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Here we have the much-belated February commission. The basic premise involves a young man who gets a virtual reality video game and gets more than he bargained for. Since I was working so much on Gamemaster's Screen at the time, which those of you who've picked up a copy know is full of VR shenanigans, I decided to wait until I was done to tackle this so I didn't get brain bleed and could fully divorce myself from one concept while I wrote the other. I had a huge amount of fun with this one, and I hope you all do, too!

I hope you're all staying safe and healthy and weathering all this nightmare fuel like the champs you are. Be well everybody! More to come.



Thanks! That was enjoyable. Short and sweet, even. :)


That was great! Very sexy and mildly disturbing, an intriguing combo. Hope you're doing well!


Hey, I got a couple minutes, maybe I can talk about this story some more. It's hitting a very particular fantasy of mine, I guess. I remember finding adult mods for Sims games, and there were hypno and MC ones, ways to directly control characters outside the boundaries of their normal programming. It's fun for a little bit, but the game's not really set up to do a lot with it. The control's exciting... but it's still The Sims, you know? Not an AO-rated game, to quote this story. So, uh, the idea of transplanting that to the real world, to take that character creation and motivational control and layer it onto the real world, *it hits some buttons*. Beyond that subjectivity, I think it's just a really strong idea. The limitations of not being able to change characters once they're installed is a very Ice Bear limitation, especially for Kylie. She's, like, an Ice Bear hallmark: a victim of someone just screwing around that *maybe should've done more with the opportunity*, but now the protagonist will have to use his wiles to make this thing work. (Beth's pure reward, and thank goodness for her.) It's the most interesting part of the story, how Noah's able to take his This Isn't Real fuck-ups and turn them into Real World fucking. Still, it's not all exhibitionist ex-sisters and cock-obsessed new roommates. There's this weird nightmare creeping around the edges, this cartoon-coded unreality of deleted parents and hollow towns. Every time Noah would go back into the VR, I found myself unnerved by it, a simplified facsimile capable of overwriting the original. Just the descriptions were haunting, placeholders for an empty world. Man. I really liked this story, I guess. I'd love to see it followed up on, expanded. This was a good one!


You know, I have never actually played a Sims (or other similar) game. When they were super popular I was still in my teaching phase without a nickel to squander on actual enjoyment. :) I did a smidge of research here in an effort not to come off completely clueless, but I figured it'd be better to keep things moving and make up what was needed than bog it down in a lot of how does it all work. I love the concept of Ice Bear limitations. :) It's for sure true that unchecked power bores me (except perhaps when the person who has it is an antagonist (maybe)). Maybe that's how I Am So Bored came to be, an unlimited character forcing Ice Bear limitations on himself and realizing how lame it was without them.


I had to chuckle at the "Can't blame a guy for trying" part. Really enjoyed this short and sweet story. And I like how the two featured women had a semblance of an actual personality without tunnel-visioning on sex (Much like most of the characters in TIOS). Great job!


Very "Master PC" ish. Not bad, and I had to go back to re-read certain sections to make sure I was following things, but overall an okay tale. It had enough to it that I wouldn't mind seeing a second, third and fourth chapter to help flesh things out a bit.


Nice little story. The most interesting aspect of it for me was Noah's seemingly repressed feelings of attraction towards his sister. He clearly seemed to recognize her as being an attractive person but it seemed like he was trying to purposefully deny this. It was interesting that he made her avatar a nudist who craved his approval, and remove the familial relationship, but he couldn't take that last step and make her his girl even in the game. His resolve crumbled pretty quickly once he was actually put into a sexually charged situation with her but I guess it was... too hard (heh). It may have been a convenience for the story that the parentals went away after Noah messed around with reality but I was actually interested in seeing how a meeting between Noah, Kylie and their parents would play out. Like, would the parents no longer remember that they had a daughter? Would Kylie no longer recognize them as her parents? If not, who does she think her parents are? I guess the parents were removed by the program because, to make Kylie a renter to Noah, he would have to actually own the house. If he's living with his parents then the parents would be the landlords instead. So I guess they're living elsewhere? Or did the game kill them off to have Noah inherit the house? As for the game experience as described in the story, it's a little weird that Noah just nodded off after queueing up a nudist Kylie and a Beth obsessed with his dick. That might be the least realistic aspect of the story actually. No wait, the least realistic aspect of it is actually the idea that anyone would play the sims for any reason other than coming up with creative torture scenarios for sims to live out. ^_^


Saw this on EMCSA and had to come here an say how much I liked it. thx dude.