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This story is set back in the early to mid 80's, but that's not when I mean when I say there's history. This story was for the winner of July 2018's monthly drawing, and through a combination of delays, pondering, and plain old bad communication, it is just now completed. A round of applause for the nice guy who didn't whack me with a tire iron for taking so long with this, and I can only hope he's enjoyed it.

As for me, by the time this post goes live, I will be on my whirlwind tour of Wherever, USA. My last vacation was back when I was 27 years old (currently 38), and it was a trip with my old church's youth group to Maine, so it only barely counts. (My previous commission should also share a dedication to my former pastor, who was a real piece of work himself and made the journey so much more blergh.)

I literally have next to no idea where I'm going to go. In the morning, I'm renting a car and then will start googling directions and heading to a place. East? West? Beats the heck out of me. It's driving some of my more plan-oriented friends crazy, but for my money, there's no greater feeling than the abdication of making choices, so that's what I'm out to do. Grand Canyon, pot tourism, an ocean or two, family, old friends I never get to see... some or all of this could be ahead. I'm so freaking excited, folks. To quote one of my favorite movies, "I feel the excitement I think only a free man can feel. A free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain." - Red, The Shawshank Redemption

Despair not - I do intend to get some writing in. (Maybe a lot? if I can find somewhere cool to hunker down.) As it's a vacation, I'm gonna selfish it up and concentrate entirely on 3OS or any other Me projects I feel moved to do, but rest assured those of you waiting for commissions, you'll be hearing from me soon after my return.

Catch you on the flippety flip, folks! I hope your lives are presenting you with R&R and/or zany adventures of your own.



Best drives I ever took were through the Tennessee Valley. Beautiful part of the country. Enjoy your (overdue, well-deserved, etc.) vacation!