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Holy freaking crap, folks. Like I said in my last post, I got an idea, and I was grateful to have the permission of the January commission winner to go crazy with it. When I thought "go crazy with it," I definitely did not think this would balloon like it did. Here, after weeks of tinkering (and a few days for the nice fellow who first inspired the idea to read it), is the result. It's a whopper of a production, at around 28,000 words (60 pages in pdf format), so  really closer to a novella than a short story. There are section breaks periodically, so try to come up for air when you can.

Before you get going, I feel like I should include some kind of trigger warning here. This is some very heavy subject matter and it's handled for the most part for what it is. A Master PC turn-the-girl-into-a-hot-bimbo-and-use-her-teehee story this is not. I'll spell out some of the premise below, for those who want a little on what they're getting into, but for those who prefer to simply dive in, that's your heads up.

I honestly don't know if I'm done or what else I'll do with this. I think there are some pretty obvious leads, but maybe it's best they not be explored? I don't know. But I think I'm pretty interested in more Chanda (our protagonist), so don't be surprised if I do more. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or on the Community page.

For those of you who do want to know a little more before you start, Losers is about an alternate world in which everyone is rendered sterile to help reduce climate change by forcibly minimizing mankind's carbon footprint. Breeding is only enabled by a system called the Lottery in which once a year, all the young women who turned 18 in the past twelve months have a pot, and all the men who turned 18 in that same time get to put "seed" their pots with tickets. Tickets can likewise be purchased by members of the community on a limited basis. If a man's ticket is drawn, he wins that woman, simple as that. Her brain is rewired to turn her into whatever he wants, and for a period of thirty years she occupies that role. When and if the man wishes, he and his prize can be rendered capable of having children for up until the woman turns 30, allowing her time to raise any children to the age of 18 before she is released from his service. Naturally, since some women won't be bid on, and many men won't have any tickets drawn, this is a big drop in the breeding population. (Statisticians, feel free to reprimand me for not fully thinking through just how much of an impact this would make, as I suspect it's likely pretty huge.)

By the time our story begins, the system has been in place for more than a decade, so the narrator, one of the young women about to participate, has grown up with the Lottery as a looming reality for her and her classmates. They've grown up knowing that one day, their male classmates will bid on them, win them, and effectively enslave them for a huge portion of their lives. The young men have grown up knowing that one day, the most seemingly unobtainable woman they've ever met could be theirs. There's luck, there's strategies, there's unintended consequences and corruption and drama. If you can swallow the concept, the story tries to approach this as realistically as possible, and for obvious reasons, it's got some rough psychological stuff. But for my money, I really enjoyed playing with the concept.

In the meantime, thanks for being patient with me while I sorted this out everybody, and enjoy!



It’s definitely an interesting concept, but I couldn't suspend disbelief to really buy the scenario as being “realistic” as it’s presented. I couldn’t help but feel that some giant corporation would be bound to exist that just buys girls en masse and uses them to make money. As much as guys love sex slaves, corporations love money even more. I don’t care how rich a dude might be. Jeff Bezos can’t out-spend Amazon. Leaving that aside, it also seems unlikely to me that there would be many survivors at all. At least, not based on looks. Maybe a girl with a really bad illness or severe disfigurement might survive, but surely not someone who’s just unattractive but otherwise physically normal. Some girls might not be appealing “out of the box” but with full control over their mind, even the homeliest specimen can be made to reach her peak potential. One could seed the fat chick addicted to junk food and turn her into a health nut exercise fiend. Rather than waxing places being fully booked after drawing day, I would imagine that the gyms would be packed instead. There might even be specialized gyms putting women through intense physical training to get them into peak physical condition ASAP and keep them there. Guys wouldn't just be talking about what they'd do to girls like Chanda. They'd speculate on how hot some of the less attractive girls might have the potential to be. There might even be some kind of mobile app where you upload a girl's photo and it simulates her peak potential. Aaaaaaanyway, that was a little long-winded but I did really enjoy the story. I liked the concept, the characters and plot. No real complaints, except that I couldn't get my mind to really accept the world-building as "realistic given the concept".


