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I am back! My vacation was fantastic, and I say that even though through the course of it I had an ulcer, a migraine, a cold, sun poisoning, and a car wreck. (I'm OK, car survived, poor animal who darted in front of me not so much. :( ) Still, I saw some really amazing sights through the central and southwest U.S., and got to enjoy the freedom of just going wherever whenever without foreplanning or encumbrance. I went whale watching, saw national parks like the Grand Canyon (above), Devil's Tower, the badlands of South Dakota, Meteor Crater park in Arizona, and lots and lots of gorgeous places in between. I'm born and raised in the Midwest, and let me tell you, I could go the rest of my life without taking another drive through flat, featureless farmland. This was a godsend.

I've been recovering from above-noted maladies this week, and been frustrated as hell at not being able to write on account of the nightmare of a sunburn across my arms and hands. It's finally subsiding, and I'm getting back into the swing of things. So those of you who've been waiting on me, expect to hear back soon, and those of you who've been awaiting 3OS, I got two more chapters in while I was away and we're in the home stretch, probably only five-ish chapters to go. More to come, folks! More to come.

The attachments, btw, are just random shots from my vacation, for those of you who enjoy such things. Nothing exciting on the usual themes of my patreon. :)




Welcome back! (And, oh my God, driving through southern Illinois is maybe the worst driving experience of all time. Once you get south of Joliet it's just *nothing* for five hours...)


Srsly. I lived in Indiana for most of my life, and basically any direction you go there's nothing for 4-10 hours. I can't stand driving through farmland. I don't know why it makes such a difference when there's a mountain or a rock formation or a nice desert in the background, but boy does it.