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Howdy! So here we are, at long last with a fresh commissioned story! This is a fairly short piece, though it's going to lend itself to a series thereof, so I'll keep tossing out more as they come to me. This here is mostly to introduce a premise for it, and then we'll just have some fun with it until the fun's done been had. This particular piece takes us back to the TIOSverse. Now, since some of you probably misplaced your notes since back when, I'll add a short introductory piece. If you feel like you remember it well enough, then just go read already!

A brief reminder, or to pre-answer "um... what?" from those of you who skipped TIOS, and if you didn't and maybe wanna read it, I am gonna spoil the ever-loving fuck out of it here, so DO NOT READ if you don't want that to happen.

This Is Our Story is some magical yearbook software, employed by the editors-in-chief Conner Fishers and Amanda Carpenter at Northside High School. It allows those with editor-in-chief access to include quotes or edit images that change the reality for everyone around them in a nobody-realizes-it-but-the-editor kind of way. Along the way, the rich popular bully Jordan Lyons discovers something's off, and steals editor-in-chief access which he uses to create a second period sex ed class in which, by the time this spinoff takes place, all the hottest girls in school basically do whatever he says, at least during class. It includes both of Conner's romantic interests, valedictorian Heather Blake and the above-noted Amanda, as well as Conner's older step-sister Angelica, who's in a weird three-way arrangement with Conner's best friend Owen, who, thanks to TIOS, has his pick of the women of Northside, and quintessential alpha bitch-hottie Kirsten Vaughan, the woman of Northside whom he picks. This spin-off takes place shortly after prom, at which a beleaguered Conner used TIOS to reconcile Amanda and Heather's competition for him as well as the affections of Miss C (a.k.a. Kristy), their journalism teacher, using quotes in TIOS to get them onboard with it, in Amanda's case, by making jealousy a major turn-on.

Aaaaaand that's probably enough to get the gist of it. For now, here's a little bit of fun, and hopefully much more to come. 

Per request, a brief list of characters. If someone's not listed, it just means they are largely incidental and I'll provide needed context in-story.

Conner Fishers: Protagonist, co-editor-in-chief of the yearbook staff.
Amanda Carpenter: co-editor-in-chief with Conner, and one of his romantic interests
Heather Blake: valedictorian of senior class, and one of Conner's romantic interests
Kristy Coszic-Lewandoski, aka Miss C: Their yearbook teacher, and one of his romantic interests
Jordan Lyons: Primary antagonist, stole TIOS access to create sex ed harem
Owen Gibson: Conner's BFF and neighbor
Angelica Buck: Conner's step-sister, romantically involved with Owen
Kirsten Vaughan: Queen bee, hot and mean and romantically involved with Owen
Hailey McManus: Nerd girl, body-swapped with hot/popular Hayleigh McKnight, romantically involved with Jordan and formerly with Conner



Wait, *less* than 30?! Um, objection!


I really liked this story! I also, uh, commissioned this story, so I'm not sure I can really comment on it as much as I normally would. Like, I think I know where this one's going? I hope? Anyway, I like how sweet and funny this story set in a teenager's mind control-enforced sex dungeon is. There's a good-naturedness to the cast at this point that I truly enjoy. Like, a couple pages of these women talking about boys? Yes, please, thank you. I really love this cast. TIOS is my absolute favorite series. (I love you, Cassie, but I have to be honest about this.) I hope folks enjoy this brief (a maximum of 40 parts, certainly) trip back to Northside. Go Nighthawks!


I usually have a hard time tracking names (There's only too much of a man for a number of girls in a harem at some point, especially if they're all working on only one person specifically). However, given that it was a classroom setting, it made sense to me and I enjoyed reading it. Looking back, I learned about Ice Bear through the Todd-verse, wasn't completely sold on TIOS at the start, but when I started getting into it, it has become my absolute favorite as well out of all the authors I've followed. So more kudos on that as well. Go Nighthawks!


Edited one in at the end of the post description.


Nope! Just for funs. In fact, I've already fudged the timeline a smidge; Conner didn't actually sub for Jordan's class until a while after prom. Ah, well.


Nice start! I'm excited about where this will go. Count me in for the "TIOS is my favorite" group.


As a big fan of the TIOS universe I'm excited to get more stories about Northside. Between Jordan's snide remarks and the gossip among the girls I'm curious to find out what quotes we will get to see!


