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Howdy folks! So over at our discord server, we've been talking for a while about organizing a little contest between the myriad maidens of my smutcraft. A duel to the domination between editors-in-chief and frosty gaming buddies and SROs and neighbors (from back when, anyway) and all the literally hundreds of chicks who've graced my pages. 

The only thing is, we don't yet have a formal structure for the contest as yet. So without further ado, the following is from the incredible fellow who's generously donated his time and energy to compiling a master lady list (mastered lady list?). We want this to be fun times, so feel free to comment with any thoughts and feedback.


Hi, there! I'm WDB.

As the Self-Appointed Brand Ambassador for Ice Bear, I have been known to do very weird community projects in the past. Essay questions in the Community tab (remember the Community tab?), tons of reviews, at least one poll for THAL characters... crazy projects that hopefully brought fans of Ice Bear together to ask Why Would Someone Spend So Much Time On This.

Well! In response to a joke comment on the Ice Bear Discord (you... are hitting up the Ice Bear Discord, aren't you?) a few weeks back, I'm constructing the weirdest, craziest community project yet, and I need your help on it. Please prepare your minds, hearts, and bathing suit areas for a competition not for the last man standing, but rather:


We are going to, once and for all, find out who the Best/Hottest/Most Popular lady is in the colossal Ice Bear oeuvre. It'll be a tournament that fans will vote on, culminating in a winner that will probably be Taylor Stern but WHO KNOWS maybe it'll be someone else. There're a lot of options out there.

Maybe... maybe too many options, is the problem. I ran through the aforementioned oeuvre, and came up with over 260 named ladies who'd been mentally or physically modified in a story by Ice Bear. (Which: wow. Dude knows what he likes!) That's far too many to do a tournament with. We need to pare that list down before we can get some actual voting underway. So! We've got three options, as I see it.

1) I post a list of all 267 characters, and people check off any characters they remember. From that list, the highest 16 or 32 or 64 (depending on the vote totals) get bracketed up for a several week tourney.

2) I cull the list beforehand, giving only the hundred or so major characters of these many stories, and people check off of that. From that list, the highest 16 or 32 or 64 etc etc.

3) Something else I haven't even thought of that some brilliant brain genius is going to put in the comments.

If you, the possible brilliant brain genius, can vote on those three options (FULL LIST, CUTDOWN LIST, OTHER), I'd appreciate it. Once I get a read on how the larger Ice Bear Community wants to proceed, I'll get that list out to everyone.

In the meantime, do yourself a favor and head over to the Ice Bear Discord. Amongst the scintillating discussions and eye-poppingly erotic uploads and Stranger Things complaining, we'll have a little corner for Last Woman Kneeling. As the tournament itself both takes shape and gets underway, #LastWomanKneeling will be the home for updates, speculation, and possibly unethical vote-swapping. If you want to make your voice extra heard in this bizarre battle between beauties, definitely plan on checking out that Discord server.

I've gone on way too long! Please help me understand what you want this tournament to look like! Thanks thanks, and thanks thanks!



who is this madman and how can they be stopped


I definitely like option 1, ticking memorable/favourite characters from the full list, the most