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UPDATE: The original Rachel's Love Potion story is available here. Sorry I didn't include that originally!

Man, it's rough when you realize you named a story wrong. Because here I am, writing the sequel, when I realize the sequel should definitely have the title of the original. So, since in the end it doesn't *really* matter, I doubled down and named this story Rachel's Love Potion 2: Rachel's Love Potion's Love Potion. We return to the lives of the warlock Knox and his now irrevocably-platonically-in-love friend Rachel, who is bound and determined to help her bestie find true love.

This is for sure a pretty silly story, but I always liked the original and, sort of like with Neighbors Back When, I felt like it ended too soon for me and it left me wanting more. Luckily, here I am in a position to make more of it! I almost waited until it was Done done to share, but after taking an unexpected week of driving a couple thousand miles round trip, I wanted to at least get you something to remind you all that you are loved. Plus, I think I'm shifting narration between parts 1 and 2, so it'll help make the break cleaner, hopefully.

Anyway, on we go! Have a delightful weekend, everybody, and I should have more out to you soon.



Hi, thank you. Can you point us in the direction of "part" 1? I did not find it.


Hey brother check out part 1 in the post dated Oct 23, 2017.


@Ice Bear perhaps linking to earlier parts of sequels might help people out some. The tags seem to be inconsistent so searching for them on Patreon is a bit of a pain.


Sorry gang! Post updated with a link. Thanks for spotting this, omp, and thanks for doing the research, ukyo_rulz!


Holy shit, "bestie who molests me"? I'm only on the first page, but, come ON. Five stars, story of the year, what the living fuck. Fucking "bestie who molests me"! I'm dying. I am dead. This is a corpse, writing this comment, who now has to somehow pay attention to the rest of a story while thinking of "bestie who molests me" and laughing continuously. A herculean ordeal. "Bestie who molests me". I mean, Jesus fucking Christ.


Yeah, five stars. Hilarious story. It's great (and utterly, thrillingly ridiculous) to see things from Rachel's perspective, in maybe a less seismic shift to the story than the Neighbors From Back When follow-up. Looking forward to the next installment, where things will surely, once again, go according to plan. Stellar work!


I didn't need to work too hard man. This is my favorite story so have everything backed up, archived and bookmarked. ^_^


Part 1 of this story is my all-time favorite Ice Bear story, so I come to this with mixed feelings. It's great to have more content featuring characters and settings that I love, but the original story was pretty close to perfect in my eyes so it's gonna be a tough act to follow. I'm really hoping that this turns out to be great. So far I still love the interaction between Knox and Rach. Joanna isn't as interesting of a character but she hasn't had much time to shine yet. It's a little early to pass judgement but so far this shows great promise. Can't wait to see where this is headed.


Oddly as a "Reader" I can read this one, but not part 1?


How did you like the perspective switch, from Knox to Rachel? I thought it made it way more overtly comedic, which I liked. Curious to know how it worked for you!


The change helped a lot, IMHO. Knox's story is over. We don't need to experience the tale from his perspective because this is not Knox's story. It's Rachel's story, and that's great! Sequels can be tricky to pull off but this is really more of a spin-off, which is much easier. Getting to read Rachel's thoughts also helped her character development a ton. I was glad to confirm that Rach kept most if not all of her mental faculties. She knows what Knox is up to, and she understands his plans. She is perfectly cognizant of the effect Knox has had on her life. The potion just changes how she perceives these facts, so that she interprets all of them as further affirmation of their friendship. As for Knox, he's no longer the protagonist but at the very least I'm glad that he seems totally content with Rach. He got what he wanted and he didn't overreach. Respect.


Yeah, I liked how these stories feel like two slightly different genres. RLP1 was, like, a comedic thriller, with Knox hounded by his would-be best friend while he attempted, with great struggle, to take control of her. RLP2 is maybe a mind control-inflected rom-com? The stakes feel wackier in RLP2, despite, uh, someone almost dying.


I'm personally looking forward to seeing how Rachel reacts if Joanna and Knox do become a thing. Friends can get crazy jealous when a new romance cuts into the time buddies used to share.


Btw @IceBear what happened to Rachel's cat?