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We got a commission done! It's right here. Go read it. 

There was more to the prompt, but one of the requests the commissioner passed on was that the mind controller "not have bottomless power." I took it a bit literally, though it seems to have still been to their liking.

Some explanations for how things are going that is mostly whining but also might shed light on where my work progress is headed: Lt. Mayhem, my baby dog, seems to be slowly becoming acclimated. Potty training is going well - averaging a mess a day this week, which is down from about a dozen this time last week. (Thanks, random UTI, for shattering potty training progress! UGH.) Still, I've got the house all to myself for a couple weeks. While the privacy is nice (nicer than nice), having nobody to turn to for a break from a dog who isn't yet crate trained and has a touch of separation anxiety and so can't ever be safely left alone... it's fucking exhausting, yo. For the few occasions I've needed to run out or get a break, she needs a good 45 minute walk to exhaust her, and it's been in the mid to high 90's here for days now. Her potty training is improving, but she still requires constant vigilance to keep it that way, so I'm taking her outside for 5-10 minutes at a time 1-5 times an hour, and when we're inside, half my attention always has to be on her so she doesn't freak out over an encounter with murder (my cat) and pee all over the new couch again. I have SO much desire to be writing, ideas and passion and more than my usual load of guilt for not producing enough for y'all, but it's not really feasible to write when there's a distraction every other sentence that takes me away for sometimes an hour or more at a go.

Hashtag first world problems, right? Anyway! Like I said before I wallowed back into my sea of self-pity, she is getting better, and soon I'll have support again to give me more time to work uninterrupted. Thanks to everyone for your support and your patience (and my god, if you actually read this whole whiny rant, for your indulgence). More to come! (I promise.)



I think "Jennily Puff" was my favorite condescending nickname, but there was for sure some tough competition.


This one was a Mean One, so *not* totally my thing. Still pretty funny, which is enough my thing to make for an entertaining read. The minimal, humiliation-focused control was hot in a low-key way, but the overall sense of Jenny's quickly deteriorating safety was plenty erotic in a very dark way. Not the sort of thing that pushes my buttons, but it's hard to argue with either its effectiveness or its attention to detail. This one could be hard to top!


Much like our POV character for this story, maybe it's time to look outside of binary Good and Bad labels? It can be *both*!