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Limits of Flesh

Chapter 2


“Yes, yes, yes!” Taylor yelped even with her face and head pinned to the wall.

Adylan was behind her, pounding his hip into her ass with one hand gripping her waist and the other hand bunching up her hair into a ponytail-handle.

“You like being dominated like this, don’t you, Taylor?” he crooned into her ear, and she whimpered as he lifted her off of her feet. With only the wall and his dick keeping her up, she gripped what purchase she found on his forearm tightly while trying to push herself up with her other hand on the wall.

“N-no-!” she squeaked even as she felt the dozens of cumshots he’s made into her vagina trickle down her inner thighs and legs.

“You like this, you know you like it! Just admit it!”

She squealed instead as she-!


Taylor squeaked as she snapped awake.

Breathing hard and feeling sweaty, she laid there on her bed three days after she paid the price.

And every night since then, her mind repeated the night she lost it all.

It was never terrifying.

Only exciting.




She curled up on the bed, trying in vain to keep her mind from drifting to that night, but she couldn’t win against her own brain and the glaringly bright and unnaturally powerful memories.

They took turns using her.

When they weren’t taking turns, they used her together.

One of the twins held her mouth and lips shut with his hand, pulling her head back. The other twin cupped her small breasts and played with them like play-doh. The one holding her mouth stretched her asshole with his thick dick, pumping her like a jackhammer drilled into concrete while the groper rammed up into her raw vagina.

Later, she was on her knees but her hands were pulled away from her towards the twin using her mouth while the twin behind her pushed his dick against her womb and jizzed again.

She flinched when ropes of their cum landed on her bare breasts after they masterbated and ejaculated to her sweaty and exhausted body. They admired her for a moment before one of them pulled her legs apart again and violated her.

Taylor couldn’t help the blush that heated her face ridiculously.

“Damn it,” she muttered as she felt herself growing wet. Hurriedly, she left her room and entered the bathroom.

She touched herself quietly in the bathtub, pushing her finger into her folds… but it just wasn’t satisfying as being-

“You like being dominated, don’t you?”

Her eyes widened before squeezing shut as she climaxed.

Gasping minutely, she cleaned herself with water and went back to her room.

… It was time for her morning run.

She sighed and got dressed instead of going back under the comforter.


School began hours after she had completed her morning run and ate breakfast with her dad.

But it was odd.

School began, but Emma, Madison, and Sophia were missing.

She ignored their hanger-ons who tried in vain in the Bitch Trio’s place to rile her up, but they weren’t the same as the Bitch Trio. None of the had Sophia’s aggressive attacks, Madison’s high-pitched voice, or Emma’s emotional arsenal.

First period passed.

Second period passed.

Third period passed.

None of them appeared.

It was lunch.

They didn’t come to taunt her.

The final period came and went.

Taylor left school for the first time more confused than distraught.

And then she was happy to have spent the entire day without them.

It felt good.

She felt so good, in fact, that she switched out into her hero costume and went patrolling to round the day with some good asskicking!

Who was she kidding?

“Didn’t think I’d find you during the day~!”

The Adylan Twins caught her and did something. Where she was about to turn around and face them in the street, she was now on a rooftop, looking at them.

“Adylan…!” she hissed. “Why did you bring me up here?” She quickly checked her power. It was active, so they weren’t messing with it, yet.

“Poo, I thought you would have liked to see us!”

“You certainly enjoyed our time together.”

“I’m trying to be a hero, and you call yourself a villain,” she replied uneasily.

“Do you want us to act-”

“Villainous to you?”

She tensed. “You’re villains. You tell me. What are you going to do then?” she asked instead of asking. Why wasn’t she attacking them?!

Oh yeah, they beat Lung and they could turn powers off. She had no chance against them.

They looked at each other before looking back at her.

“We could always-”

“Bring you to our base-”

“And have our way-”

“With you-”




A pause.

They spoke up together. ““Unless you want to join us.””

She winced and took a step back.

“I-I’m not some whore you can pick up!”



““Taylor,”” they said mockingly.

“You’re no whore.”

“But you are a fine woman.”

She blushed and backed away. “J-Just leave me alone,” she said as her legs shook a little.

“But we did say-”

“That we’re villains.”

She scowled behind her mask. “So what, you’re going to rape me?” she hissed.

They looked at each other for a moment before turning back to her with grins.

She stepped back again.

“Of course, we won’t!” one replied as if she was asking the stupidest thing ever.

“It ain’t fun when you don’t want to.”

“It’s different if it’s a business transaction.”

“But here and now?”

“No, no, no!”

“That would be a tragedy.”

“Especially when-”

“You seem to be okay with us.”

She took in that last statement before she sputtered. “No, I’m not!”

“So you don’t want us to take you to our place-”

“Get you feeling real good-”

“And then make love to you until you can’t walk straight?”

“Like we did before?”

“What we did was not making love!” she objected harshly, but she couldn’t help but imagine herself back in that hotel with the twins.

“You’re not denying-”

“That it felt good.”

“I’m leaving,” she hissed as she turned around.

They appeared in front of her as soon as she lost sight of them.

“Hold on, Skitter,” one to her left stopped her.

“If you want to play hard to get-”

“We can always give you something in return!”

