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Howdy! Here we are with the slightly less delayed March commission winner, At Stemmler Farm. A young woman is forced to spend her summer on her uncle's secluded farm while her parents are away, and... shenanigans ensue. 

Hope you're all doing well and staying safe. More to come!



Thanks! Another short and sweet one. :)


Ya know, I see so many of my contemporaries posting installments of 2000 words, and I swear, I've forgotten how somewhere along the way, Maybe that should be something I do for myself as a challenge once I get caught up on projects.


This was a funny read, in a good way. The setup at the beginning really added a lot of enjoyment for me once it got to the end. (Trying to be as vague as possible so as to not post spoilers)


I think there's a divide for me that doesn't exist for most other people who are into this kinda thing, where I really like mind control stories, but get much less out of "mind controlled" stories. Like if the only time the victim is having sex is after she's been 100% fully bimbofied, then it feels to me like there stopped being a point, you might as well tell a story about a fully consenting very promiscous woman, cause that's basically the current situation and it would save a whole lot of build up.


This was pretty great. I loved how her doodles sort of echoed her descent into debauchery. I also liked how the dad was in on it at the end. That was a nice twist.