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So this was a wild and different kind of experience. Some people I know basically only read fan fic these days, but it's not a genre I've ever really gotten into. Then lo and behold, along comes someone to request some. Ergo, here you have Sub Notes, set in the This Is Our Story universe, writing fan fic for my own fic. :D

There wasn't a satisfactory way to make it part of the canon without mussing up some story details that pertain to the main series, but it's still a fun little aside with potential for expansion. It focuses around Jordan and some interactions with an authoritative substitute teacher named Miss Galvin who foolishly decides to give him a detention. Tsk, tsk. Shenanigans ensue. :)




I wouldn't mind a side novel of just highschool shenanigans that could have hapenned but didn't, specially since you have said you do enjoy sprinkling some HS clichés here and there, Kind of feel bad this character can't be incorporated to the canon, I do feel a bit bad for her. Its interesting seing, in this oblivious & compliant world, people being so direct and agressive towards an edited person, or rather a persons edit. Something that is usually reserved to Jordan and in a softer way, from Connor. Even Kristen who is far more mean spirited is trapped in her own cliché. This was certainly more fun than I expected for a story that actually has quite a simple premise and is so direct with the bullying aspect.


I'm pretty happy to see our favorite villain Jordan spreading his wings here. I've always felt like he could have done more with the opportunity he had. A nice add-on, even if it's not to be considered a part of the mainline story.


Yeah, I have a million little things that I think I could include but would ultimately not contribute to the narrative (or even detract), so this was an awesome opportunity to try one out. What's more high school than snotty substitute teachers, after all? I wouldn't want to trade shoes with Miss Galvin either. Most folks even on the business end of TIOS from Jordan still don't get it quite so hard, but I couldn't exactly do three chapters of lead in to warm up to it here. :)


"Why didn't you think to do more with it" should be engraved on Jordan's tombstone, assuming he doesn't think to use TIOS to live forever. :) But I've learned not to dismiss the short-sightedness of the young, especially the young and very entitled.


Man, I remember finishing TIOS 1 and feeling so emotionally invested in Connor's story that the idea of Jordan as a villain was nerve-wracking. Things were finally working out for Connor and now it was all at risk! Cut to months later, and I was *psyched* to see what new depravity Jordan would get up to when this story posted. An excellent addition to the TIOSverse!


Like, I went from "Please don't let anything bad happen to Connor he is a perfect angel who is good and kind and my stomach can't handle the stress" to "I can't wait to see what else the amoral sex-obsessed bully comes up with to satiate his rapacious appetites" and it's freaking me out a little bit.


You know that feeling you get when you watch a horror movie and the teens in it make one short-sighted move after another? Like, you’re raging inside but half the fun of watching the movie is reveling in your thoughts about how much better you would be doing if you were in the same situation? This is the TIOS experience for me. I am the armchair quarterback of MC stories whenever I read it. This is where I get 75% of the enjoyment from it (the other 25% is Miss C). God, I can hardly wait to read book three, man! I am ready for the rage to flow through me…


Ha! Yes, that exactly. Heck, I get that kind of feeling sometimes while I'm writing it, like "hey, idiot, stop wanting to do this thing that you and I both ought to know is freaking stupid." But kids will be kids...