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Hello everyone.

PLEASE READ because this effects your rewards.

If you didn't know, there was another site leak.

It has left me pretty depressed and unmotivated to do anything.   Every fiber of my being wants to just cancel EVERYTHING.  However, I have a responsibility to you guys that have supported these, books and helped to make these stories, as well as I have agreements with the artists that helps keep them employed and providing for their families and theirselves.  I am going to finish these stories out and that I have started.  

You may not believe me about patreon sales, you may think that open piracy doesn't hurt us, but instead I would like you guys to watch our numbers before the end of the month and watch how far we drop in the patron subscribers.  You will see in real time on May 2nd if I am just making up things about memberships with your own eyes.

It takes roughly 400 patrons just for this site to break even with 45+ posts monthly.

The last time we had a leak like this in May, we went down to 220 patrons. It took months for us to recover.   

However first I would HIGHLY DISCOURAGE anyone frequenting any pirate sites as they literally steal from the little guys in the art community to build an evil data mine for their own click bait that they sell ad-space to for financial benefit. 

Even now, if you google "Devin Dickie" in you browser you will see our patreon site is far down from the results that will come back on your search.  So how is the the little guy supposed to survive? Example:

I want to thank you all for your help in making comix with us.  Out of respect for those who have helped build this site I will continue, but I will be taking a 10 days break to truly think if this is something that is worth my time and efforts anymore.



-I have completed 2 weeks  of posts that I would typically do every week-So there WILL BE 20 pieces of art sent out. (This is the promise that I've made to the site and to you guys and I want to honor that.)

I will be posting the 20 posts tonight and tomorrow.


I will be taking a TECHNOLOGY BREAK from April 27th- May 4th, to assess and see how bad the damage is and how many of you want to stay with me.

I did not want things to go like this. A few people tend to ruin things for the many.  It's a tale as old as time.

I haven't decided what I will do in the next month, however I am truly grateful for all your support and patronage and I want to find a way to be fair to you all and my artists as well. Artists like Boccaccio, Riay, Voloh, ArtisHS, Rekks, Dex and others DEPEND on our employment and your support. NO ONE is getting rich here.

They deserve better than this and so do you.



I´m so sorry things had to go like this, I hope you find a way to make this work, your art is so important for us !


Just want to say I appreciate you fulfilling this months rewards. So thank you for that. While I do not dispute the effect these leaks have/had on your patreon numbers; I do think the continued uncertainty on the future, especially across the coming billing cycle, will only fuel your prediction of a large drop off in subscribers as it is still not clear what, if any, benefits subscribers will receive in May if they remain. I certainly don’t expect you to operate at a loss every month as you try and rebuild subscribers; but I hope you can find a path forward to continue even if that means fewer posts a month.