Suspension of disbelief you say? I’m there!! Shirley Jackson’s Handmaid’s Tale by way of Stepford? I’m on board yesterday! Is there a lip bite emoticon, cause I’m still reeling from googling Ephesians 6:5. Please keep going. I’m invested in the characters and loving the bisexual angle. Can’t wait to see what happened to the rest of her friends and what Chanda does with her curious mix of oppression and privilege.


I'm so confused. How is this supposed to reduce the population? I assumed that there was a large chance for each girl to just not be enslaved at all, especially if they didn't action themselves, but I guess not?


Well glad that the material in the world still worked for you. I kept telling myself as new ideas occurred to me for how this or that would change that there were a dozen iterations of what might be plausible new social order with the Lottery system, but in the end I told myself it'd probably vary a lot from location to location and just focus on Clark and how it all played out there.


I thought the good folks at bible.com could use a few clicks driven their way, so I figured I'd leave it at just chapter and verse. I grew up in the church, so I have a fair amount of familiarity at least with my own branch, so for folks like Brandy and Ezekiel, I was trained for little tricks like that since birth. :)


I didn't want to put numbers on it, but the idea is that it disqualifies a significant chunk of the breeding population. Everybody's sterile until winning or won, and even then, only desterilized at their option. So all survivors and all the guys who don't win anybody are right out. Then there's practical considerations about households where, say, the lucky bastard who win multiple women. How many children does he want? How many can he support? And then, while it was beyond the scope of this story, the Lottery Bureau coordinates with the Census to monitor population growth/decline, and can impose upper limits if breeding exceeds certain levels, and so on. I didn't want to focus in on the bureaucracy behind it too much, since our protagonist's consideration is much more on very immediate loss of freedom and less on the eventual child-bearing, I'll leave it to the statisticians to speculate what this would actually do to the population, but we can also certainly conjecture that there was more going on in the hearts of legislators than reducing carbon footprints. :)


I've been thinking about this a lot, actually, and I feel that the only issue I really have is the timeline. As it is, I see the story as an arguably realistic interpretation of how people would act if the story were to take place a couple of years into the system, but not too long after it started. Maybe something more along the lines of 5 years. Enough time had passed that serious opposition to the program has been quelled, but not enough time for society to fully adapt to the new reality. People are already starting to figure out how to exploit the system, but it's still in the exploratory stage and unoptimized. Boys are secure enough in the system to be confident it will persist, but they haven't fully tested the limits of it yet. Think about it for a second. In a society where most women end up being won by some random dude, and even guys who don't win a girl have ample opportunity to partake, it wouldn't just affect the systems running society. It would change how people think on a fundamental level. Why would girls like Chanda even think to themselves that they would be "normally unattainable"? They wouldn't. They would think of themselves as destined to be owned by default, and having the ability to reject a guy would be as fanciful a dream to them as owning a harem of mind-controlled babes is to us. Why would there even be such a thing as boyfriends and girlfriends in the traditional sense? All the time, resources and effort men now spend on wooing women would instead be poured into maximizing chances at the lottery. Have you ever seen a gay dude giving a hot girl expensive gifts, doing big favors for her or treating her to expensive trips and dinners? Never happens. That's because gay men are uninterested in getting into a girl's pants. They don't have to play that courtship game. If straight men didn't have to play that game either, most of them wouldn't. In summary, I humbly propose moving the timeline a bit back. Far enough that the system is widely accepted, but close enough that society has not warped itself around the lottery yet.


My humble proposal - How about we say that boys have to declare how many kids they're planning to have. Less kids means they get more tickets. You get max tix if you commit to only having one kid.


