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Ice Puppy was well-behaved today, so the Ice Bear got to put some words down. Remember, these posts are unedited, first draft quality, so expect typos and stuff. I was feeling this more so than the opening chapters, this time. TIOS and THAL both felt real to me from chapter 1, insofar as authorly buy-in is concerned, but the first post for The RA I felt like it was a little humdrum. We're picking up a little heart and soul here, embiggening our understanding of some of what I expect to be the core characters a bit, getting the ball rolling. I am feeling it! (In case 8000 words in a day didn't suggest as much.)

Aside, I was wondering if there's any interest in sharing my basic notes? (I won't ever put plot spoilers in these notes, to be clear; this is just stuff to help me keep my cast and setting straight.) Someday, maybe someday soon, I want to have a concrete floor plan with notes on each room's occupants. For now, it's really just names and room numbers with minor details, plus floor assignments for the Higgins RA staff. I dunno. If you think it'd be neat, or even just useful to keep the expanding cast straight, lemme know. 



I am all for a detailed roster of Higgins 3, if nothing else. The rest of it I could give or take (I'm more interested in behind-the-scenes stuff in the aftermath, not mid-story), but a roster for a cast this large would not go unappreciated. And what a fantastic cast! I think sending the floor out on a campus tour was a smart move. The little peeks of personality made some new names feel fleshed-out, and speaking of "peeks" and "flesh", I'm totally fine with just reading descriptions of nubile coeds for just pages and pages. Never going to complain about that. This whole chapter had a good rhythm to it, with good amounts of sex appeal, exposition, humor, and a pretty well-choreographed fight scene to boot. Spencer's shell-shocked and placid demeanor was a nice outro for a very tense finale. Great work!