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And here we have this month's commission drawing winner, who wanted a little story about a bionic implant run amok. I don't know if it was at all inspired by the weaker implants I've employed as a device for RWP, but either way, my head was already there. I'm going to be traveling near the end of the month, but I'll be aiming to get at least another chapter of RWP and Living the Dream before then, and perhaps finally get the September commission done once I iron out a few final details with the drawing winner. More to come!



Fun story! Very cute. I feel like the line "cognitively able to recognize something was drastically wrong and take steps to fix it, even if she wasn’t capable of reacting with the proper levels of emotional turmoil" is maybe the Jeopardy clue that would get me to buzz in with "What is 'Hot', Alex," so thanks for putting that all so succinctly.


Hey, can we talk about Matt for a minute? I think he's a real interesting dude for an Ice Bear controller. Mostly, Ice Bear controllers fall into one of two camps: Sweet Boys or Sociopaths. And Matt doesn't feel much like he fits into either camp. Sweet Boys are your Drew from "My New Girlfriend", your Conner from "This Is Our Story", your Alan from "On Pleasant Street". They're well-meaning men who, mostly through dumb luck or a reward from the universe, find themselves with control over one or more women. They don't go looking to be controllers, and they don't really enjoy the thought of it at first, but they end up making the best of it. It's *fate* that gives them control, not a desire to control. Your Sociopaths, they're the other end of the controller spectrum. They're Jordan from "TIOS", Grant from "I Am So Bored", even Todd from the Friend Zone stories. They are *all desire*. They are into being controllers. They work at it, they enjoy it, they don't feel guilty about it. These women are there from them to use, that's the point of them. Being a controller is their identity. Matt, though, I'm not sure which he is? He feels like a Sweet Boy who develops into a sociopath, but maybe not? Since we only really get to see him through Sarah's eyes, it's tough to say if he was just your garden-variety asshole, or something worse. He's definitely taking advantage, *real* advantage of Sarah as the story progresses, which maybe entirely disqualifies him from being a Sweet Boy. A Sweet Boy would only ever use their control with consent. (That's what makes them so sweet!) Matt's closer to the Jordan side of the Sweet Boy/Sociopath spectrum, though. He sees the brass ring coming around and fucking grabs it for all it's worth. Yeah. Yeah, okay. He's a Sociopath. Decided. Still, the fact that I needed to write all that to figure him out is a testament to Ice Bear's continuous growth as a writer. That's some nuanced character work!


Matt's an opportunist. He doesn't set out to do anything screwy, but he'll take full advantage of any situations that might come up. Basically he won't steal your wallet, but if you drop it and he picks it up you won't be getting your money back.


I've finally gotten the time to read this and I enjoyed it. It felt like a slow start for me, but the end was pretty good. It also kinda plays in with a comment I made a few months back wherein Ice Bear likes to end his stories in a certain way (not saying anything beyond this in case someone will read the story for the first time) Kudos!