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Here it is, gang. I am pretty sure this is the end*. Can you believe I published the first installment back in June? Man. The muse was freaking with me back then. Or at least, a muse who really really wanted a lot of words really fast. Maybe there's a new one hanging around for the resolution. I guess we'll see. As it is, if Simon doesn't take any time off, the full story won't be up on the EMCSA until the end of January.

Now, I say the end, but don't miss that little asterisk. It's the "end" because I have other things I want to write, and because we finally brought it to a place we could conclude it. By no means does it done I am done with the THAL universe! I tried to apply a little foresight and give myself some fun new places to go with it in future installments, and we'll see where that all goes. 

For now, though, we're moving on to other things. I sincerely do not know what the next thing I sit down to write will be. It's drawing day for November commissions for one, and of course I still have a Gamemaster's Screen sequel to start, Losers to finish, and all sorts of cute little one-shot ideas that will hopefully be fun. (And hopefully I won't sit down to write one and fixate on it exclusively for another four months. :P) I'm also pretty sure I'll wind up being unable to resist doing some pieces for this like I did after TIOS (or possibly even for the commission winners, if that's their jam), so if I didn't squeeze in the scene/character you were looking for, there's still going to come a time. Promise.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this ending*, and are doing great wherever you're doing. More to come!



Fantastic! Been a fan of your work for a long time but it was this one that made me pull the trigger on being a patron. Really looking forward to anything else you do with this setting and of course anything else you decide to write.


Congratulations on finishing THAL, its been a great fun ride and read as well! I'll be reading it in the next few minutes, so excited to see how you resolve the story


“This school, man, people getting drugged all over the place. Somebody needs to crack down,” quipped Abbie. I didn’t laugh. --- Oh, but *I* did!


Phenomenal ending. Probably a lot more to say about it on the Discord over the next few days, but, sincerely, a great ending. It was more plot-oriented than I'd assumed it would be, mostly because the plot had about 6000 times more things going on than I'd assumed. Canon spent the whole chapter connecting dots I didn't even know *existed*, and then Abbie spent the back end of it (HEYO) adding a bunch more dots. There was a stupid amount of reveals in this thing, and I loved it. It's an ending that was far more open than I'd've figured for, something that looks as education as an ongoing process rather than a path that ends. Things have gotten incrementally more honest, incrementally more caring, but there's still a lot of work to be done. I really like that, as a concept. I'd said before that I saw Tabitha as representing Ice Bear's teaching career, and Taylor representing Ice Bear's writing career. What I like best about this ending is how it proposes Teaching Her A Lesson, the *story itself*, as the synthesis and solution to those warring concepts. It's a story about education where the teacher has no boundaries, where the students and faculty are a playground for ideas. It's a world where Canon gets to affect lives in whatever way he wants. It's the happiest ending a creatively-stifled educator could ask for. A+ ending.


Quite a few turns with this ending. A bit of a mix bag for me, even if still very positive. Graduation felt very TIOS (still my favorite of your stories), in that it's very much the horny calm before the storm. It parallels Canon state of mind very well. But it's also the last time we see the Browns. I really like this pairing of Abbie and Tabitha, but it threw me off a bit that Tabitha seems eager to leave a baffled Canon in the classroom. Seems a bit ooc for the most empathetic girl. Serenex creating a space to bend the rules is a good way of thematically tie a lot of the story together, but it also seems a bit weird that Taylor wouldn't be there to see her play detonate. Even if only to half heartedly gloat or watch from the shadows. Still a solid if open ended finale for a good story with a solid cast, for as big it was. It had a bit too much plot instead of character moments, the former being better for epilogues and the latter for finales, but hey, it was v sexy still. The only thing I don't seem to understand, and I will admit its a big thing, is the last line about taking the pen and writting (?) on the board. Could you explain? Maybe I'm just sleep deprived :(


Ah. So he’s EXACTLY who Taylor said he was. Fair enough, just a bit of a let down. I thought their connection was the point of the story, and it was being clever, but apparently it was just a wank tale...ah well, thought I saw more than I did I guess...


