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I'm alive! I'm so sorry it took me so long to post anything, but I wanted to wait until I had something fun to share by way of apology for my long silence. About two weeks back I discovered that I had inherited something else exciting from my father, a case of gout! Gout is a severe form of arthritis that can be dormant for months or years at a time, but when it flares up, can be really debilitating. Uric acid builds up in the extremities, usually a foot, and then it hardens into crystals which basically become needles in the joints and muscles. So for about a week, I was bed-ridden, my foot in so much pain I literally couldn't handle the weight of my sheet over it. It sounds absurd, but my self-pitying research assures me that some women who've developed gout have declared it is more painful than childbirth, and many men who've had gout attacks compare it to having shards of glass shoved through their foot, repeatedly, for days or weeks at a time.
Needless to say, it did not have me in a mindset for writing sexy things.
So once it finally FINALLY cleared up, I knew it was time to do something super fun, and tackled a story idea I'd been kicking around for years and have never gotten around to completing. From the title of the post, you've probably already guessed that this is another Todd story in the Friend Zone universe, this time centering around Dawn Brindley, a junior detective who suspects Todd of somehow violating myriad young woman (and the occasional MILF) and decides to investigate. Shenanigans ensue.
I think this is a pretty fun story. I got to revisit, to varying degrees, all of the characters from previous Friend Zone stories, from his platonic buddy Stacey and her roommate and sister and mom and aunt, his age-reversed neighbors, his friendly doctor, his facebook friend, and even an allusion to his work wife Olivia. I'm not saying it's a finale to the series, because heaven knows there's more tropes to seize upon, but I thought it was at least a fun send-off if it becomes such.
Note that this is a rough draft; I wanted to get it out sooner rather than prettier. I hope to have it proofed by the end of the weekend, so if you'd rather wait, there's my timeline.
Meanwhile, those of you who've been waiting on me, once I get some sleep for the first time in a couple days, I am back at it in a big way. More to come!



Sad to hear about your gout. Hopefully it doesn't flarw up too often. I know it can be pure agony. Haven't read the update yet but Todd stories are always funny.


Look, if this is the final Friend Zone story, and it's going to include nearly every major Friend Zone-universe (FZU) character, you *at least* have to call it Friendgame. *At least*. Also, great story! I've been waiting to find out if we'd see more of Todd's cop friend since her mention back in "Patron of the Arts".


I am so embarrassed I didn't think of that. That is fucking amazing. Re-titling the post, at least.


Quick question. Does Todd care fore the women in his life,like, if one of them got sick would he take time of the sex to take care of her? Does he try to hypnotoze them not only to wanting him,but to also be happy about it?


I think I'd characterize it more that he doesn't alter their normal level of happiness, and just alters the things that makes them happy, if that makes sense. I wouldn't call him much of a nurturer, though. On a moral scale of 1-10, he is probably about a Terrible Person. :)


I waited to read this until the final version was out because I wanted to experience it in the best way possible. No Ragrets. This was a goodie my man!