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So here's the second part of Living the Dream. Now, I realized the other day as I was halfway through this installment that Alan Smithee was writing a *very* similar story over at the EMCSA. I got through most of the second piece of his story before realizing the similarity and was like... well, fuck a duck. So I stopped reading there, so I didn't have to know or wonder if we were taking our similar premises in similar directions. Not that it's a super original idea in the first place, not even in my own stuff (lots of Bring Your Master To Work Day in here, albeit a lighter touch than that jackhammer of a story). Either way, yeah, it's embarrassing, I'm acknowledging it, I'm grumbling under my breath, and continuing anyway. If you like this kind of thing and haven't checked out Alan's story yet, do so. You'll enjoy it.

Anyway, there ya have it. I'm hoping to get another story or installment done over the weekend, which may be  the September drawing winner (who has a fun premise, but we're fine tuning details atm), or if I hear back soon, the October drawing winner. I usually do the drawing on the 5th of the month, as that's when patreon contacts me with final information about the month's pledges, so if you're pledging $10+, make sure you're getting notifications about patreon messages in case you're our winner.

In the meantime, hope the beginning of fall (or spring, if you're in the southern hemisphere) is to your liking. More to come!



Off the top of my head, I'd like to clarify that the Cognitive Dissonance mentioned at the start is probably closer to Retroactive interference (Newer knowledge interfering with long-term memories/habits). Cognitive Dissonance is about your thoughts being in conflict with your actions (ex: enjoying sex while thinking/reasoning that having this specific kind of sex with this person or in this situation) That being said, I still really enjoyed reading this piece. Great work! :D


Very hot new chapter! Loving how this story is progressing.


Ooh, "retroactive interference"! Excellent. Thanks for that!


I really liked how the Unreliable Narrator approach was applied to an investigation in this chapter. Brianne's earnest attempt to escape her situation or save others is thwarted, early and often, in ways she can't even comprehend. It's like she's trapped in a room because she can't see doors. All of her strategies and problem-solving, none of it can work because she's too deep in her problem. There's this, like, inevitability to her thoughts, that every declaration of resistance is a syllable away from defeat. It's *great*. It's funny and sad and scary and clever. It's also, as noted, very hot. If the first chapter was a slow-burn, this one was an inferno. Wall-to-wall sexiness, and I almost can't believe there's (literally!) another level to this story. I'm getting such a kick out of this series. 


For some reason, I just couldn't get into it. Read the first chapter and was kind of feeling rather lackluster, though I thought it was fun. Unexpected or unintended things are always better, imo, because they reflect what real life is like. And, admittedly, part of me was hoping for another installment of TIOS. :D


Thoroughly enjoying this story for the reasons WDB mentioned


Just read through this and I thought it was ok but not as good as the first part. So far things are moving a bit too predictably for my taste. I feel like I've read variations of this same concept a million times before. I've certainly seen it done worse, but I feel like I've also seen it done better.


Quick question, did the whole conversation with “DJ the happily married police officer,” actually happen?