Not bad. A bit short for my tastes, especially since it's been so very long. Always enjoyed this branch of the side stories, though, so I'm keen to see where you take it. I don't remember whatshername having a cuckquean or jealousy thing going on. Is that a new addition? Gah! Now I'm gonna have to go back through everything to see where it first started and what role it might have played. Definitely like seeing more of this aspect of TIOS. Hopefully Ms.C will make an appearance. Though, that leads me to wonder which Ms.C it will be -- from TIOS or from Sex Ed, Faculty Meeting, etc. Will she be the TIOS Ms.C we all know... and we get to watch her being corrupted all over again, in new and interesting ways? I certainly hope there next installment hits soon!!!


"I don't remember whatshername having a cuckquean or jealousy thing going on. Is that a new addition? Gah! Now I'm gonna have to go back through everything to see where it first started and what role it might have played." First of all, "whatshername"? How DARE. Amanda is the best character from TIOS, and she'll earn your respect yet. Second, Amanda's jealousy was a bit from Book 3: "Hey, nothing to get a girl excited over a fella like a little jealousy." "Lucky me?" "Damn right, lucky you." -Amanda Carpenter and Conner Fishers It's in the midst of prom, Chapter 9.


Love the tios fan fiction! Been waiting for some more Conner stuff. Also love this angle. Rooting for Jordan was frustrating because he was such a duck but Connor was so passive. This is a great way to play this. Feeling lots of cannon Abbie vibes and I’m digging it


You did the world a favor by commissioning this story. And I agree that there's something inherently wrong, dare I say evil, about that "less than 30" thing. We should file a grievance with Patron for TOS violations ... or something!


Ah, Amanda. I was trying to remember that, but she's such an unremarkable character. ;-) I guess the real question is going to be how far Amber's cuckquean thing goes. Is Alice gonna set Conner up with a dozen chicks while she sits in the corner stewing in her own juices? Will her nearly-constant state of arousal cause her to make some bad decisions with the magic computer, worsening her situation? I'm a huge fan of unintended consequences and unforeseen problems. As such I really liked the fallout from the commands Jordan made right before prom and ended up with Conner in bed with a bunch of hotties. I really wished that had played a larger part of the story, tbh, because it's hot and adds conflict. It'd be funny if Connor is suddenly the unknowing beneficiary of a lot of quotes like "Hung like a buck", whatever that means, and gets to live a life that Jordan can only dream of. Maybe April goes to far, but by then is so scrambled with jealousy that she can't think straight and is just reveling in the horniness she feels constantly. She gets addicted to creating yet another scenario/quote for Conner. And down the rabbit hole they go..... :-D


"Hung like a buck", unfortunately, will just give Conner the same size dick as Angelica's dad... which is the same size as Conner's normal dick. Curse you, unreliable quotes! One of the fun things about commissioning a story this way is that I honestly don't know where it's going to go? Like, I basically pitched Avengers Endgame, but I did it by saying The Avengers Lose In The Beginning, There's Time Travel, And Then They Win At The End. That is... there is a lot of room in there to be surprised! I know the overall tone (by request), and I know a couple characters that are going to get a little more of the spotlight (by request), but I honest-to-god don't know what happens in the middle of this story. All of your predictions could be true, or none of them could be true. We'll both be surprised together!


Jordan's biggest mistake was fucking with something Amanda cares about. She is not a sweet boy like Conner! She's designed to fuck up worlds!


I have my best people* working on it! *: there are no people.


Part of what I hate about stories is having a ton of ideas where they could go.... and then them not going there. It'll definitely be fun to watch how this tale develops. Hopefully, Amber gets Conner set up proper. Don't know if that "hung like a buck" could be misconstrued to be hung like a large deer, or a stallion, etc. I don't think Conner was ever overly endowed, so anything would be an improvement. And all it takes is one girl to make a difference! "OMG, he's so huge! And that thickness really stretched me wide!" - Brenda McCafrey. "I thought he was going to split me in half with that massive log between his legs" -- Sally Ederstien. "What girl wouldn't love to ride his 10" rod of wonder?" - Becky Overton. "His cum tastes divine, like some kind of nectar of the gods." - Sally Stroth. "Oh, doesn't it just, Sally, and he cums like a firehose. I swear he must cum almost a gallon - so much I didn't need to eat anything the rest of the day because I was so full of his nutritious, delicious spunk!" - Rebecca Alverton.