more involved and meaningful to the creators if they are getting to work on the projects they are excited for.


I would just like Amazons as a single release


I hope this time Ogre Pirates will be released


I don't have a lot of interest in any of them, but I'll probably be surprised once the sculpts come out..

L'il Doodie

How could the answer possibly be anything other than barbarians?


Double the release, so, Amazons got my vote :)


im really stuck between the hunters and the double release


Man really hoping Vamp hunters get this. Looks like a nice variety in that art.


Right?! Basically nothing I vote for gets chosen anyway because I dont really care about undead, drow, and angels. Excites to see what other creations lurk in their minds.


I would like to see more minis to expand the Bloodfield army. The Humans still need Archers, Priests, Mounted Knights, more Foot-soldier poses, etc. The Elves need foot-soldiers, more Archer poses, Priests, etc. The Orcs are really good but we could use more poses to add variation. I know these aren't as crazy and exciting as Hammerhead Shark-Ogres but I think it would really help flesh out the upcoming Bloodfield release. Maybe it's just me, though. Keep up the good work!


why take Amazons and ogres if there are already a lot of them there? the kickstarter and the store are the same . vote for hunters or barbarians please


Those Barbarians looks amazing


Dont care which ones will win, they all look amazing!


Please no more Amazons. They're great figures but would like something different...


I really like the look of Vampire Hunters but alas, I cannot turn down Amazons!


I've been voting for the ogres for ages haha! Will we finally get these? I can't wait to see what you do, plus those amazons are a tasty extra! I also agree that the decision you have made will be the best! You will get to explore what you want to and give us your most creative models yet! I can't wait for the change!!


Oh no. I love all of them. Can't decide 😅


How much overlap is there between the Ogres on the Bloodfields Kickstarter and the above release?


Are these the same pirates I just paid for in the Kickstarter? Cuz of so this option on the Patreon is BS


I paidcextra to get the Amazons in Bloodfields, are these the same models?

Luca Rio

They said in a reply above that the Models will not overlap with the ones from the Bloodfields KS. So no worries.


Hello. vote vampire hunters people, have a thought for elders like me who still plays mordheim after 20 years and 1) have no use for ogres or barbarians. 2) have a little girl who ask daddy why he makes half naked women every time he prints amazons ...


Them vampire hunters thoe.

John Norton

Very very tough call - every month for I don't know how long now I voted ogres to get that crab, now I vote Vamp Hunters and Ogres are winning - I see a theme here ;-)


I so hope ogres ... then i can use them as my proxy ogres kingdom army in warhammer fantasy ;). They would be perfect for it .


Aww, I really like the Barbarians, but it looks like they probably won't get it >:


I also agree with the voting system . Its better to do a voting once or twice a year, that way i feel much more special the. When i can vote every month. Plus i like being surprised 😅.


Is it double the models to? ;)

Simon Crouch

Agree, playing with my family, I'm not going to be using topless Amazons. Now, twenty year old me, I'd be all over it, lol. I want more of the town.

Aaron Bono

Yea I love beautiful women but they don't have to be scantily clad to be great miniatures.


Funds collection is not the only thing going slow Patreon server seems to be powered by mouse wheel and an asthmatic mouse here in the UK, it's taking an age to load a page.


Double release is great, but those vampire hunters though...


Voted for the double release... But these barbarians look amazing!! Why so many difficult choices?!?! Keep up the incredible work! :)


Will the ogre pirates have the conquistador style ones with them? Because that would change my mind XD


I like the Amazons and would vote for it as a single release myself.

Sean Abel

I think that the changes will be just fine, I like the work you all are doing and believe that you have high quality products. I'm interested in the idea of equipment and enemies to choose. Looks great.


Hunters would be awesome. Need more stylish hats in my life. I'll take giant crabs though.

