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I'm back! It's been a couple weeks, but I've been busy. A lot of it life stuff, but some of it in writing these 17k words of TIOS delight. I got to travel a bit, and if the cause for it was sad (funeral for a friend's mom), getting to be with old friends and grieve and celebrate a life invigorated the kinds of nostalgic feelgoods that are the lifeblood of a good piece of magical yearbook erotica. I also churned out some anime-styled AI art for it as I've tinkered over the past month and change, and while lots of it is a little weird, hey, I didn't actually make it so criticize away! To help make epubs more reader-friendly, I've shifted from using page breaks to inserting a little visual line of asterisks, which I've left in the other versions of the file. If you have feelings on it, let me know -- I want stuff to be as reader-friendly as possible.

I'll do a brief recap below for people who want it, but first, looking ahead! It's exciting times, folks. I'm all caught up on commissions. (And as always, if you're pledging $10+/mo remember to check your patreon messages to see if you've won.) We've got The RA 3 coming up, obviously, which I'm stoked to get back to. We've got a collaboration with another writer, a little-known presence in the mind control erotica community whose name I forget but I think it rhymes with Flan or something? We're doing a caption contest for gifted subs to this patreon! (I'll pass along details once they're finalized, but it will take place on my discord server if you wanna join in.) We're finally going to try the live-write I've been mentioning forever once I figure out how! We're gonna see Devon do something horrible and slutty in more Toy's Toy, probably! It's gonna be tits, folks. Fucking tits.

OK, so, recap (the short short version): Amanda and Conner had a spat after his attempts at being a bit too much of a gentleman rubbed her the wrong way. She suggested he be a little more like Jordan, but while she meant "be more aggressive," he heard "be a fucking pig." After harvesting a few choice quotes, Conner treated the sex ed teacher to a week off, reinstating himself as the substitute teacher and restoring/expanding on the quote Amanda used in a previous AU TIOS piece to make the girls regain their crushes on him. He brought the swagger, toying with Miss C and Heather in particular to try to make Amanda jealous of what an alpha stud he was, only to find she felt hurt and betrayed by it instead. Oh, and he let Kristy use TIOS on Heather, but instead of a tattoo, she gave her clit tits, which doesn't matter but it happened and comes up in the finale here, so yeah.

More to come!




For a story with so many virtues, a minor delight is that no one in it is talking about Harry goddamn Potter.


The major delights, of course, are almost all in how this story tries to resolve the nearly Gordian Knot dilemma of How Do We Get Conner To Enjoy Sex by making him so desperately horny that he gets out of his own fucking way. All of the hottest characters in TIOS, begging for sex in their own unique ways? Please and thank you! Any time we get an orgy in a shower room for our climax, it's a successful chapter. And yet, boy, I just like all the sweet relationship drama? Much like Beloved Protagonist Conner Daniel Fishers, I like that a whirlwind orgy is no match for that first moment when a boy realized he liked a girl, and hoped she'd liked him, too. It's the sappy core of this wonderfully goofy story, that these two quick-witted and erudite editors can't seem to figure out how to communicate with one another and let themselves be happy. Conner's proclivities towards self-denial and self-sabotage have already been dissected as much a classroom exercise Amanda never participated in, but Ms. Carpenter's temper and fear get a nice spotlight for this story's resolution, letting her be as flawed and in need of Miss C's counsel as the more tenured Editor-in-Chief. Amanda's a teenager, too, and equally bad at balancing her empathy with her introspection. So much good stuff in this story, and I can't thank you enough for writing it. Congrats on yet another memorable and moving TIOS tale!