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We have ourselves some fresh material, an expansion to Teaching Her a Lesson. Normally I don't release commissions to the masses, but since I know a ton of you came here precisely because of that story, you deserve the first look. Twenty-Seven does a little bit of updating where things go after the tumultuous events of graduation. It's got Canon, Taylor, Abbie, Cassie, Megan, Candy, Isa, Tabitha and even some Katie. 

I have five chapters first-drafted presently, including this one, which is edited and reasonably pretty. This first installment centers on Isa, Candy and Abbie working on a birthday present for Mr. Canon's upcoming party. I should probably write a sixth (and for me, "should probably write" almost always means "am gonna write"). My goal is to release a chapter every day or every other day, and then dribble it out to the masses eventually. You guys get to binge; they get to week-by-week it.

Can I just say, I'm so glad I went back and did this. It's officially AU, though it may well become canonical someday if I decide I want to do a proper second book and feel like this is the direction it should have gone in the interim. We'll see. Regardless, it's true to the characters and their dynamics, and, I hope, pretty spicy stuff.

More to come!



Happy Best Friends Day, from Abbie and Isa!


Literally everything I'd want to kick off a THaL epilogue. Isa getting angrier/hornier with every paragraph, Candace being a good-natured incidental tormentor, and ABBIE STERN YO. What in the world could be more fun than that? I just like this *cast*, man. You can group 'em up in any configuration, and something hilarious and sexy is going to happen. They're all unique in their compulsions and viewpoints, while overlapping in so many fun ways. That was always the secret sauce to ThaL's success, I think; that diversity of character type, while still feeling like they exist in the same world. This was really nice to read. Super glad to see THaL return, and super *duper* glad that Abbie has not learned a thing, since she was already completely perfect.

