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Remember when I said I was going to keep these short? Oops. Anyway, here's another fun installment as the shenanigans of Angelica's quote start to take effect. It's only 11:30 PM in my time zone, so Happy technically Thanksgiving from the US, and know that I am so very thankful for your support and patronage! Here's to another year of being grateful to you all, and more to come!



Sort of feel like the pet store should be called "Raising the Ruff"? Don't know if I can give this chapter the usual high marks.


j/k I fucking *loved* it. Getting to see the fully armed and operational Kirsten In Love lock its weaponry on Conner is... you ever hear a song, and you love it, and you can't imagine how you had lived this long without having it in your life? The demarcation of happiness? It was like that, where I wasn't prepared for how utterly delightful that sequence would be. And then there's Olivia, making Kirsten's scene pale in comparison. There's a sweetness to Olivia, a sadness, but it's usually swallowed up by her sycophancy and (TIOS-induced) idiocy. Those little moments, though, where this traumatized girl gets to fight for her independence, for what she thinks is right... man, I just adore it. It's what's best about TIOS, all of these minor characters having interior lives that are as fascinating as the stars, as worthy of hope and pity as anyone in the marquee. I really loved this chapter, in spite of the questionable title.


This new series is fantastic. Would not be upset with 28 more episodes