Obscurities in Miniature

I really like the design of those barbarians, but the possibility of getting a double release is a much better deal. Plus I went in for both those armies during the kickstarter...


i also think hunters would be better to complete the vampire theme


vamp hunters look badass. i can see using them for a variety or purposes.


Re the new system, I’d be up for maybe a half yearly release of one or two models for each of the bloodfields factions. Kinda a bloodfields month :)


double release - can't turn that down...


Really tired of the amazons. Seriously.

Donna Crawford

Mounts! I need dinosaur mounts :D 🧡

Steve Hanff

not voting for the double release... just because it is double, I want the vampire hunters ;)


Aye have to be honest, as a supporter of artisans guild too... I’ve kinda had my fill or amazons and ogres; however those vampire hunters look awesome!


I've been wanting the Ogre Pirates and Triceratops on every poll. Glad they're combined into one now! That's fantastic.


Can someone explain the month for me? The poll says, "Poll for July" but the post says "Poll for September".

Unsolved Homicide

Vampire hunters, need more Bloodborne minis out there.


Vampire Hunters look so cool. Come on guys there is finally something different out there. Inquisition style!


Please don't do orgies again! The vampire hunters would go great with the previous set.


They are all great but I am trying to build an Amazon army so that set my vote.


I've been voting for ogres for months and after going all in on the ks and buying them they finally become the most popular pick.. smh my head


Sick of pirates. There are way too many already.


Did I miss August poll???


There is no August poll. They partnered with Goobertown Hobbies for Town of Dark Secrets: The Tavern. There was a post about it in early June


damn but the bloodborne vibes guys lol


I want to finish my Amazons so that's an easy choice. Otherwise it would be the vampire hunters.

Atlas Games and Design

Well played doing a double release I two things I was less interested in to boost my interest. Or greed. Well played indeed




Dear TF...Sometimes less is more. I love all the great models you put out but a lot of them border on to much detail. Every single spot on a model doesn't need something. Blank spaces help for a few reasons; 1. free-hand art from the painter 2. easier blends for color variation 3. (best reason) speeds along paint jobs for table ready models. Again, I love them models but my OCD forces me to paint every little thing and boy do you have a TON of detail to paint. I don't do display as I print and use everything for a reason. You do you but just saying...sometimes less is more.


All are tempting, but nothing beats the double release + completing the set from the KS :D Now, next 2 months is barbarian and then vampire hunters XD


argh, i want to vote for all 3!


Can you do a double release of the Ogre Pirates and Vampire hunters instead?


Now for the real question. ETA of CyberForge? ;)

Luca Rio

I voted for the Ogres and Amazons, because I want to have more of those armys in Bloodfields. And the Amazons ride on Dinosaurs, so thats cool. I am really excited to see TFs take on the Amazons, because I hope they want all be sexy and topless, but more in the style of the KS. And the Ogre Pirates are a good supplement to them. A little Campaign for Bloodfields would be really cool! With some extra Missions as the Ogres want to loot the Amazons temples!

Luca Rio

That said I hope that they will sooner or later release also the Vampire Hunters and the Barbarians, because the preview Models of them look really cool too. TF, you have really an amazing style for your Minis!

Mini Manatee

Damn, this poll is ordered in the opposite way I wanted >.< Oh well, the Ogres are still cool.


Right off the bat suggestions: For that fantasy world of yours you should come up with some form of avatars/incarnation/deity of war, courage, discipline, love, lust, envy, whatever...

Robson Scerri

Are we going to see Dwarfs 2? 😁


Ogres and Amazon’s. Getting new factions all the time holds less interest to me than fleshing out existing ones. I’d rather 3-4 sets for each current faction before branching out further and adding new ones. I’m not playing Bloodfields so would be using everything as proxies for other games so fleshed our choices for each faction is much more appealing to me

chris king

yes it would be better to have a full range of existing factions before an expansion. Dragon empire is in a good place with 3 releases. I'd like the same for amazons and dwarves


Plus those new mounted figures for both lines are fire.

