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Hello everyone.

I know that I haven't been on here, I've been depressed, but I don't want to make you wait any longer without giving you guys an update.

This message is to let you know that I WILL be posting all the tier rewards late in the month for both this Friday AND next Friday sometime during next week on April 26th.

I will NOT be posting THIS FRIDAY.  I am still taking some time off to think about solutions for moving forward.

We are thinking about security measures on how to keep our content solely for Patreon members in order to continue making comics at the current standard of which we are doing it.

If you have any suggestions I am always interested in hearing them. 

Also if you are a Tech/IT/Computer guy and wish to help--Send me a Direct MessageI   :) 

Again,  I am STILL creating the rewards that I am compiling for the month (20 Art Posts), I just haven't figured out how I am going to release them, however I will be releasing promised rewards for BOTH weeks on APRIL 26th.

Thank you for you patronage and patience as we try to figure this out from the bottom of my heart,

Devin Dickie


Total Dom Top

How about sending directly to patrons at they're email addresses?

Graham Greene

I'm not a tech guy but I know when Netflix send out screeners via email for reviewers to watch prior to release, they electronically mark them so if released on pirate websites, they know exactly who did it, not sure if that's possible with artwork but again something to consider.


Moiarte3d does something like that with drop box. I think Ventx or Ventzx too


What does rewards mean exactly in this patreon? It’s only my 2nd month here

Devin Dickie

Typically I post all the "rewards" or "Art Benefits" of being a patron here in my feed. I won't be doing this this week. I typically post 10 posts weekly across all the tiers. This week I will be combining those posts with next weeks posts and delivering them on the 26th either here or by email. (I haven't decided the delivery method yet)


Surely you could watermark each comic you send to individual patrons with their username, then if it leaks you'd know who did it


He has close to 500 Patrons, that would take a lot of work, he’d probably have to hire someone to do that by himself


I don't run a business so I may not know what Im talking about so taking everything I say with a grain of salt. Imo, you cannot fully stop privacy. It is going to happen. Hollywood, Marvel/DC, and all the music industry has tried to stop privacy. Even with all the money they have, it still exists. This is both a fortunate and unfortunate side effect of electronic distribution (its easy to copy, screenshot, etc). You could attempt to do the watermark idea to identify who is doing it. Idk about the cost but its theoretically possible. Imo, the cost is quickly going to outweigh the benenfit for you Imo, you shouldnt expend too much effort on preventing privacy. Instead use privacy as a means of free marketing (perhaps use watermarks so ppl know how to get to your patreon website when they see your pirated images?) People want to pay for stuff they enjoy and they want to give money to artists. The reasons they don't is usually due to price and access. Access starts with "is it easy to find and give you money?" With regards to price, this is always a question of benefit vs cost. To the consumer, is the benefit worth the cost? This is where you may need to reconsider pricing and how your content is offered. For example, movies/comics arent offered only via subscription services, they are also sold individually as physical copies and electronic copies. Maybe these are streams of revenue worth exploring? Good luck ❤️


It's just a double shame because you seemed to be sailing on a high last week with talks of animated comics only for this to happen. I wish I was a multi millionaire so I could fund you.