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Zabuza’s S.Adventures
Chapter 20


In the coming months, Zabuza welcomed two more children to his family and the world. Eri gave birth to Hanora, and Tayuya gave birth to Mina.

He fell in love with both of them just as he had fallen in love with Zuko. They were his children.

Getting used to babies’ night wakings was the second hardest part of it all. The first part was splitting his attention between them and three of his women.

Having family wasn’t just about sexually satisfying the women, feeding the children, and managing the finances. For example, this particular situation was likely to repeat again, whether it was with Haku or others.

They’ve been cooped up at home for too long during the last trimester of their pregnancy, and needed some stretching.

In true ninja fashion, this meant the wives versus the husband in a sparring match until the ladies felt that they got to stretch.

Zabuza grunted silently as he wove around the ice shards Haku flung his way. Then he stopped and backtracked two steps to avoid the first and then the second kunai slashes from Eri. Finally, he raised his sparring katana and struck himself on his shin as soon as he heard the flute whistles. The pain jolted him out of the auditory genjutsu.

By then, he knew that he was surrounded. Eri was in front of him, Haku to his back and right, and Tayuya to his back and left.

A perfect formation to go up against a superior foe.

But he was far too superior to any of them for this simple formation to work.

“Water Release: Steaming Geyser!” he hissed before slamming his fists into the ground.

Nearly instantly, the ground shook before water geysers, steaming from the contact with the cold winter air, sprouted out of the ground in a dozen places. They sprayed water everywhere, and his wives jumped away to keep clear of them.

Being a seasoned water release ninja, Zabuza quickly directed them with his hand signs, using his chakra to make it seem like each of the geyser sprouts writhed like snakes.

Too bad Haku couldn’t use his steaming geysers because of the temperature.

“Ice Release: Burst!”

Zabuza stopped as the two geysers closest to Haku instantly froze over. The frozen water sprouts shattered completely and flew towards him like a hundred kunai. From the other side, Eri and Tayuya threw a dozen kunai and shurikens each.

“Water Release: Current Shield,” he huffed as the geysers right behind him sprayed forward and formed a one-direction current that harmlessly swept away the attacks.

Then the introduction of another person stopped the sparring before it could continue. It was the wetnurse.

“It is lunch time, Momoichi-sama,” she said with a deep bow.

He huffed. “Guess that’s the end of that,” he said to his wives as they all canceled or muted whatever techniques they were about to unleash.

“No fair!” Eri whined. “It was just you and Haku doing flashy stuff. Yuya and I didn’t get to do much!”

“You annoyed me with your constant kunai barrages.”

“That’s not flashy!”

“It was deadly annoying.”

Tayuya grunted before she arched her back and let her arms rise up. Zabuza pretended to not notice her growing ample tits nearly spilling out of her loose clothes. Haku did, and she gestured to Tayuya to cover up.

The red-haired girl stuck her tongue out before thrusting her chest forward.

Zabuza wasn’t sure what was happening here, and was too hungry to care. He just walked away while his three wives did… something.

Whatever. Food was waiting. Anything else that wasn’t sexy time or baby feeding could wait.


“Work again?” Zabuza grunted as he stared down at the missive he’d received from the Mission Office. His paternal leave had run out, and he needed to get back to the job.

While he hadn’t been neglecting anything, the clan elders of both of his remaining students had seen that he would not be able to teach their heirs attentively, and had requested team teacher replacement. Kushina had granted it as they had the right of it.

So he was now without a genin team to teach.

Which meant he would go back to being a mission completer.

Which meant travelling outside of Konoha.

Which meant working far away from home.

Which meant he couldn’t cuddle with his wives and children for weeks, if not months, on end.

It sucked, but he was a citizen of Konohagakure. He was one of its jounins. It was his duty to the city that gave him refuge and home.

“I will have to go back to missioning,” I hummed at the table. We have just finished eating lunch together, and each of them had a baby attached to one of their breasts. It was an endearing sight for me.

Haku nodded understandingly. “It is our way of life.”

Eri was not as understanding. “But he could be killed.”

Tayuya huffed as Mina squealed. She wiggled her baby around before she glanced at Eri. “Shit is how the world - ow!” she hissed when Haku threw a small snowball, just barely bigger than a thumb, at her exposed boob. “Hey!”

“No cussing in front of the children.”

“They can’t even hear us properly!”

“It is our behavior that we need to watch out for. You especially.”

Eri looked uncomfortable. As both the youngest of the four here and the only genin, he thought that she might be exaggerating the details… but then again, her only C-rank mission led to the border where a loud skirmish was happening.

“I won’t take anything stupidly risky, if that’s what you are worried about Eri,” he assured her without looking up from his missive. “I can stick to B-ranks for the time being.”

“Not C-rank?”

“It won’t pay enough for the next children to join us.”

Eri blushed. “A-ah. Right.” Then she paused. “What kind of missions are B-ranks?”

“Bandits with missing-nin among them. Maybe banditting missing-nin. Ronin teaming up with missing-nin. Mediating disputes between nobles. That kind of work.”

“Oh. I thought it would be something like that border clash.”

“That’s for the border patrols, ninjas, samurai, or infantry, to take care of. We ninjas regularly counter other ninjas and some rebellions once in a while.”

“I-I see. And since there are no rebellions right now…”

“Fighting other ninjas, yes. Haku and I did a bunch of B-ranks, actually. A-ranks were our norm.”


“Well, I was considered A-rank until recently.”

“You fell in rank?” Tayuya asked incredulously.

“No, I rose up.”

“The fuck? How-? Ow!”

“Language,” Haku chimed as Zuko fell asleep. “And low voices.”

“S-ranks are just S-ranks for their prowess. Most of the time, S-ranks are A-ranks with political connections. True S-ranks are those who can take on a dozen A-ranks without an issue. The Hokage is a True S-class while I am a low S-rank.”

“What’s the difference?” Haku asked, curious for the first time in a long time on ninja affairs.

“If the Hokage fought me, then I would lose … ten times out of ten.”

“She’s that strong?”

“Even without her ace up her sleeve? Yes.”

Haku seemed contemplative while Eri looked amazed and Tayuya didn’t give a shit.

“So what kind of missing will you be taking?” his youngest wife asked.

“... Probably bandit extermination. There’s a lot of bandits in winter.”

And hungry missing-nin without a brain would join them.


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