Eeeeeentereshting. :D First off, those are great points, and it's certainly the case that there would be numerous bigger changes in society and individual psychology than I've posited. One of the reasons I kept things a little more familiar is for simple narrative purposes, since like any scifi/horror, it's easier to relate if you keep it closer to home for the audience. Likewise, giving it a roughly 13-year timeline since Lottery inception means Chanda's entire living memory had a Lottery in it, rather than it being a horrifying change in adolescence. (Which, I guess it still is, but you know what I mean.) But there's definitely a case to be made for greater differentiation. Heck, maybe someday I'll prequel this sucker. :) However, at the risk of being defensive, I'd submit as justification a few factors to attempt to legitimize her perspective. - People are sexually active and definitely dating long before 18. (I've had middle school classes where people single people were minorities, by the standards of middle schoolers, anyway.) - In conjunction with the above, teenagers are horny and short-sighted. Logical people will behave as you proscribe; many are just so full of hormones they can't wait 7 years after puberty to make it happen. - Yes, you might be able to fuck her even if you don't personally win her, but maybe you won't (certainly not everybody wants to pimp out their bride), and maybe you won't want to (not everybody wants to fuck hookers). - While it's not the case for Chanda, some girls would likely want to get sexual experience pre-Lottery, whether just to try it on their own terms, or just to get an idea what's ahead. - People are still being raised by pre-Lottery parents and still exposed to pre-Lottery art and culture, both of which would play some part in normalizing such antiquated relationships (varying greatly from person to person, naturally). Man. That *is* super defensive. :D But rest assured I do not mean to say many people, many communities perhaps even, wouldn't adopt a culture much like the one you describe in time. And really, one could write a whole different story to showcase how such commodification of sex (and of an entire gender) would obliterate relationships and gender roles as we know them. I would read that story.


Hmm. Do you think such a rule might render the species extinct? :) Or maybe I give too little credit for the long-term thinking of 18-year-old men.


Well China has had a one-child policy for a while and there’s still tons of Chinese right? But you could tune it over time as well. You would basically have a population planning department, and boys get allocated tickets based on their willingness to go along with the plan. You could have people have as many or as few kids as you wanted. You could even tie child-rearing into the deal. Boys get to have their subservient dream girl but they have to raise the kids. Neglecting the child(ren) means losing the girl(s).


Yeah. And speaking of pressing it too far on suspending disbelief, the mention of China also reminds one that of course there's going to be corruption and gaps in enforcement, too. Silly me, thinking a massive government-run system would flawlessly apply evenly to all. :)


I've finally gotten down to reading it and enjoyed it as well. Loved the irony and the references to old literary works, as well as the Psychological implications of what happened (I'd go into detail, but spoilers, so... :)) That was also some ending. Kudos!


Interesting concept and something that'd be fun to explore. I would have it so the lottery had been in place for 100 years rather than just ten, though. So short a time would make this the first generation to go through it, and can you imagine the uproar from parents? You'd have a full-on civil war as parents tried to save their daughters from becoming whores. Over 100 years, though, you could be past the shooting war. With a strong PR/Propaganda campaign to make it seem like a good idea, you'd likely have most of the population believing it was perfectly reasonable much like you have kids in college today happily wearing Che Guevera t-shirts and never worrying about his slaughtering hundreds or thousands of people in his march for power.


I took the opposite view regarding the timeline. This being the "first gen" go at it, there would be huge blowback from the people because there wasn't time for them to be trained up by all the Propaganda. And, there wasn't any apocalypse that forced their hand. Can you imagine telling some dad that his precious princess is going to be sold to the highest bidder, or whoever just gets lucky.... and there's nothing he can do about it? That he has to sit back and watch as his daughter is turned into a whore against her will, that her mind is wiped, that she won't be able to visit on holidays because she's too busy swimming through a river of dick? Never happen. If overpopulation is the worry, let some asshats in DC come up with a policy like that and you'll quickly have the population trimmed as men come out of the woodwork with their long knives nice and sharp. But fast-forward a hundred years, with a slow campaign of lies and half-truths, and you can convince the population of most anything.


