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And I am caught up on monthly commissions! (Gold star for me!) This one was a fairly open-ended assignment, more of a prompt than a script. The task was to write about a boyfriend who winds up with a mind-controlled girlfriend even though he couldn't be there to do it firsthand. I wasn't honestly sure if our commissioner was channeling some of their own frustrations at being unable to be with a loved one during this whole coronavirus shitstorm, but I made it my goal to give a couple a little MC flavored survival story.

I should be clear, the story does *NOT* involve anything actually going on in the real world, now or ever. There's a temptation to write about that stuff, because obviously it's on my mind like everybody else, but who the hell comes to their local smut writer looking for reminders in place of their escapism, right? So to reassure you, yes, the boyfriend goes to China, and there is a brief reference to a coworker with a sick kid, but remember: this takes place in normal times, when here and there and everywhere is safe, and people with sick kids are just an "oh man, bummer" occurrence. Don't read into it, because I definitely didn't write into it. It's a passing reference only. Deep breaths.

Also new this week, the addition of the epub format! I don't recall anyone ever actually asking for it until very recently, but I figured if it'd make your lives a little easier for those of you using ereaders and such, may as well! For the $20+ patron thread, I'm going to be sitting down over the next few days and adding downloadable epub files for all my for-sale stories. I'll send a notification when it's done; hopefully the added feature will make up for the added clutter. I'm not 100% sure how well it'll handle some of my larger works -- getting pdfs of the big novels is a real strain on poor google docs' limited functionality, but I'll do my best.

In the meantime, be well, stay well, and you are appreciated so much. More to come!



Thank you so much for making the epub version available!


That was a very cute, very fun story. Thanks for this, and enjoy the six days of having no assignments hanging over your head.


Ha! Little do you realize I don't do the drawing until after payments are processed on the 5th. :D (Also I don't actually mind these! But it will be nice to do my own thing for a bit.)


Thanks for the epub format.


Happy to! I don't personally use an ereader, so I guess it just never occurred to me. Oops.