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Howdy! If you panicked that I'd finally written myself into an early grave with Teaching Her A Lesson, don't! I am alive and whatever passes for well in 2020. I've been catching up on all the work I put off for my contribution to an idea Limerick proposed a couple months back on the MC Forum, namely, a VIRAL anthology by some well-liked authors on the archives (and also my humble-braggy ass). I'm so excited about this for so many reasons. First and foremost, it might raise a few bucks for a good cause, namely Feeding America, a group that's doing good work in the fairly obvious realm their name suggests. With soaring unemployment and covid doing its best to fuck up and disrupt our food supply, this is more important than ever, and it's always important. The link is in the story, but one more time, you can go to https://www.feedingamerica.org/ways-to-give and donate if you can.

That said, this was also an opportunity to contribute to a joint project with my very favorite author in mc erotica bar none, and just to see my pseudonym up there next to his is going to feel so freaking awesome. I know mc erotica might not be something to get starstruck over, but man. That guy can fucking write. Love his stuff or hate it, I don't know any other author who can drag out a slow burn of raw hotness for so long. I love his stuff to death.

Also also, as to what I actually wrote, it's called Slut Zero. It's about a doctor with the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch Epidemiology and Analysis branch who gets a strange tip from an old acquaintance about a possible lead on a covid origin/cure. This story does not have much to do with the real nightmare of the real disease aside from using it as a pretext to launch the mystery, but trigger warning: it does come up here and there. This is also a loooong piece, over 17,000 words, but I didn't see a way to tell the story I needed to tell without cutting out either the necessary or the good. While it's still in the realm of mc erotica with its tropes and subject matter, I think I went a good deal off my usual path with this, so I'll be curious to hear what you folks think. It's kinda freakin' weird, probably, but that can be fun sometimes. It should go live tomorrow on mcstories.com, but I was literally up for the past 30-some hours finishing it, so this was as early as I could get it to ya. (And yes yes, mother hens, I'm off to grab a bite to eat and catch some sleep.)

Without further ado, here's Slut Zero, and again, consider donating if you haven't already. And if you have, you're a fucking rock star and I love you.



I definitely did, and I hope I didn't cut to deep, it wasn't my intention to come at your overall writing ability! I think we've all been in a situation of being unable to spend as much time on something as we would like. Still a fan, still looking forward to everything you do next!


I totally meant to mention earlier that I appreciate the minor nod in the direction of TG in this one. Thanks for dropping that in there, and nice work all around.