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Family Business
Chapter 12: Profits from Inside


In the moderately ornate room during a deep night, I grunted away at my daily task.

I’ve just completed My numb fingers marked down numbers using an inked pen, copying the numbers from yesterday’s report of my lands and businesses’ productions.

Now, this report was already a summary report of nine different reports which each were compressed summaries of three operations.

I kind of understood what “bureaucratic limits” were now, considering that I was reading summaries of summaries, and my system was way better than what the other leaders got from around Demacia. It made sense as to why the elites of Demacia were so disconnected from their commoners after generations and generations of such disconnect!

It didn’t excuse them, but it did explain a few things.

But how did they ignore the destitution in their provinces?

… I am now genuinely curious about that.

Time to send some spies.

But first, I needed to calculate if my operations made money.

Of the twenty-seven operations, land loans made up nine, consumer good manufacturing made up two, building rentals made up four, and direct plantation management made up the rest. As the Count of Jorasmang, I didn’t pay any taxes on the land itself, but I did offer my liege a set tax that had been based on a survey from … forty years ago. At the end of each year, I paid the Crown of the Great Demacia one-hundred forty-three gold coins.

From the land loans, I received a total of eighteen gold coins. This was actually not great, because if I took these lands directly into my direct plantation management, I would have made thirty percent more… but the purpose of this program (yes, it was a land loaning program) was to help my poorer farmers set up their own profitable farms so as to not necessitate them to go to greedier nobles who would suck them dry, because I still had nobles in my county. I would need to look at a closer report on this venture to see how well the farmers were doing, but I hoped they were doing better than last time.

From the consumer good manufacturers that I held 70% ownership of each, I made fifty and thirty-seven respectively. However, because I spent sixty-nine and forty gold coins each in the start-up as part of my ownership, I was actually in the minus for both at nineteen and three respectively. This time next year, I would make actual profit, but today, I was still at minus. Bah Humbug.

Building rentals within Jorasmang City subtotal got marked down at thirty-five gold coins, but maintenance came out at ten gold coins this year. I still paid tax (to myself) at one gold coin per building, so the actual net total was seventeen gold coins.

My plantations were my most profitable ventures. I spent eighty-nine gold each year paying taxes (to myself), hiring field hands to tend to the crops, paying transportation of grains, and paying middlemen merchants to sell on my behalf. This year, I got three-hundred eleven gold coins after the expenses, including tax.

This was all outside of regular taxes I collected, of course, in the name of the Demacian Crown. The tax report was on a separate paper -which was a summary of eighty-four reports- that was … right here! If I remembered correctly (and skimming of the report told me that I was remembering correctly), then this year’s net tax came out to be two-hundred forty-eight gold coins (though there weren’t many actual gold coins among them, just a shit ton of silver and copper coins).

Of course, net tax didn’t mean shit when I was also spending fifty gold coins for road patrols, city guards, and border patrols.

So the total income for the Jorasmang-Crownguard House this year came out to be three-hundred seventy-nine gold coins. Combined with the one-thousand and nine gold coins I’ve saved up so far, my House was now sitting on a hefty sum of one-thousand three-hundred and eighty-eight gold coins.


… Oh wait, I spent thirty gold coins for Lux and Sona for their dresses for the annual harvest festival.

Okay, so it’s one-thousand three-hundred and thirty-eight gold coins.

Still nice.

My house was doing great. Good. I can then focus on my people.

How were they doing?


I looked up from my nearly finished paperwork, and saw Lux walk into my office. Dressed comfortably in a nightgown and a shawl, she did not hide the fact that she was pregnant.

It was actually something I ended up revealing to our parents. They didn’t take it well, but they also didn’t oust us from the family.

The ousting from the family part was actually a bit too close for comfort. Father, in particular, had not like our relationship. I’d liked to think that I was able to talk my way out of it, but there were more Lux and mother involved in that.

It also helped that father and mother were also second cousins.

In the end, he allowed our union to occur, but warned me sternly that it would not be looked upon favorably.

I had accepted this fact.

I smiled for Lux as she closed the door behind her. She frowned as she looked at me and the paperwork that littered the polished light red wooden table.

“You work too long into the night. It’s already midnight, Mar.”

“I know, but I gotta get this done,” I sighed. “Thanks for coming to check up on me.”

“Always.” She paused. “... Are you worried about the new people?”

I grimaced. Part of the reason why I was working so hard to complete all of the regular paperwork was so that I would have more time before the end of the year to help the vastayan refugees.