Robb Nunya

I've been jonesing for that Ceratops since I first saw it tbh...


ugh, so over Pirates and Ogres.


hear me out, Double release Barbarians and vampire hunters


Look at it this way. If we don’t get vampire hunters in September, then we get them in the spooky month of October.


I'm not gonna lie... unless new sculpts are provided the Ogres and Amazons will piss me off. I've backed them via Kickstarter with my postage STILL on hold whilst others have been receiving theirs for quite some time. This is just a rehash of what already exists and will be a complete waste for others who, like me, have already backed for the physical product. Seriously.... why bother with your kickstarters when the stls are being offered at a tiny fraction of the cost here?


ogres already have more models than what was released in the stl kickstarter, they just need to convert to stl if they haven't already: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/titanforgeminis/raid-on-the-temple-of-serpents

Mario da Silva

Really pirates and ogres :(


Are the Orgres and Amazons going to be different sculpts to the ones from the Kickstarter? Further to this really people?!? Did you not see those barbarians?


Bit unfair to be having a choice between single factions and a double release. Especially if the double release is just of models that were already created last year.


Those mounted models on the double release look amazing!


I need those vampire hunters 😭😭😭


Yes. I need the vampire hunters. I really do


And about damn time too! I can finally finish my Ogre army.


but that would give us the best of the options... there'd be no choice to make :P


TF, Really like the idea of the polls, helps you connect and really gauge your audience, and what they want. I'm going to stick around for a few more releases, but from this description, you've potentially lost me as a patron.


I also really liked the poll system. Is it not possible to just have it more months in advance? Tha should solve your issue, in principle.

Dick Teh

Nooooo..... no witch hunters, I understand that double release give more value, but With Hunter concept arts are so cool and I want to see what they make for medium, big and HUGE models in that line. And...... I want to play witch hunters in blood fields


I was actually looking forward to those Vampire Hunters, planning on adding them to a future campaign.


Can never have too many amazons.


As a business owner it is very hard to produce the product that public wants in a short time frame to show off the skills of the company's artists. Lengthening the production time means your skills could shine with how the public want it and how the company can do it... Polls makes the patreon feel they have a real connection with you and allowing themselves to be part of the design process in a simple way... changing the system to a Q&A will allow the company to have the means of pooling a world of ideas but not much of a physical show of an individuals input, as in the end the company will just design what they want. A seriously tough thing to do.

Rodney Sanders

So...the Ogres and Amazons are not the same as the Bloodfield Kickstarter ones? I need to know before I get my add ons.


The fact that Pirate Ogres and Amazons got chosen again is proof as to why polls dont work. There was just the public release of all the Amazons from the previous kickstarter and the release of the ogres and amazons from the bloodfields kickstarter and now we are going to make more ogres and amazons? Maybe this should just become the Ogre and Amazon Patreon. After this release perhaps you could give these two races a rest for a while.


Did I miss the poll for August?


I've been outvoted on every poll so far, as I usually vote for things I don't already have rather than just my favourite over and over again. So for me, this is good news.


I would like to know if the Ogres and Amazons are going to be different models from Bloodfields.


Dude, these guys have released loads of different themes. If you dont want more ogres and amazons just stop your subscription for a month.

John M

They said that the Blood Fields Models would not be released as part of the Patreon levels. So to get those Ogers, you had to do the $9 for the BF add on, (with which, I am completely OK).


can we just all agree that vamp hunters need to be oct


How about a pulp adventure set eventually? Pulpy heroes, dangerous dames, naughty nazis, monsterous mummies, and ancient artifacts!


actually this makes sense ....in these crazy times ^^^^this halloween vampire hunter d classic dracula knockoff blade old school throw some castlevania type stuff in there gimme a shady priest full on manbat looking beasts yesssss ^^^this


poll ended in 3 days, lets get a bit more time on these even if you post them earlier xP


So, beign october vampire hunters, i suppose november is barbarians? 🤩