In Chapter 2, I would like to see more of the inner dialogue with our "heroine" as she tries to come to terms with the fact that not one single person thought she was worth burning a ticket on. We saw how not being picked bothered her when she was examining herself in the mirror, but that was before it was explained to her. Think about how that had to really crush her self-esteem?! I can see it in my mind's eye: "What's wrong with me that not one guy, even the skeeziest, thought I was worth even one ticket?! I'd be a good slave! I'm fuckable!" And this causes something of a downward spiral as she tries to prove that she'd be a good slave. Of course, her new "owner" isn't aware of this internal conflict. As a guy, he's blind to the signals girls give off, especially when they're trying to hide something. Instead, he's rather easily convinced when she demands that he treat her more like a slave. She plays it off like they need to do it to convince people she really is owned, and therefore protected. She appeals to his White Knight ethos. But underneath that the real driver is this conflict tearing at her -- she can't believe not one single guy anywhere in the world thought she was worth the cost of a ticket. Even if it was a throw-away, even if the guy was 99% sure he would never win her, it bothers her to the very core that nobody thought she was worth the effort. She knows she's beautiful, but she can't understand how nobody would risk just one ticket on her. Even though it was explained in a rather realistic way, a twist that delighted me no end, that was a rational explanation and young women aren't exactly the most rational of creatures. No matter how hard she tries to accept that it was just random chance, pure mathematics, she always comes back to the fact that not one guy anywhere thought she was worth the risk of a single minuscule ticket. I'm reminded of a store over on Archive of Our Own - Hermione's Struggle for Equality. It was a fun little bit of smut that revolves around Mione trying desperately to fit in as an inveterate slut just like the other witches, never realizing that there's magic afoot and she's actually the one who is normal. Throughout the all-too-short tale, she works tirelessly to get herself accepted as good slut material by the wizarding community There's something about HSfE that stuck with me and I see a lot of that potential here in Losers. The scene in the theater shows us that she's going to be susceptible to peer pressure from all sides. People think she's a slave, which actually serves to drive the pain deeper because she knows nobody thought she was worth the cost of a ticket. She doesn't really like being put on display, forced to do things, but she also needs to prove to herself that she can be a good slave. Eventually, maybe, she finds that she likes the idea of being able to "free" herself from societal constraints. What would normally meant jail time is seen as nothing more than slaves doing what slaves are supposed to do. It gives her more freedom than she realized. Of course, she has to convince her owner that this is all necessary for the sake of appearances. While she can act all normal most of the time, it's important that he actually use her in public where everyone can see her being a good slave. And she really needs to show that she would be a good slave. It's vital to her mental health that she see herself as good slave potential, proving all those guys who didn't bid on her wrong. To that end, she basically has to force herself to obey anything her master tells her, always being careful to appear a "proper" slave when she's in public. This leads to lots of hot problems, of course, and every encounter reinforces the point that she wasn't good enough for even one pervert to take a chance. Of course, nothing is ever as easy as that. At least one other guy knows that she wasn't picked and is acting like a slave of her own free will. That gives you a wonderful chance for conflict as this guy forces her into situations she might otherwise not go for. Or maybe it's all internal and kept between master and slave, the only outside players being minor characters that don't really have any bearing on the story. Maybe it'd be better to keep the story tight and focus only on her inner dialogue as she tries to figure out why nobody wanted her. She has to keep her slave behavior separate from her family life, and her former friends so they don't discover what she's doing and cause trouble. And this, of course, causes problems she didn't think about. I could see five more chapters, even ten more, that take us along on the journey as she tries to prove to herself that she's worth the cost of one ticket even if the "entire world" says she's not. Just imagining what that would do to a hottie's sense of self-worth is delicious. Yea, it was explained away as a mathematical fluke, as true chance, luck of the draw, entirely realistic..... but we're talking about a young girl here. Would she really just let it drop like that? Would one moment of self-reflection, checking herself out in the mirror, really be enough to assuage any questions? After all, it's not that her name just wasn't picked and she might have another chance in the next lottery. No. It was that not a single guy out there, the perviest of pervs, thought she was worth even trying for. That has to hurt, especially when you're talking about the hottest of hotties at the very top of the social hierarchy at her school. For the Queen Bee to have been brought so low..... There's a happy ending, if that's your thing, but it only comes after years of her being forced to behave like a slave. There's the slow creep of the submissive mindset as she does one thing after another, month after month. Not only is she training herself to be a slave, but she has to be slick about training her owner to treat her like a proper owner would. As much as she needs to prove she can do it, she needs him to shed that White Knight garbage and start using her like she see so many other girls being used. As she sees it, if he treats her like a traditional girlfriend and gives her all the latitude in the world, it's only proof that she wasn't really worth the cost of a ticket after all. She "needs" him to dominate her in some twisted way because her thinking is muddled beyond belief. It's a slow burn as they evolve together, and most of it is her internal arguments as she tries to accept the truth of her situation even as the world around her has gone off the rails. She needs the positive affirmation but doesn't realize that she doesn't have to be treated like or pretend to be a slave in order to get it. She'll get there eventually. Sure. But for the next few months or years, her subconscious is woking a number on her as she beats herself up, looking for whatever flaws in her physique or personality that caused so many guys to think she's just not worth the cost of a single measly ticket. So, yea, we definitely need to see a lot more of this. I'll even chip in a couple bucks to make it happen! :D


