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I swear, if I have to keep writing 7 chapter installments of 30,000 word novellas to entice people to respond to my messages when they win a commission, so help me, I'll do it. This one is a goddamn doozy all right. My prompt this time out was to write a story about a man who has the power of having everyone believe everything he says, and uses that to get laid. Left me a ton of room for improvisation, and he's what I came up with.

This is going to push some buttons for some people, I already know. We've got powers. We've got montages. We've got bickering. We've got all kinds of things I won't tell you about because I don't want to spoil the story. True to the season, we even have a goodly number of Easter Eggs in this sucker. It's a bit of a slow burn, maybe, at least in the exposition, but there's all kinds of excellent fun to be had here.

With this little diversion taken care of, I'm getting back to work soon on RLP 3.6, and from there, who the heck even knows? More to come!



I feel God in this Chili's tonight!


Nice to see that there's not a single educational facility in the greater Bear Lake area that isn't the playground of some amoral/immoral/sweet-but-sort-of-careless protagonist. Curse the high concentration of women who are inevitably best described as Biddable! This was a lot of fun, even if it maybe would've helped me out more as a series of installments. (Took a bit to get around to, and then took a bit to get through. Time is a more precious commodity than trust!) It's a great big mix of the more classic Ice Bear -- I'm So Bored, Tolerance -- and the newer model -- THAL, Creeps. It's a sprawling story of major changes, focused on the slow corruption of one 8/9 girl. Plenty of super fun details (that cruise story!), and plenty of casual malevolence. (I think my favorite thing is how Eddie will greet someone's inflicted despair with the same casual positivity as he would an unseasonably warm autumn day. What a hilarious monster!) This was really fantastic. And to see it all come together in such a rapid fashion? It's practically unbelievable.