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I've been rewatching/finishing Orange Is The New Black the past few weeks with my mom as she recovers from back surgery, and it made me feel like I was lagging on my current projects. There's something about immersing myself in really amazing writing that makes what I do feel really inadequate. Perversely demoralizing? I don't know. (Also, how have I never done a story set in a women's prison? Come on, IB.)

Anyway, turns out I was beating myself up for no reason. In addition to a lot of brainstorming and storyboarding for my next Big Project, the monthly commission managed to spiral from the promised 4000 words to around 16,000, which is like 35 pages. Close to a quarter the length of TIOS book 1. Stop giving me prompts I love, guys. Give me something suck-ass that I can spit out in a day. :) (But not really.) 

What's the prompt, you ask? A vague one, but right in the same ballpark we've been playing in. I don't think the commissionee will mind if I share it verbatim:

... an alternate universe TIOS story about what Jordan would do to Heather.

It's tricky, really, since Jordan's already had an hour a day for months on end to do whatever he wanted to Heather. But what if he really got his eye fixed on her and decided she ought to be more than just another sex ed slut?

So yeah. I have a draft nearly done, and I'll be proofing tomorrow (and maybe Tuesday), and then it'll be yours. Then the August drawing, then I'll share some of Big New Project. :D More to come!



All TIOS, all the TIME. Looking forward to the next story! Also, man, never feel like you've got anything to prove as an artist. (Although, every artist I know thinks they've got something to prove, so good luck with that, I guess.)


Literally the second I pressed Enter, I was like, "Dummy, tell him you hope his mom's recovery goes well." So, yeah, I'm insensitive, I hope everything goes well with your mom's recovery. And take care of yourself, while you're at it!


I hope all goes well with your mom! I'm highly considering upping a tier soon to get into the raffle for commissioned works as well. One of the other patreons I followed just closed up and I can't think of anyone else who deserves it. Looking forward to it!


Now I'm just imagining a story where a male prison guard, (accidentally sent to work at a women's prison due to a clerical error that can't be fixed in an amount of time that his employers are willing to give to rectify it), somehow gaining the ability to mentally control all the prisoners and female guards, (how they get it and how they're controlled is information that is up to whoever writes it), and proceeds to turn the whole place into his own personal harem, all while working at keeping those outside the prison unaware that anything has changed. Also I hope that your mother's recovery goes well; that's unrelated to what I was saying before, but still needs to be said.