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Putting this poll up as i really wanna know what the community thinks, not looking at the comments doesn’t help i guess.

My answer to this was sadly no. Did i enjoy it? yeah no doubt, but i guess it’s my fault to have crazy expectations from the previous arcs. The ending of a season/series i guess is the make or break part. I feel like that much emphasis on a character dying then not dying reminds me of certain one piece moments. Also no love hashira moments was indeed a let down.
7 and a half out of 10 For me



are we all forgetting Mitsuri moment was last episode they had a avenger level team working on that ep she had her moment plus it would make no sense to see her fight something that won't die no matter what so it would have been a waste also how would they have explained how nezuko survived the sun? tanjiuro don't know,nezuko can barely speak. there is no narrator in the anime so how would they have explained it? and this arc was to emphasize on how powerful u become with the mark that's why it felt less desperate. I do agree tho the story wasn't the best here but ufotable did there thing and made it beautiful so I'm happy with it


Bro you gave the live action of one piece a higher rating 😂😂


The manga itself is not that good. The studio carries it hard. They did their best imo


Did not, but it was fun. My daughter loved it which is what's important to me. That finale moved me, but I liked every other season more.


this season was mid. this was my least favorite arc even in the manga. still thanks to ufotable for their work.


The Love Hashira is just not a compelling character. You have this bombshell girl and her flashback is supposed to convince us nobody was willing to marry her. Whatever she has going on with Snake guy doesn't matter either because all we've seen of Snake guy is that hes an asshole. Why would I care if they get together? Overall just a weak flashback and uninteresting hashira compared to prior seasons. And is it just me or was Gyutaro a much cooler villain than upper moon 4 and 5?


Boring Upper moon+Weaker than Gyotaro like what I said before+ Mitsuri just boring and her fight style feels like a fan service nothing more👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 I'm so sure the 4th season and above will'be Great it feels like this arc was about flashbacks+Some Upgraded staff "Characters+Swords"


9/10 for me, read the manga and i was wondering how the fuvk they will manage to make this interesting . CGI was perfect , music was good , animation was beautiful , everything was decent . upper moons are trash but that's just because they didnt have gyutaro's budget . gyutaro was also trash he just fought tengen a weak hashira and a bunch of not experienced DSs. overall coming from S2 expected a lot , knowing what was coming just wanted it to be good and it was . And i understand if people didnt enjoy it as much as the precedent seasons.


I feel like if u have read the manga u would have enjoyed the anime form of the arc more because u knew what to expect but if u were anime only it kinda made u have to high of expectations, ufotable did there thing and made it 100x better then the manga like normal but they can't make up for a shit arc


wym by fan service like ass shots/boob shots or that they put alot of fire animation for fan service/enjoyment? if u talking about the 1st they never showed any plan out ass shots when she was fighting u could not find a single frame of it they covered it up everytime anything else was just in the manga. ufotable trys not to sexualize her tbh, I do agree tho she kinda sucks in terms of character but I can appreciate cool fights


I think you don't like it cuz you didn't watch the whole 3rd season at once, like you did before with season 1 and 2, especially if you alternate anime with 3 others and manga, this is also reason why you forgot about Mitsuri fight in episode 10 and end of episode 9 it's not One Piece for fights to last 50 episodes like with Kaido or Katakuri, you just don't need to always compare anime with other anime but if you compare don't forget that MHA, Black Clover, Bleach had short fights like with Mitsuri But upper rank 4 (almost Akaza number) and upper 5 (higher level than Gyutaro, who almost killed Tengen, Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke) feels like demons from season 1 (before Rui), not gonna lie (i understood that it's cuz of these marks but it's makes no tense)


Oh come on guys, fuck this "if you read manga u would have enjoyed more" stuff, it's getting really anoying..if someone is interested in manga, sure it's ok..but there are people who just dont care about manga and want to see it animated. I personally found every manga really boring, cuz im not a "book" person.. i tried, but anime is much much better for me.

Dalton Stegeman

try reading what was typed rather than complaining about your own opinion. the comment is saying that for everyone that already read the manga knew the level this arc was gonna be vs the anime only people didn't so they didn't get what they would have expected without knowing. no one is saying manga or anime is better that persecution is just in your head friend.


