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For a lot of you, this isn't much of an announcement, so if you already downloaded and read Losers, there's not much new to this other than the cover image. (Though I have added the version with cover art inserted in the $20+ pledge page with all my other Amazon stuff.) Go enjoy your day. :) For the rest of you! If you wanna just check it out on Amazon, click on the link you just read past.

I recently wrote a really long short story/shortish novella called Losers. It's set in an alternate universe in which, in order to reduce overpopulation and mankind's collective carbon footprint, all people are rendered sterile. Then, at the age of 18, men can bid on women in the Lottery. If his ticket is drawn out of a woman's pot, he has won her, and her personality is remade in whatever shape he pleases for the next thirty years. If he wishes, each winner and his lucky losers can be rendered fertile once again, and the human race can continue in more moderate numbers.

The story centers on a young woman named Chanda, the hottest hottie at her high school, and her group of friends. They've grown up dreading the day their pots will be stuffed with tickets, and now, that day is at hand. The action follows Chanda and her posse (that's posse) (but I guess the other thing too) both before and after the drawing commences. 

So. If you wanna check it out, it's $4 on Amazon, or it's available to anybody who's pledging $5+ to my patreon, along with a gazillion other short stories. Enjoy!




So based on the ending, Aaron won her right?


I don't wanna give spoilers, but there is a sequel (available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/survivors-35640786) that delves into that very question.