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Back at it, folks! In this installment, we get a little time with some of our as yet lesser-revealed presences, school resource officer (SRO) Louisa Barbour, and would-be blackmailer Megan. I don't know that either will become characters with as major roles as Canon, Abbie or Taylor (or Cassie, for the Cassie fans), but I wanted to at least get a sort of baseline going, and I think I wound up mostly happy with Megan here after a lot of waffling on how to proceed. I probably could've trimmed it down, but part of my procedure for THAL is to focus on producing something fun and episodic more so than crafting a structured masterpiece, so this is where it wound up. Hopefully y'all enjoy it.

Next up it's time for a commission or two while I keep chugging away at more THAL. I have a super fun idea for something a little down the road, so I *might* go a little out of order in my writing and adjust after the fact. We'll see how we're doing. In the meantime, thanks for all the kind words, and know that I am reading and reflecting on those of you with criticisms (even those of you who take my smut very very seriously :D). Thanks so much to all of you who donated for the charity anthology (or to you folks who'd been doing so before I came along and rattled a cup at you). As Limerick said, it's fun to think that someone at their agency is trying to puzzle out a bump in fundraising and has to explain it up the chain as the gifts of a bunch of humanitarian mc erotica fans. 

More to come!



Amen. A relative of mine used to live there. The stories I heard... *shudder*


Hmm. One of the other authors I follow finds models on meta art for each of his characters to help keep them straight in his mind. Helps to keep a consistent description. But this story is fine. The characters look how you want in your mind.