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Here we are, the conclusion to Rachel's Love Potion 3: Oops, Summoned a Demon. It's got epic contests of warlockery, it's got heart, it's got blowjobs... In short, it's got it all. I've been slogging along for a while on this one, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The more I crafted the final chapter, the more obvious it was we'd need ourselves an epilogue, too, so there's that for you. We needed screen time for Knox and Rachel, besties of besties, dammit! Unlike RLP 2, this one is a real ending, not a cliffhanger I'll torture you with for years on end. Not to say I'll never come back to this cast, necessarily, but at least I won't compelled to. 

Why did it take so long to write? Well, besides the fact that when you're this fucking good, words take time (/sarcasm), I mentioned when I posted RLP 3.5 that my dog, Captain Bananas had passed away, and that it might take me a while as I did the grieving thing. Funnily, that wound up being not at all the case. Grieving stirs up all kinds of emotions and nostalgia, so much of which is great for the writing process. Plus, I'm fortunate I've been in a good place (aside from the obvious badness of losing a pet), so I've been processing it pretty well, I think.

So, well, in fact that...

Meet Lieutenant Mayhem, folks! She's a 3-month old Australian cattle dog mutt, and we think maybe also some kind of cult leader? (VERY preoccupied on recruiting for something she calls the Unity, and also fixated on cows, though in some vague offhanded way that leaves us all wondering if they are her enemies, her minions, some kind of tool in a war against another enemy as yet unnamed... nobody fucking knows with this dog.) Anyway, this is my first Puppy puppy in almost thirty years, and boy oh boy did I forget how intensive puppies can be. Blink, and she's peed somewhere. 

She's finally starting to come around on that, though we're still working on her being comfortable existing wrathlessly while I am facing my computer monitor. Before long, I'll be back up to speed and churning out words, but these past weeks have been a freaking slog. A fuzzy, licky, nibbly, cuddly slog, but a slog nevertheless. 

Say, speaking of word production, I've started a new Big Thing! The working title is The RA, and it's about a college RA guy who winds up assigned to an all-female floor, where sexy shenanigans are a'brewing. For once, I've accepted up front that it's gonna snowball into something massive, so I'm getting back to something I ought to have been doing better, which is giving some of our higher tier folks some love. So they'll be getting posts (sloppy and unrevised though they'll be) as I produce them. Rest assured, though, once it's done and pretty, I'll get you the details on how you can get your own copy of it. 

In the meantime, I'll be working on a bunch of short pieces, some commissions and some random ideas I've been kicking around. So long as Mayhem doesn't absorb me as a component of the Unity (something she's loudly offered (promised? threatened?) to do many times now, we should have good days ahead.

More to come!



Great ending. Love it. I hope you get around to a fourth installment. Lynne is the right amount of annoying that I'd enjoy her comeuppance. I feel that Knox and Rachel evolved enough that I haven't tired of them, and I'd actually love to see them deal with an helpfulness potion.


All Ice Bear stories are now secretly about the value of dog ownership, and I'm cool with it.


This was a terrific conclusion to what will hopefully not be the last installment of the Rachel's Love Potion franchise. (Rachel's heartfelt appeal for Knox to enjoy what he has was really beautiful, but: no. No, we can't let the most ridiculous Harem Building story I've ever read stop off at a mere *three* exquisitely gorgeous sex slaves. You can't even call one of them "nubile", so, like, think of the readers!) I can't believe how good it felt to see Knox fully own his friendship with Rachel. It took a whole lot of pages -- and a whole bunch of hilarious denials from Knox -- but the journey to get here makes the prize feel fully earned. The sweetness is still tempered by inescapable good-natured humiliation and control, providing a unique landscape to explore how safety and vulnerability are both necessary for true happiness. I really love this series. Thanks for improving it with every installment!