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Hello everyone! Today we would also like to show you this exciting Kickstarter from our friends at Squidmar Miniatures. When printing all the miniatures, you will definitely need some painting accessories to go along! In the campaign, you will find the highest quality brushes recommended by the painters. You can also get artistic bust miniatures to hone your skills.

Squidmar Miniatures are proud to present the dream paintbrush for miniature painting, alongside imaginatively sculpted miniature busts.

Check out today this really interesting and successful Kickstarter that has just started. Emil from Squidmar Miniatures is a big fan of Titan Forge and some of you might have found out about our Patreon directly from him so we would like to return the favor!

 In Squidmar Miniatures paintbrushes, the insight of accomplished painters, impeccable production quality, luxurious aesthetics and the finest Kolinsky Sable are all brought together to create an experience which combines style, comfort and practicality in equal measure. 

You can visit the campaign here!

Cheers! TF Team




What sets these apart from other brushes?

Lisa Combest

I just discovered these guys on YouTube. I like they're painting videos and they're very expert opinion is good for me.

Dan Allgood

I realy just had to deactivate the email notifications for TFMs... a bloody shame.



Anthony Spruyt

I really enjoy Emil's content. I already backed for the brushes as it is really hard to import those in good condition. The packaging is always lacking and the brushes get ruined, so I think his nice holder will do well at keeping the brushes safe as they make their way overseas.


How do they compare to Winsor and Newton? I know W&N are touted to be the best, but I don't find them as great for miniature painting.


Dumb question, they're on kickstarter so who knows right?


I joined the Kickstarter yesterday 😁 My first backing and I’m excited! He’s a very talented artist 👌


Seeing this set I would love to see a Cthulhu and sea Venturian set


Backed, grabbed two base sets. This Kickstarter in going nuts and its only just started!


Backed. Can't wait to get my fingers on the brushs.


Backed the 2 base sets, been looking forward to this campaign.


Real question to everyone, i started minipainting like 2 months ago, it is worth it in this case? or im gonna ruin every brush in the "process of learning how to paint and how to use it", so it will be a waste of money right now. So maybe its better to buy them in the future?.


Its a hard one mate! Your mini-painting journey will come on leaps and bounds faster by using 'proper' brushes (i say it like that because any type of brush will do in the right hands) but yes there is a learning curve to looking after them. I'd say if you follow a youtube video on brush care and be careful with them they'd be worth getting. but i'd equally say stay away from the smaller sizes in the set until you're more confident!