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On we go with more of the folks of Higgins 3! It picks up literally right where chapter 3 left off, with Savannah and Spencer getting their flirt on. I have some thoughts on the series thus far, but I'll post them down in the comments. No spoilers, but they pertain to the direction and I don't want to bias the reading.

I did hear back from a couple of you that the basic notes/roster for The RA might be interesting. Those folks are probably wrong, but either way, here it is! I've kept it distinct from plot notes and such for the broader narrative, so really it's mostly there to help me/you keep track of basic character details.



So the structural idea here is to do a little world building, give the story a tone. I wonder if it's not yet got a definitive conflict to it, though, and if that matters. These early chapters are, as has been the case so far, to start showing the rather unusual amounts of sexual energy in the air (and water) on Higgins 3. So far, I don't think our narrator has had enough down time to process what all has happened. It's only been about 48 hours in universe, so far, and nothing all *that* weird (other than Dana's horny mom) happened until the night before. Once a little time passes, we'll have time to start pondering how suddenly a half dozen hot chicks are throwing themselves at him and all. If you have thoughts or opinions along these lines, I'm curious to know. My sense is that there's enough action and enough clear signals that we're still in the exposition that it's fine, but with THAL in my head where people were already getting mind-controlled in the opening chapter. Anyway, more to come!


SO IT'S IN THE *WATER*! I KNEW IT! Predictably, I don't care how much this story wants to meander. The chapters are short, and reasonably devoted to only one or two non-Spencer characters, and I think that gives you plenty of leeway to just dick around, if you'll pardon the expression. We're not at the point where we NEED an external-ish conflict? The mystery or whatever? It's fine to just steadily increase the number of comely coeds, until Spencer's tiny room is packed with pussy.


Pretty hysterical to hear Spencer all concerned about "creeps" at Lakeview. If there's any campus on the planet where it's guaranteed Creep-Free, it's Lakeview. (I think I saw that line in one of their brochures?)


I just like easy-going, sexy stories, man. It's nice. I love the increasing Harem-y aspects, as numerous women fall for Spencer's adequate charms and vague sense of terror, all while they make up excuses for his obviously inappropriate behavior. (He's a great RA! They're lucky to have him!) Super-fun to just sort of hang out in Spencer's room while different ladies throw themselves at him. I'm easy to please!