Oh I can totally imagine huge segments of the population meekly going along with such a plan. It's to save the world. All you need to do is get the media to sell it as a moral obligation. Some kind of penance for the evils mankind has perpetrated on the planet. In two years or so anyone who *doesn't* serve up their daughter on a platter will be branded a backwards, Earth-killing, selfish monster. Effectively excommunicated from society. Maybe you get a visit from local law enforcement every time you tweet objections or even just doubts about how important the program is, or whether it'll even save the world at all.


Another idea based off the above.... Our poor heroine thinks it'll be easier to cut ties with everyone that she knew from school. Having to keep things secret from her family is bad enough, but always seeing her girlfriends in their new lives is just too much. So, she cuts ties, makes new friends that didn't really know her in school, and problems ensue almost immediately. They don't know her, but they assume she's a slave, that she was won in the lottery, and treat her accordingly. Of course, she can't really say no since that is exactly what she was pretending to be. Her 'owner' hasn't given her any commands, so she makes up some rules for herself. When she's with some of her new friends, she shares those commands, just making idle chit-chat, only to find out that they are going to hold her to them. It's horribly embarrassing, of course. And the whole time, there's the running dialogue in her brain as she tries to figure out what would make her a good slave and how she can train her owner to be a good owner. The feelings of isolation are getting to her. She's keeping secrets from her parents, her 'owner', and her new friends, making her feel like she has no control over everything as everyone expects something different from her. The pressure of always appearing the dutiful slave, of being ever mindful to obey her owner when they're in public, really works a number on her psyche. Not sure how that would manifest, but it's good for conflict in the story. I think the key points to focus on would be her inner turmoil, the angst over not being thought worthy of a single petty ticket, and training her boyfriend/beard to be a good owner for her. He's going to balk at a lot of the things she insists on because it's not his nature to treat women like that. But she's a powerhouse when it comes to demanding she be treated like so much meat! :D I kind of like the idea of her cutting ties with her girlfriends and school chums instead of using them as part of the story. The added heat they might bring would, I believe, take away from the fun of watching her development. Being stripped from her comfort zone, introduced to a new group as a slave, would give her a bit more freedom to act, cementing that slave mentality on her. And there's plenty of room for feelings of humiliation and denigration especially since the people don't see her as anything more than a toy to use how they see fit. Seeing her train herself to be a slave, forcing herself to do all sorts of debauchery even as she thinks about how she's free and doesn't need to be doing this stuff, would be fun. Watching how she trains her boyfriend/beard to treat her like a slave, for the sake of appearances, would be fun. In the end, she finds that she really is happy as a slave to her boyfriend. They find love and happiness with each other, so it all works out well. But the road to get to that point is long and full of twists and turns.