Hot story anyway...but we could go anywhere for those...


Haven't read the chapter, yet, but your post brings up a few questions I'd like to address. Firstly, what's this "....Losers to finish..." thing? You make it sound like you're planning one more chapter, but I wanted to make sure you understood that we're going to require at least 20 more chapters. Secondly, that little blurb, "I'm also pretty sure I'll wind up being unable to resist doing some pieces for this like I did after TIOS..." comes across as less-than-definitive. Being a wordsmith, I thought you might want to edit it for clarity, something like "Oh, don't worry folks, I have three very long and very detailed pieces that cover a ton of shenanigans in the THAL universe, including all the wonderful things that that Ferrum&WDB have suggested for possible ideas." Again, just for the sake of being clear. ;-)


Don't worry, I've combed through the Patreon TOS and we are guaranteed a *minimum* of Infinity side-stories for THAL.


Why does Taylor being right about him make it a letdown? I'm not saying you're wrong to feel that way, I'm just curious why.


I think the instruction to write on the board is a callback to what Canon first had Taylor do for him. It's a kink now, I guess! I wonder if Tabitha's need to follow Taylor's orders prevented her from helping Canon out more at the end?


This was fantastic. Thal was what got me to sign up for the Patreon and you really nailed the landing. Can’t wait for more one offs in this universe


Gotta love a good TOS! Thank you, Patreon!! So, how do you like your side stories? After reading the ones done for TIOS, I'm not sure if I like them completely disconnected better than I'd like them to be tied to the main tale. I can see the merits of both ways. IB could get freaky with Isa and Candy by untying their side story from canon (ha!), rather like he did with TIOS's Sex Ed, Faculty Meeting, Sub Notes, etc. In a lot of ways, I think that'd make the story even hotter just like happened in TIOS. But, it would also be neat to see how well he could weave their story into the main tale. Can IB do it in a believable way? Would it cause too much conflict even though Candy and Isa aren't really showcased in the OP too much? I'd be really curious to see how that turned out.


So, I read the final chapter and thought it was nice. I'm really glad to see I was right about Taylor using the Good Stuff everywhere imaginable. Doubly so that my prognostication about getting to the science chic was spot on the money. I'm a wise man, so you'd do well to pay attention to me! What's going to happen down the road? Well, I'll have to go back and see the exact wording, but didn't Canon say something about how the girls were supposed to be T&A for their teacher or fantasy sluts? If I remember correctly, that wasn't a thing specific to the Sterns. It was a general statement, and it seems that it could also be taken as a command of some kind. That's why Taylor dosed the whole school. Sure, getting the guys and the teachers was important for security, but the girls.... I would love to see how Officer Barbour dealt with having to enslave all those hot girls. I bet she found it so hot, so embarrassing, and it made her furious. Would have been a sight to see as she got home and had to rub a few dozen out! What kind of conversations did she have with Candy at the dinner table? :-) I honestly cannot wait for the follow-up stories!


Well, the story had to come to an end at one point or another, or at least let it rest of a bit, and I do think this is the perfect point to do so. The story has been an absolute pleasure to read and is so far my favorite series.


