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D:BB - Those Sewers are finally almost finished.  I have been able to reach everywhere all the way to the final but, but I cannot get the special hidden event to trigger.  Impresario tried to crank it out the other night but had an early morning work meeting, so it did not quite get sorted out.  However, I spent literally all day making a menu for all the Artifacts as they are collected and a  Bad Ends menu- so now the BE's unlock when you WIN a level.  So, all you have to do is reach the end of a monster hunt, and then they will all be accessible any time.  But remember, some BE's are hidden (like the issue I am having with my Sewers), so you'll need to be sure you search everywhere on every monster hunt or there are some you may forever miss!

Anyway, the moment I can, I shall post the totally finished new version update and that means I can finally release everything to the Forest Hunt to the public!
SB:C - I have been working on a ton more art in the hopes of getting this title out still by late August.  If it runs longer, I'd rather release something polished of course, but I am still trying to achieve that as a possible release!

General News - My girlfriend is in a singing contest tomorrow in a town a few hours drive from us, so I shan't be on Discord for most of the day, but I'll be back on Saturday as usual!  That's about it, so thanks for investing in all my hard work, and please feel free to leave feedback or ask questions!




Great to hear. Did you find something interesting last time you were in search of the paranormal?


The car broke down on the highway! So, unfortunately, my paranormal investigation at Skinwalker Ranch will be postponed!


oh man, that's too bad. Then you gotta tell us next time :)