I often think people would rise up over a lot of things, but am often disappointed by our (American, at least) willingness to put up with crap that nobody should put up with. That said, fwiw, I did give some consideration of getting into the calamities that lead to the Lottery creation. Nothing especially inventive or unlikely, just the famine, flooding, refugee crises, severe weather events, mass extinctions, etc. that climate change is going to dump in our laps. In the end, I didn't want to bog the story down any more than it is in exposition, and I while I don't think climate change is political, I am aware many people do, and I try really hard to keep my work politics-free. So really, the intent is that society has seen some of the real horrors mankind has wrought already, and in that ensuing age of chaos, a really out-there solution was put in place. Maybe I'm being all JK Rowling here and shoving in justifications after the fact, though? Whatevs.


I am so excited by your attention and interest. I've already pretty much decided to continue Losers, so I will not spoil it by confirming or denying your ideas for direction. I will say that we'll definitely see a Chanda who is increasingly conflicted over her status and her plans for her future.


I'm not saying you couldn't train them over time, but not five or ten years. And not without something big happening to really drive home the point that something drastic needs to be done. Consider that what you describe is already going on, and has been for at least 30 years. Yet, there's no call from any group to implant stuff in brains or sell women to the highest bidder. Decades of talk about overpopulation and pollution, all the political correctness everywhere, indoctrination masquerading as education, and folks are still having kids left and right. Even the Chicken Littles aren't opting out of marriage and kids. It's a big difference between talk and actually having a government agent walk up your driveway to take away your daughter. You want a fight.... try that. :D


You can go ahead and spoil it. I hate getting my hopes up, especially now that I've done the hardworking of laying out all the groundwork for your next dozen chapters. :D I tend to like darker tales that bear some semblance to reality. Chandra would, in my estimation, be alternately exuberant and crushed by the results of the Lottery. She'd be horribly insecure just like real girls her age are horribly insecure. She'd also be terribly self-conscious and neurotic about what happened.... because women cross-culturally score higher than men in both those traits. To lose her friends, her safety net, and now find herself as the "odd man out", would be devastating to her psyche. This would naturally cause her to latch on to a man for protection, an anchor in the storm. This was her father, and now her "owner". All entirely normal and you did a good job of demonstrating how easily she can get caught up in the storm when she doesn't have that anchor with her when you wrote that theater scene. Of course, all of this is looking at it from a real-world perspective. In fiction, you can do what you like. I find stories more compelling and interesting if they stick to reality as much as possible, so I really want to see this one follow that trend. I could very easily see Chandra coming to love being a slave, a complete 180 from her original position only possible because she got to experience it firsthand. Similarly, it would be realistic for her to have a strong desire to cut ties with her old friends simply because it's too hard for her to handle seeing them changed like they are. The conflict? Trying to figure out why she wasn't picked because she simply cannot accept the "rational" answer that it was just a fluke of math. Hating on herself for perceived personality flaws -- because she knows it'd be impossible for any guy to complain about her hot bod. Beating herself up because she doesn't see herself being as good a slave as she could be, wishing she could flip that switch in her brain so she'd automatically be better for her owner. Hating that she wants to be treated like a piece of meat, never realizing that 99% of master/slave interactions aren't the least bit sexual or abusive --- like most teenagers, she thinks what she sees on social media is the norm not the exception. She sees all her friends and classmates on Facebook being treated like whores or whatever, but doesn't understand that's just the one small moment in an otherwise boring week. To her, that's supposed to be all day behavior. Training her boyfriend/owner/beard to be more masterful. "But, HONEY, you don't understand! Our behavior needs to be instinctual if we're going to be believable, and that means we really need to devote ourselves to practicing this stuff! You have to spank me in the park! You have to be seen using me. You have to pimp me out to a couple guys every month just so everyone is sure we're really telling the truth!!!!" You do a great job with the inner dialogue so I'm curious to see how you handle the next installment. It'll be out next week, right? Remember, realism is your friend.


