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Double digits, baby. Here we are with installment 10 of THAL. It's split pretty evenly between two scenes, one giving us a little introduction to Cassie Brown, and other revisiting matters between Mr. Canon and Abbie. They're both very dialogue-centric, in their own ways. I am a big fan of dialogue in my smut, and I wanted to have some fun with it here. One of the things I am digging about this series is the huge distinctions in personalities among its cast. TIOS had some of this, though really, it wasn't all that hard to imagine them all being in the same room. It wouldn't take a ton of reinventing to make most of them friends, and Kristy proud to be their teacher. Here, there's so much more friction. Taylor and Abbie as sisters similar enough to grate on one another; Mr. Canon and his more scrupulous colleagues, both totally disinterested in him; Mr. Canon and the Stern girls in their cold war between his autocratic management style and their contempt for authority; and so on. Everybody's putting up with something in this, and everybody's getting something out of it anyway. I am digging it.

Originally, this chapter was supposed to encompass several more such "one on one conferences" (per the section's title), but it was already 10k words so I cut it off there. I may well continue this format and do a part 10 part 2 next, but we'll see. We may finally get a real break from this story to work on other stuff for a little bit, but we'll see. (June's commission drawing winner never got back to me, so I'm doing 2 this month; hopefully I hear back this time, but if not, THALward, HO!) 

In the meantime, have a great weekend everybody. I'd wish my American readers a happy Independence Day, but freedom is a 4-letter word in my line of work. :) Grill some food, though. More to come!



I'd love a look at Abbie and Taylor's home life, now that Abbie is the boss.


Enjoying the story a lot. To the point that this the first time that I have ever back someone on patreon. I am egar for the next chapter.