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It's been a while since I got to do some early releases for y'all. Here we are, though! As a reminder, when I share stuff for my $20 crowd, it's because it's going to become a full book I intend to actually sell. As such, I only edit it when the whole thing is done, so expect it to look unpolished. In fact, I already know there are big problems with the voice here, and I think I might have re-used a name or two. It's not even spell-checked. Try not to sweat it.

What is it, though? It's a book about an RA named Spencer Lawrence, the RA of Higgins 3. Higgins 3, intended to be a coed floor, yet somehow features a roster of all women -- except for Spencer. Shenanigans ensue.

I have a sort of vision for this story without any specific idea of where it will go or end. What I want is a series of episodic chapters with a massive and diverse cast. In terms of cast, something along the lines of the TIOS chapters set in Jordan's class, a combination of defined characters, one-notes, and names with nothing really attached beyond their mere presence. I am working up a resident roster for Higgins 3, currently slated for 19 rooms, most of them double occupancy. That gives us a lot of opportunities for branching out. I doubt every one of Spencer's residents will get their own chapter, but for once, I'm entering into a new story with a sense that this will probably get pretty huge.

As I've shared in the past, I worked for a good number of years in the field of housing and residence life (e.g. running college dorms). I've always thought that setting is a great atmosphere for erotica. Obviously, since I've used it over and over. Tolerance and The Tolerant, Educational Programming, in limited quantities recently in Unbelievable, and I'm sure others. It provides a gamut of young hot people. It imposes proximity, forcing characters into one another's orbits. It creates a power dynamic, a core element of MC. Differentials come into play between residents and RAs and professional staff, even police if you like. You have cliques and friends and rivals and colleagues. Perhaps best of all, it has a place close to my heart which should make it fun and easy to write.

So I'll be doing other projects for the masses (commissions, stuff for the free sites since I think people might be worried I died after I finished The Creep). Meanwhile, you'll get to see chapters of this come out as they are produced. You'll also get access to the final, revised addition at no additional charge, so if you'd rather, you can wait. I don't plan on doing substantial re-writes in terms of plot, but it will flow a little prettier. Or read both! As you like.

For now, though, the opening two chapters of the soon-to-be book, The RA. (Unless I come up with a better title. It's apt, but kinda boring. We'll see.)



Super-weird to set this new story in Lakeview, an absolutely normal campus where no Mind Control sex-stuff ever occurs. Maybe one of those typos you mentioned?


Pretty great start! I like Nice Guy protagonists like Spencer: dudes who are regular amounts of horny, and able to appreciate their MC good fortune, but still able to consider the moral/ethical (thank you, Amanda) ramifications of said good fortune. It makes for an easier time with a long-form story. Which, YAY! Long-form story! It's been a minute since we've gotten a real This Is Going To Be A Book one, and I'm happy to be back in that level of pacing. These two read smoothly, a nice mix of table-setting minutiae (like Spencer, I mostly holding off on trying to remember everyone's names), sexy times for the finale, and enough weird occurances to center this story firmly within the sort of story archive that might specialize in erotic mind control. Excellent kick off, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes -slash- how one cleans cum off of a ceiling.