Two things: 1. I like this idea. It reminds me of an article I read a couple years back written by a woman who shaved her head because she was sick of getting catcalled. Afterwards she got upset that she wasn't attracting positive male attention anymore. Like, intellectually she knew in her mind that this was the whole point of going bald. She could rationalize that she got exactly what she wanted, but she couldn't help the feeling of disappointment when the hotdog vendor who always used to compliment her stopped doing it or when guys stopped opening doors for her. IIRC it kinda messed with her mind. 2. How were you able to post so many big comments? Just about every time I try Patreon deletes my post and it ends up being a waste of my time writing it up.


1: That happens all the time. One of the curious things about women is that cross-culturally they all score higher in neuroticism and self-consciousness, two of the Big 5 Personality Traits. This is why you see them going along with herd behavior like getting tramp stamp tattoos even though they have to know it's just a fad that will pass into the mists of time before long. Same goes for things like wearing high heels or waxing, both of which they complain about, blame guys for, and won't even consider stopping. One study shows that 70% of women under 40 had sent sexually-explicit texts to a boyfriend. All of them also said that it made them feel empowered, yet objectified; strong, yet also dirty. Talk about polar opposites! They don't blame the men in their lives, for once, and no men forced them to do any of it. They are competing against other women all the while having these feelings that us guys think can only mean their nuts. :D Most times, male writers fail to get that dichotomy of the female species right because it just doesn't make sense. As guys, we just can't see how such things would be possible. I think IB did a great job of illustrating it here, even if he only barely touched on it. When it comes to women, especially the younger variety who are still learning, logic and reason are distant seconds to emotion and the desire to be accepted by the group. As easily as we guys understand that it was just mathematics that made her "win" the lottery, she would focus on the fact that not a single guy thought she was worth burning up a single ticket in the hopes they could get her. It doesn't matter that they all thought she'd go for millions and they had no chance. Nope, the only thing she'd focus on was that not a single solitary pervert thought she was worth the trouble. She'd ignore the huge compliment that is everyone thinking she was so perfect she'd set new records in the Lottery. All she'd see is the fact that not a single guy tried for her. For a popular girl, that's a fate worse than death. It'd be something she'd never experienced before and had no defense against. It's the ultimate rejection. It's a rejection on a very fundamental level because she had previously been able to believe every man wanted her and now she had incontrovertible evidence than no man did. Even her "hero" had to be talked in to helping her. Looking at it from a real-world perspective, understanding the underlying psychology of it, just makes the story all the more delicious. I can absolutely see her being determined to show them all how wrong/foolish they were. I liken it to a girl getting angry at her boyfriend and getting "revenge" by screwing his buddies. She thinks this is really sticking it to him, but really all it does is make her a slut. She's the one going around giving it up to other guys, making those guys happy, and yet she'll convincer herself that she really showed him who was the boss! In my mind's eye, I can see Chandra experiencing something of a psychotic break as she spirals down deeper into the need to prove that she could be a good slave and do all the nasty things she sees real slaves doing on social media. There are already plenty of studies that show teenagers, especially girls, are susceptible to depression because they wrongly compare their lives to what they see on FB and elsewhere, not understanding that those little blips are only the best instances in an otherwise dull life. So Chandra would be realistic if she operated under the same misunderstanding. 2: No idea. I"m on a desktop computer, a Mac, so maybe that helps. Or, it could just be that I'm special and the folks at Patreon love me.


Fwiw, I write my comments in notepad and copy paste. Patreon has a lot of issues in user-friendliness.


Let me make a prediction here: Aaron really did win Chanda, and the modification he asked for was that she be led to believe she was still free. A loser who thinks she's a survivor, pretending to be a loser.