Overhyped, made the expetions of it too high to be fulfilled unfortunately


Damn demon slayer apologists wont like this🤣


Still enjoyable, but it feels like a step back from the season 2 quality. It was missing the inosuke-zenitsu-tanjiro trio chemistry, and the fight felt too drawn out, with way too much talking. Maybe if I watched this season all at once it would feel different, but waiting week after week the expectations were too high I guess

Saleem Ali

I in no way thought THAT character would die, that's like Zoro dying in thriller bark. Anyway. If he watches Made in Abyss S2, would easily clear this DS season but Khan being Khan :)


Honestly I can not stand the "You are not ready for X season" posters anymore. People hype up everything nowadays and not every season can be the best next thing ever created.


Yep expectations ruin your enjoyment. So why have them? And moreso falsely? I think people themselves are to blame for expecting anything like Season 2 or deaths. While people always claiming the story is basic and easy to follow, this poll proves the same people didn't really get the series, didn't catch its nuances. Every season had an entirely different focus. It was so clear to me that this season would also focus on smth else, Upper Moon were not the focus at all. Btw. I now you don't like OP discussion between other series, but that is also why people didn't like Thriller Bark, they admittedly expected smth like Enies Lobby. So many times you would read online Moriah after Lucci??? Oda has a writers blockade! Well...


Demon Slayer has a very average story and characters. The emotional stuff feels forced to me compared to Vinland for example which feels natural. Fights and animation are what carry it and when both don't deliver the anime feels flat. On to JJK season 2 and Bleach hope both are better than this next season I don't want to post this in another reaction video. Have you watched JJK movie 0? Recommend it before season 2. Who knows if mods will even show this lol since u dont read comments no more


Well I read the manga, so I already knew what to expect in the season. I'd say it met my expectations.


Plenty of anime have seasons/arcs that aren't as good as everything else. I don't know why Demon Slayer needs to be a 10/10 for the entire run. Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach are amazing shows, but I'm not going to sit here and act like every second was a masterpiece.


as the guy above me just said, stop being a dumbass and analyse the comment before replying to it. Bro saw a few key words that triggered his dumbass.


I think this show is out of the honeymoon phase and really starting to show how shallow it is. Demon Slayer has fantastic animation and is a great adaptation as a whole, but with other studios/animation teams stepping up and delivering great animation, it’s revealing how much it’s missing from its storytelling and character writing. I really hope the remaining story can get me hooked again.


Judging from the responses literally everywhere else, I think either some people were expecting uzui vs gyutaro or they r being sheep and wanna copy Khans opinion. The popular opinion im seeing is this last episode saved the season it was done incredibly well.


This was a dip in the manga as well. Ufotable did the best they could with the content they were given. Upper 4 and 5 are easily the most boring Upper Moons, and also had basically no backstory. The fights didn't feel as difficult, but this is due to the marks, but the problem is that they didn't explain it yet. But I do know that the seasons from here on out will all be much better than this one.


The Nezuko “fake out” isn’t anywhere near comparable to what happens in One Piece Khan. 1. It happened in the same episode. In one piece it literally gets retconned episodes or even arcs later. 2. Her being immune to the sun plays a part in the future of the story.


Incredibly underwhelming season compared to the greatness we saw in the past.

Eduardo Silvestre Leônidas

Mid Yaiba, the animation is the make great, I'm waiting for jujutsu, more than Yaiba both have excellent animation, but jujutsu caught me more


The first four odd episodes i was like no way this series might be peaking like the bit where Tanjiro clutches it and it goes into his tactics in how he did some madness im digging it man the osts were popping off as well.(dont rate the series as a whole super high anyway) but then the comedy starting really coming back in the second half, combined with a lot of the series being a fight, not much story is going on. I always like it when Muzen is on screen because i know i am getting something a bit more interesting for a few seconds. The rinse of repeat of X village gets attacked, chars nearly die, then end up having infinite endurance, just enough to get them by. Tanjiro gets a random power boost out of nowhere with no explanation or linking of the story into what it is, or nekuzo now apparently survives sunlight but we have had no development into whats happening with her for like two seasons man like where do her boosts keep coming from. Quite often a potentially interesting dialogue starts to go down then the comedy comes in and takes me out of what im enjoying about the scene. Like the opening scene of the series inside that mad yugioh realm where the uppers met up, comedy to dialogue balance absolute spot on man that whole scene was on it S1 is still it for me so far