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Here's a new one folks. The commissioner had some ideas for how they wanted it to go, but left the mechanism for the control, by and large up to me, with only a few caveats. I got to thinking about it, and I remembered Neighbors From Back When, and how there had been a lot of valid criticism that the mechanism was really good, but spent too little focus on exploring the what-then. While this isn't quite the same, it operates on a similar premise, and I think the whole wind-up-and-release style of mind control is an interesting one, doubly so when it's not even (quite) on purpose.

Anyway, here we have Alice's Smartpartment, for your reading enjoyment. Next up another 3OS chapter or two, then I think we're gonna do the follow-up to the TIOS aside with Miss Galvin and Jordan. Fun times ahead, and more to come!





Great story. Josh was appropriately concerned about the long term but also chill enough to just go with the flow in the short term. He seemed like a cool dude. I also liked how the brother-sister dynamic in their relationship never went away despite everything that happened.


Great. And now my brain won't stop singing "you can have anything you want at Alice's Smartpartmont"...