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Attached is the third and final part of the recent Losers series, starting with Rejection and Subversion. Folks, I feel really, really good about how this turned out. I took a couple risks with it, but I think they paid off. I hope so, anyway. There's not a lot more I can say without spoiling the hell out of it, so I shall simply say: enjoy. 

More to come.



Gotta say, this feels a bit like Conan Doyle killing Sherlock Holmes. Hope it ain't so because I love the Loser universe


To be clear, I did enjoy this darker, riskier take on the subject. It just that the last paragraph has a certain air of, dunno... Finality? Anywho, kudos for another great entry


Oh heck no! I just wanted to end on a forward-looking note is all. The Lottery is still alive and well and ready to be the nightmare fuel of whole new crops of characters. The end of this journey, but more to come.


I wish I wasn't personally sad when reading this because I think certain points only hurt me more. But still a great read. Just forgot how bad it was to get here.


I hope things pick up for you soon, friend. Like Misty says, try to keep on moving.