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Here we have the not-all-that-long awaited sequel to our return to TIOS. Editors-in-Chief is a bit of a thought experiment, probing at what might happen if Conner was a bit more of a Jordan. This second installment has a lot of Heather in it, so I went ahead and hopped aboard the AI art train and pumped out a cute Heather. (Tattoos are not really there yet, but she tried.)

Unrelated, I know there was some confusion over the Turner Way posts. To clarify, there are two sets of posts with the exact same four-day journey. I thought that piece turned out really fun, so I figured I'd share more broadly and remind people I don't exclusively write longwinded character study harem builders. Since the $1 tier normally doesn't get the commissions, but they do get early access to public materials, I made fresh posts. The intent was so that notifications would go out to appropriate parties. If you read Turner Way already, you missed nothing. If you didn't, you now have two sets of posts with identical attachments to pick from. Apologies, and I will try to find a less confusing way in the future.

Happy Monday, and more to come!



I really really loved this :) it felt like I’d commissioned it myself haha


It's nice to see Conner trying so hard to be effortlessly selfish!


This was gorgeously sad and hilariously erotic, which are pretty much the two main modes that TIOS stories work in. Conner's a kid that will never be comfortable being an asshole, and will only consider it if he thinks it's what someone else needs. But it's such an ill-fit on a very sweet boy -- SCRAPBOOKING DATE WITH HIS *MOM*, I MEAN WHAT THE *FUCK* -- that he's inevitably going to come off like more of an asshole than a legitimate one like Jordan. And, best of all, he can't even really enjoy it. (I mean, as a reader? VERY ENJOYABLE CHAPTER.) He'll never get enough permission from Amanda to make this plan not a gigantic guilt-trip, and Kristy would need to become a full-time Conner Whisperer to keep telling him that it's okay for people to be happy. If Conner wasn't so sweet and selfless, I'd think he was fundamentally broken. As it is, he's maybe just fundamentally *dented*. I love these stories, so much. It's my favorite Ice Bear franchise, for the ways it so deftly juggles humor, melodrama, plot twists, character work, and jaw-dropping porno. Conner's a beloved protagonist, because he can never quite appreciate his success, so the narrative needs to keep providing more. I'm a lucky reader because of it. Thanks for creating something so outstanding!


Talk about beautiful. I’m not a big boob guy. But after reading all of TIOS and specifically remembering Heather’s outfits that pic might make me boobliever.