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So I'm back in the realm of getting to write my own fan fic! This time around in revisionist histories, we get back to our core cast and focus on none other than Kristiana Coszic-Lewandoski, a.k.a. Miss C. After whetting his appetite for teacher flesh on the sub Miss Galvin in the previous installment, he moves on up to his fellow full-time faculty member. So without further ado, enjoy!



I thought this was pretty good as a story judged on its own merits, but I had mixed feelings about it as a part of TIOS. I really like Jordan's development in these side-stories. I used to dislike him as a character. He was such a boring, one-note guy and his lines, thoughts and motivations always made my eyes roll. These additional stories emphasized his talent for thinking tactically and that made all the difference for me. It’s a tiny bit of character development but it makes him seem less like a cartoony villain and more like a believable character. This is a dude who is really good at figuring out how to get the things he wants, and really bad at figuring out what he wants. Nowadays I think of him as one of the more interesting characters in the story. As for Kristy, her actions here reminded me too much of Conner, whom I think of as the least believable character in the series. Their previously established competency makes it less believable that they would make mistakes needed to move the story along. Kristy had always been portrayed as a smart cookie. The mature adult in a story full of silly teenagers. I’m left asking myself if she would really act this way in these situations, or if it’s a bit of contrived stupidity necessary to move the story along.


I agree with a lot of the things you said, though I won't get into dissecting my characters until I'm done with 'em. :) But I should clarify to make sure that these stories are NOT officially part of the TIOS story line, just some What-If games to play. In the main book, Jordan never quite goes for the older ("older," but to a teenager late 20's feels pretty old) gals. At least, that we've seen thus far - not to give anything away. :D

Hugh Michelsen

I really liked it. Showing Jordan be extremely clever with how he got what he wanted was great.

Hugh Michelsen

It did of course leave me wanting more. Can you finish the last TIOS already? Kidding of course :) The best comes to those who wait.


Yeah, I was aware that these are not canon. I just enjoy over-analyzing actions and motivations in character-driven stories.


I loved it. Jordan pushes the limits, takes more risks and manipulates more aggressively. It's much more exciting! Now that I've gone through all the side stories, Connor seems tame, boring and pedestrian in comparison. Here's hoping he becomes a little more aware of what's happening around him and develops a spine in tios 3! The rumour blocking commands Jordan uses are a stroke of genius. I remember when Connor first realised and whoever he asked about Jordan just starting yawning hahah.


IMHO the reason Conner seems boring compared to Jordan is that “indecisiveness” is his main character flaw, and he never manages to overcome it. Most audiences will root for a main character who tries and fails, but they are less charitable to a main character who does nothing and is punished for it. Being a nice guy and having good intentions doesn’t count for much unless they actually lead to concrete action. Conner sees TIOS as dangerous, so he tries to use it minimally. But he also never does anything to protect it from being misused by others. When things go wrong his usual response is to mope and do nothing substantive to try and rectify the situation. Every single challenge presented to Conner (TIOS, relationship problems, rivalry with Amanda, enmity with Jordan) has been met with a lot of do-nothing. Conner never makes any decisions unless his hand is forced, and when he does take action he endlessly second-guesses himself. Even when he is made aware of a threat, he will ignore it until it grows into a full-blown crisis. Conner has a bunch of good traits, too, but these are never highlighted. Every positive thing he has going for him in the story landed on his lap by accident or through the actions of other characters. If he’d been given more chances to overcome his passive tendencies and take decisive action to achieve an important goal, or if he had been put in more situations where his good traits could shine, then perhaps he wouldn’t be so hard to like.


I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. Its too hard to identify with Connor. Jordan's actions are executed with conviction and effectiveness, and pushes things along with risk and reward. Here's hoping Connor grows a spine in TIOS 3 :P


It totally should be canon. I like how Jordan is constantly doing these wacky things right under Connor's nose and cleverly gets away with it. Its like reading Death Note all over again, but with a lot more adult content.


Working on it as we speak. My goal right now is to be done before Memorial Day - in time to be the weirdest possible graduation present. :D


Lots of good criticisms. I won't defend dear Conner - really, I think it's symptomatic of how he begins the story as a wh-wh-whaaaat?! and with Good Things falling into his lap, never has to think of abusing it, while Jordan has to take some initiative, and then seize what he can get when he can get it. Sort of a case of the kind of person who actually likes high school the way it is vs. the sort of person who got too cool for it on day 5 and has for a long time considered the entire thing a waste of time for him and spends his days looking for something amusing to fill the hours. I won't say anything to spoil 3OS, of course, so there's only so much I can say on their trajectories. :)


I think Miss C is the best character you've made in all your stories. Looking forward to more of her in the future :D Also to add, I used to see your Todd stories at mcstories and that got me interested, but the way you wrote TIOS, especially Miss C just made me really want to be a patreon. Keep up the good work and looking forward to your other works as well


Interesting - what draws you to Miss C as a character, do you think? Her job? Her personality? Something else? Just curious. :D


Very good tale. I'm a fan of TIOS since it hits all the right buttons. How this is going to jive with the main storyline, though, leaves me baffled. How was our villain able to get access that should be only available to the Editor-in-Chief? How has nobody noticed the huge changes going on in the other girls at the school? What has our nemesis done in the overall sense to change people's perception at the school so these things are kosher. Ms. C is definitely my favorite character and I like seeing her get changed. The unintended consequences are the really hot part, so I'm curious how her new outlook is rippling outwards. All this goes back, though, to how our dear Editor seems blind to the changes. Did I miss some installments somewhere? Is there more of the TIOS main story not already published online?

The Shaman

Well this is a "what if" story for TIOS, it invokes portions of the established story, but its not affecting the main story and its contents have no effect on the current canon. Whether or not Mr. Bear incorporates ideas from this into the third installment however remains to be seen by us $5 plebs. Hope that clears things up.


Thanks. I was wondering what'd going on with it. I thought it was hot, but it hinted at things going on that weren't in the original TIOS story so I wasn't sure what was going on. Now dare we hope for a second or third installment in this story arc?


Turns out, Shaman, that all of my questions were answered in Book 2 of TIOS. I couldn't resist, so I upped my game to the $20 tier lest I die of curiosity. Glad I did, too, as it was a good read. Now I have to wait forever until Book 3 is done. Dare I hope there's a Book 4 on the roster?!?!?

The Shaman

Time will tell my friend. Really looking forward to the new installment though


TBH, it seems like a perfect concoction really. Her personality is great and well-written, she's smart and how she justifies the changes that are happening interests me a lot. Even her backstory, she's mature, professional, had a young wild phase. I'm also a professor of psychology, so I guess that plays a part on it too. Its just the perfect storm of everything I'd want in a character: Depth, personality, Mystery. Great job man, seriously :D


Is there a projected 3OS completion date? Not tryna rush, it’s just that this TIOS universe and accompanying fan fic is by far the best MC Erotica universe I’ve read since I first got into these types of stories. Your work is like art, and I thank you for the joy and excitement you bring to us with your words


I aim to be done with 3OS by, at the very latest, the end of the month. I have another couple chapters to write (I think), then editing (ugh), then voila. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I have loved (and continue to love) writing this series. I have my business cards printed up to proclaim me Amazon's #1 best-selling magical yearbook eroticist. :D


Book 3 is nearly done! The Shaman speaks the truth, that these side stories are not canonical. I don't think Jordan could take this series to the kind of ending the series needs to arrive at. I think *he'd* be happy with his ending, but not sure about much of anyone else.