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Whew. It's been a fucking week, folks. Right as I was finishing up Editors-in-Chief 2, I came down with a cold. Nothing so awful, just coughing/wheezing/sniffling, like ya do. I took a few days off. Then I had a tattoo appointment, which usually makes me useless for a day or two, but this time... FUCK. ME. Took a fading cold and turned it into late stage ebolasyphilpox. 

I finally started not hating being alive Sunday night, but not before I took enough of my misery with me to dream up the idea for today's story, Destiny vs. the Mk XLI. It's dark and weird and sci fi, sort of a Black Mirror thrust at mind control erotica. It follows a hottie named Destiny and her roommate Sean, who is... well, not the nicest roommate. OR IS HE?
(He is not.)

Anyway, no spoilers or anything, but here's a story. I hope you like it, and as always, more to come.



It's nice to see a story from you about two roommates where the guy *isn't* a weird, abusive... oh, wait, never mind.


I do like the weird oeuvre of Abusive Roommates that winds through the years of output. It's... I feel like it's a good template? Two people in close proximity; politeness overlaying attraction and power dynamics; domesticity and romance and blurred boundaries. It's a good space to tell a story about a guy making a woman feel like garbage! And this was a *great* story about a guy making a woman feel like garbage, with the refreshing Ice Bear twist of asking how horrible it really is, if the woman involved is as excited about the process of humiliation as the guy is. It's nice to have our degrading cake and it eat it, too! As long as the batter isn't stirred by a filthy dildo! This was a hot, funny story. Glad you're getting back into the groove! Continue to feel less like death!