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So here it is, the second part, in which we learn a bit about how Rachel's amateur warlockery affected her friend. It's probably not quite as much fun at the previous part, but is a necessary bridge from part 1 to part 3. Hopefully still some fun. There will definitely be a part 3 and perhaps a part 4 (5, possibly; 6 isn't totally out...), so if you're a completionist feel free to wait until there's more out.

On that note... it might be a while? I'm trying to let myself write whatever I'm in the mood to work on, but I also have some stuff I *need* to do and some stuff I might not be as intrinsically motivated for but still do want done. I'm still going to go in and finish Living the Dream with another installment or two, and I have a couple commission drawings I need to get to. Plus, in a recent drive from the Midwest to Mexico and back, I had tons of time to think about fine points of Roles We Play, so I'm excited to make some more progress there, too. That, I believe, will be next up, as I'm already part of the way through the next chapter.

Anyways, here's a little more of our very, very, very good friend  Rachel and her potion. More to come! 



So I just read through this and so far it's pretty solid. Chapter 2 went as foreshadowed by Knox's explanation of how the potion worked in chapter 1, which is cool. I was admittedly afraid that chapter 2 might read too similarly to part 1, but thankfully Rachel’s reactions to Joanna were different enough from Knox’s that it dodged that bullet. There was still a fair bit of fun to be had in this chapter as well, despite Ice’s warnings in the post. Rachel’s thought-process just tends to be fun to read because of how her mind has been altered by the potion. TBH I was kinda hoping that it would be Rachel who figured out what her potion had done, and that she would be the one goading Joanna into joining her and Knox. I guess that might have read a little too similarly to “My New Girlfriend” with Courtney and Erika, though. As it is, I liked how Knox was quick enough on the uptake to realize what had happened and adapt to changing circumstances. Finally, about the next chapters taking a while to come along, I actually don’t mind at all. I think authors work best when they have the freedom to work on what they decide. The last thing I want to read is a low-quality chapter written under pressure.


"It's probably not quite as much fun at the previous part..." Ha ha, what?! Disagree. Disagree! It's maybe not as sexy as the last part (debatable), but it's definitely as much fun. The steady reveal of Joanna's predicament is nicely grounded in character, letting Rachel stay primary in the narrative. The insane lengths Joanna goes to in order to spend time with Rachel echoes Rachel's attempts to ingratiate herself to Knox from RLP1. Mostly, though, Rachel's hilariously warped versions of self-worth and friendship are delicious. It's so fun to watch her work through her feelings for Knox and her anger with Joanna in just the most ludicrous ways imaginable. Great update! Thanks!