Because their integrations haven’t been going so well as I had hoped.

“Yes,” I replied in defeat. I had hoped to work on this myself, but I couldn’t help but tell Lux my woes when she asked. Perhaps that was for the best; what proper couples didn’t help each other and listen to each other’s woes? “It is as I feared. A sizable minority within the city is visiting my office in the city and the mayor’s office. They are constantly demanding the removal of the ‘corrupting elements’ of the city.”

She frowned. As part of my inner circle to improve tolerance for magic and other cultures, she had supported my decision to allow the vastayan refugees to enter the city.

“I guess there’s only so much that my ‘lightshow’ can do to help this, right?” she asked me forlornly. She walked around the table and then set down on my lap. “I wish I studied up on city management. I can’t help you with anything.”

“You’re helping me just being with me,” I replied with a frown.

She huffed and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better,” she mumbled before her eyes widened. She got a coy look to her. “Actually, there is something I can help you with.”


She got off my lap, got me to stand up and face her, and then got on her knees. My eyebrows rose up as I saw what she was going to do. She smiled cheekily as she rubbed her hands on my crouch.

“I’m sure you have some … pent-up frustration to release, don’t you, husband?”

I grinned as she pulled my pants down… and my already hard dick fell right on her face. She yelped in surprise before she grinned again. “Mar, you are too excited for your own good. Let me take care of that for you.”

Her delicate fingers caressed my dick while she looked up at me and kept eye-contact. I shivered as her left hand gripped my dick at its top half, and she shafted me slowly.

My dick twitched, and her smile twitched with it.

“So impatient…!” she cooed sultrily.

Her hand began to pump me faster.

“Do you like your wife pumping you so, Mar?”

“I like it very much,” I growled.

She stopped for a second before she opened her mouth and took my dick in. She never broke eye contact, and then used her tongue to lap up the rim of my dick’s head. I shuddered in pleasure.

“Don’t make me grip your hair and pump you, Lux,” I growled.

The corners of her lips curled up in satisfaction before she slowly bobbed her head. Her tongue ran wild inside her mouth and around my dick, and I groaned. My knees jerked a little, and she got a triumphant twinkle to her eyes.

Finally, she broke eye contact and gave me fellatio in earnest. Her head bobbed back and forth, pushing my dick nearly down into her throat at her deepest and almost out of her mouth at the shallowest. Her tongue ran underside of my dick when she took most of my dick in, and curled up around the head of my dick when she teased me.

“Cumming…” I hissed lowly.

Lux sped up, using even her lips to tighten around my shaft, and -.

She held still as I cummed, and her throat moved up and down as she swallowed.

After a minute, she popped off my dick from her mouth and smiled up.

Not wanting to end it just here, I knelt down and pulled her up. She yelped in surprise as I set her butt down on my table.

I quickly moved all of the paperwork down to the floor before I pushed her down with her butt just on the edge. Pulling her nightgown up, I held her legs apart and leaned down. Lux’s eyes widened before she groaned when I licked her clit.

She shuddered as I continued to lick and grind my tongue against her… and then I stuck a finger into her wet fold. Lux quickly lashed out and gripped my blonde hair and bucked her hips lightly.

“M-More-!” she hissed.

I gave her what she wanted. I let my licking become rougher and faster. More fingers joined the first.

Seh moaned as she climaxed, her body twitching twice as she climaxed, too.

I pulled my head up and looked up at her, and her blushing face and wet eyes found mine.

“Did you enjoy it?” I asked her with a coo.

She nodded.

Standing up fully, I lined my dick with her wet pussy. Her eyes widened.

“W-Wait, there’s still people out and about!” she hissed as I pushed the head of my dick in.

“I know. You’ll just have to keep quiet then, won’t you, honey?”

And then slammed all the way in.


Roughly twenty minutes later, I stood over Lux, who still laid on the table. She was gasping for air greedily while one hand held my hand and the other held her pregnant belly. Her pussy convulsed minutely as my cum dribbled out of it and onto the table.

“Thank you, Lux,” I whispered to her as I quickly cleaned her up.

She huffed. “Always, Mar.”



This is what I expected. They aren't happy with this marriage, but in the end, they deal with it. Also, I would suggest one thing - don't overuse the same word too much. In this chapter alone you only used 'dick' every single time. Swap a bit - penis, member, phallus, etc. But in overall solid chapter.