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D:BB - My $5 and up patrons have access now to everything in the new release except just the monster hunt.  Impresario should, hopefully, have it done soon and the moment he does, I'll post the final version of this update.  I will say that I have been getting many compliments on the Bad Ends, and that's awesome!  The moment I release the finished update, I shall release the previous one, free, to the public!

SB:C - I have been doing the writing this week.  I have to say two things that I have learned.  One is that a writer like me trying to limit dialogue and such for smaller text boxes is an interesting but fun challenge.  With this being a straight up, "trainer" style game, it's all about the sexy stuff and not as much about the dialogue as my pictures will paint a thousand words.

The other thing that it has taught me is that it is far more ocmplicated than I first envisioned in that I am basically writing an entire script.  That is, while I already know in my head what I want the graphics and scenes to look like, the color of fonts, the special effects, and such, Isaac does not.  Thus, I find that I am having to try and go step by step through each and every scene - and btw, there is a metric ton of scenes- however, once this first release is done, since all other scenes and menus and such will follow the same patterns, it should be much easier than me having to explain every detail.

Like with the artwork, this means that future updates should be WAAAAY easier which means more entertainment for everyone at a quicker rate!

F:SoS - Those that saw last week's progress report know that I have created another Unity game idea for the Anaxverse.  I worked out mathematical equations, the designs, stats, enemies, all kinds of things!  However, that programmer did end up disappearing!  It's rather upsetting, but when the time comes and Isaac, Impresario, Blank, or another professional- reliable programmer appears from the wilds and offers to build this puppy, it's going to be a really, really fun game!  (I think!)

General News - I do not have much to report here.  Looking forward to sharing all this amazing stuff with everyone!  Thank you to my new patrons coming in- I very much appreciate your investments in my hard work!  You are helping me have an easier time paying rent!  As always please leave feedback here or hop into my Discord to chat with me and Anaxverse fans from around the world!  Thanks again!


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