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Shame on me. Folks, I took Tolerance and The Tolerant down a long time ago from the EMCSA, and at the time, I told myself I'd fix all the many many problems I have with it, then put it up for sale. As you probably know, that never happened, because to absolutely nobody's surprise, spending a month editing something you already wrote is waaaay less interesting than generating brand new stuff. As such, Tolerance/The Tolerant sat on the shelf gathering dust and available to nobody.

I get emails about it still pretty frequently asking a pretty justifiable "wtf Ice Bear," and my response always to ship off the pdfs. Stupidly, until today, I had neglected to share it with all of you, so allow me to apologize for my oversight and put this here where you all can download and enjoy. And yes, you can still feel free to spam me hate mail about [that one thing I won't spoil for folks who never read it, but you know what I mean]. :) I only have pdfs available, because that's what I ported from my old PC and the files are so enormous that my word processor simply gnarls the hell out of it when I try to convert, so hopefully this works for you.

In more contemporary news, I am feverishly churning out words on a new story that I think has some real potential. VERY excited, folks. It began with the monthly commission request, but the winner generously gave me room to distort and expand their idea into something much, much bigger. I started around midnight last night, and am at the time of this post 8490 words in and still going enthusiastically. I really hope I don't botch it, but so far I'm at least really stoked with the concept, and I think it's got potentially a lot of mileage. I don't want to spoil anything because it's very conceptual and if I blab the premise, you over-thinkers will have all kinds of time to drum up your own preconceptions and, to quote Miss C, you'll have a better time if you just sit back and let me make you happy. 

I hope to have something to you pretty soon, though, but I tell you, it keeps growing as I write, so heaven only knows. In the meantime, enjoy this burst of nostalgia. More to come!



Yeah, I know. This was compiled from the files I submitted to mcstories, which are formatted for the editor's ease and thus include such notations. The sheer quantity of them is mind-boggling (literally hundreds), so it's on that long list of things on my wish list to fix but never actually got around to. And again, I do most of my writing on plain old google docs, which (at least last I tried) does a really bad job of converting pdfs of this size into an editable format, so trying to take this on with such relatively simple software caused more problems than it solved. All kinds of paragraphs got merged, line and page breaks deleted, all kinds of maladies. I know it's kind of annoying -- sorry! Hopefully you can read around it, or if somebody feels like being a hero and has better luck with it than I did back when, feel free to fix and send me a copy I can repost. (You can't send files via patreon, but you can email me at svalbarding@gmail.com)


I may do that for ya. I was thinking about it anyway.


Gosh, i remember these stories! The end of part one is intense. Without giving spoilers, I had strong emotions to the last bit from Brittany’s perspective. I loved these so much and wasn’t sure what happened to them or who wrote them. I should have realized they’re an Ice Bear original. 🙂


That's a good way to think: if you loved it and you can't remember who wrote it, it was definitely me. :D


I remember reading this story many, many years ago about a young guy who inherited some kind of MC… drug(?) from his uncle. His uncle also set him up with this hot mother-daughter… harem starter pack I guess you could call it. I remember the daughter was supposed to remain a virgin but she was so hot the uncle couldn’t keep his hands off her LOL. I also remember there was a scene or chapter where the guy went to a beach and tried to score a girl on his own merits. I’ve been trying to re-find that for years. Probably for more than half a decade. It’s honestly been driving me a little crazy. It’s the reason why I have an offline browser cron job scraping every update from my fave authors off mcstories every week. Glad you found the source for this one, Adam.


I definitely remember these stories fondly. Some shocking bits but the ride was well worth it.


You probably mean https://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/Apache/My%20Favorites/Web/E.Z.Riter/My_Inheritance/