I very much like the flow of the beginning. The description of the ceremony felt especially spot on. Taylor staying by Canon’s car was a surprise. I had thought that Canon would be the one to initiate, but I can understand why she did. As much as she’s able to read Canon, she’s still pretty awful at figuring out when he tries to show affection, at least his version of it. The whole unraveling of what has gone on behind the scene was cool. I knew the story would eventually take that path, but it feels like a little too much too soon. Put it in another way, if the story was written from Taylor’s perspective I think it would have been rather bland. Everything just seems to go off without a hitch, everything besides Canon’s reaction. The buildup to the reveal of Canon’s present was also very thrilling, but again I feel like it was overshadowed what had gone on behind the scenes. I would say that it’s a nice conclusion to the story, but I feel like all the good hooks for a sequel was written in to take place behind the scenes. The police turned out to be a non issue and Abbie turned out to be unaffected by the laced brat in what felt like a very anticlimactic reason for Taylor to give Canon a second chance. As much as I theorized the story would eventually reach this point, it just felt odd to have it all happen all of the sudden like that. I really liked the early aspects of the story, when Canon was almost always caught on the back foot and had to think fast to solve the problems. Now, all problems are already solved. There’s no more issues that can’t be fixed by Serenex, so there’s no much fear of things getting out of hand. Taylor has acquired a supply of it, and tested that it works without any problems already. I would have loved to hear about the first person she decided to test it on, since there would be a risk that it failed or did something bad. The whole school is also under Taylor’s control, so she can pretty much do whatever she wants. There’s not going to be a thrilling stories about how they plan to drug everyone. A large assembly is a good idea, but there’s always a risk that someone isn’t going to ingest Serenex willingly, what then? All in all I felt like the story could have been better if it was just Horen and Randi that was dosed on the faculty, with Canon’s all senior classes being setup for next years adventure. I know the lesbians hinted at a big plan brewing quite some chapters ago, but again, it feels like it could have been limited to just Shantel being controlled and working on reverse engineering the formula. It would still count as a big plan, if it worked, but still offset its impact to when a new story arch was needed. Katie could still be Canon’s big gift, but it getting revealed that she was already dosed, Taylor just couldn’t find the right moment to introduce her. What can I say. The story just felt needlessly grand, especially considering the story hasn’t taken advantage of everyone being dosed.


Yeah, I was just talking about this on the Discord, but I think there're two main ways I'd like to see side-stories. 1) The next school year, where we get to see what an academic year that operates by Canon's fetishes looks like. What does detention look like now? What if Abbie runs for Student Council? All of that stuff would honor the original ending, without necessarily pushing the story forward. Just little sandbox-y things. 2) TIOS-style AU stuff that could *maybe sorta* fit into continuity, but isn't shackled to it. Basically more time spent between Canon and the supporting cast (Candy, Isa, Megan), or stories outside the walls of GHS.


I kinda agree that everything ended very fast and the conflict seemed to dry up. While that did happen, we have to remember to view it through the lens of everyone being dosed with the Good Stuff. It only makes sense that things would work out smoothly since nobody was in a position to complain or fight back. Going back through the tale, I've been trying to figure out where IB could have put more of the other stuff. Every time I think would be great to go off on a tangent and explore another character's arc... I realize that the story would lose its flow since it's all about Canon's arc. In the follow-up stories that are sure to follow, I think we can see a lot more conflict and resultant heat since there's more going on. THAL was all about Canon's perspective and the other characters were always seen through his lens.


WDB .. because there is a million stories out there like this. Most are dross ( or at least just wank bank). I thought this one was different in the way it was true literature, I thought that the “Lesson” was that they were both perfect for each other, even if they didn’t understand each other. I thought the writer was making art. I was wrong...I can read free porn anywhere, I choose to donate to writers I think are above average. As it goes this one is, but I personally think he let the story down with the ending, going the safe root of “guy gets all the girls”, when it could of been more. All in all 8-10 story (and better than I could write), but still a little disappointed.


Oof, wow, sorry it ended up not working for you. For me, I guess I see Taylor and Canon in this story as not being right for each other... *yet*. I think she figured him out early, but couldn't find a way to make him understand her. All of her attempts pushed him away further, until we got an ending where there's real affection, but too much damage. But then there's this gesture by her to start over, to try again, and I think that's really sweet? I thought it was an ending that left the door pretty wide open for these characters. But that's just me! I really appreciate you sharing your perspective. Hopefully the next story'll work a little better for you!


Great run, congratulations.


From my perspective it is a sweet ending with Taylor demonstrating that she understands Canon and is willing to go further to win him forever (ie during the next school year). Her grit to get what she wants is ultimately infallible in my opinion.


Loved the story. It keeps delivering great things each and every chapter. But I’ve been waiting patiently for many chapters for the tattoo reveal and at the stopping point it isn’t there? Did I miss a chapter? Aggg... Ah well. Much fun. Thanks for the journey.


Just finished this story on another site you posted on, I’ve been enjoying your other series too so I had to get started as a member for more juicy stories. Keep up the good work!