“I’m not a whore…!” she hissed. She couldn’t believe that the twins in front of her were the people who she gave her virginity to. No, she had been forced to give it.

Bugs all around began to buzz as they responded to her call.

The Adylan twins looked not even a little bit perturbed. They looked like she was playing a joke. Like she wasn’t worth her salt in a cape fight.

“Oh, is little Skitter unhappy?” the twin on the right asked.

“My name is not Skitter!” she hissed.

“Then what is it?” the other twin asked, half-mockingly and half-seriously.

His question brought her to a pause.

"I'm… I'm…"

They didn't say anything, waiting patiently.

"I'm … Dragonfly?" she tried uncertainly.

"Hmm, it is a name with power to it."

"It even goes in theme with your costume."

"Dragonfly is a hunter."

"And you are dressed like one."

"Even if you like-"

"Getting hunted more."

She scowled but she knew better than to respond. They would just take her word and twist it around back at her.

"Just... Just stay away from me."

"... Sure."

"But next time…"

"Price is not gonna be the same."

"Enjoy your hero work!"

“But keep this phone, you might need it.”

And then they were gone after she caught a phone they threw carelessly in her direction.

Taylor felt her legs give away as she felt her strength suddenly disappear. She sat there on the alley ground, mood ruined and thoroughly frustrated.

She got up and walked away.

She wouldn't need help. She wasn't weak.

And if she called for help, then it certainly wouldn’t be them.


Taylor went out as Dragonfly, and for three weeks, she patrolled the streets of Brockton Bay as a hero.

She even got into a scuffle with Uber and Leet, and won against them handily! The two of them really did not like flies dropping spiders from above.

She was on the ParahumansWiki!

She upgraded her costume with insect chitin! It was actually very durable, taking a hammered nail without a dent.

Something was finally going her way…

Then Hookwolf brought his lieutenants, Stormtiger and Cricket, with him to the Docks!

They were going to start a gang war!

She observed the three of them and their two dozen rifle armed and kevlar vest wearing minions as they marched through the streets clearly marked with ABB gang signs.

It was a challenge.

A challenge that Lung, who lost to Adylan, was more than happy to oblige, if only to sooth his wounded pride.

Why didn’t Adylan hand over Lung to the Protectorate?!

She fumed in her own anger before she decided to do it. If she distracted and hurt the Empire capes long enough, then they would turn and run once Lung shows up.

Yes, she could do it! She could prevent casualties!

Without even a tell on her body, she gathered the swarms she had gathered already. They buzzed in tune with her own anger. She pulled the giant swarm into five distinct hordes, and sent one into the sky while four others stayed close to the ground.

Then she unleashed them all in one-go.

She watched gleefully as three of the many villains responsible for her home city’s dilapidated state stood frozen as five hordes of biting, stinging, and disgusting insects - insects that represented the downtrodden people like her - roared out with her anger as they rushed them.

To her shock, the armed thugs moved swiftly, forming a tight circle around Stormtiger and Cricket.

And then the two capes, sound and wind, unleashed their own torrent of anger in the form of vision-warping burst of slicing air and shredding vibrations.

She watched stock-still as her hordes were reduced to half their original numbers near instantly.

“Alright, who’s out there?!” Hookwolf roared as his body grew blades and hooks out from all nooks and crannies until he took upon the form of his namesake. “Show yourself, coward!”

Taylor stood, but her legs trembled.

No! She wasn’t going to just retreat after one hit!

She gathered another swarm, but it was slow going.

“Stick to Stormtiger and Cricket. Don’t let those insects drag you down or I’ll kill you myself for your lack of discipline!” Hookwolf crackled and sneered as they began moving again deeper into ABB territory.

She knew without even testing that Hookwolf would be immune to her attacks now. She could see no skin, but most importantly, she couldn’t feel any insect on Hookwolf unlike before.

‘If overwhelming force does not work, then how about silence and stealth?’ she thought before she prepared her fly-spider paratroopers and sent them.

Cricket heard them coming.

Taylor winced as she felt her fly-spider troopers, which she had put some pride into with how easily they made Uber and Leet run, got shredded and disappeared from her mind. There was no way she was going down on the street-level to fight them. She wasn’t a Brute and she’d get shredded!

The best she could do was call the Protectorate, but she didn’t have a cell pho-!

… But she did.

Slowly, she reached slowly into her left arm carapace armor piece and pulled out the smartphone Adylan had casually tossed her a month ago.

She stared at it.

She turned it on.

She grimaced.

There was only one phone number on its contact list, no access to wi-fi or internet, and … a picture of her from that night, grinning like an idiot, like a slut happy to be used, with a dick over her eyes.

It didn’t do anything to hide that euphoric grin in the picture.

When did he even take this picture?

She shuddered.

She didn’t know the Protectorate’s number… Did she?

She directed a bunch of insects into a house where someone was using the computer. It was at the edge of her control zone, so she could look up the number!

Some of her bugs quickly formed a quick word “Sorry” somewhere in the room while the rest of her bugs went and took over the computer from the screeching and scared person. Bugs pressed down on each other to click one key at a time.

Come on, come on, come on…!

She found it!

She quickly called the number. She was connected in seconds! The Protectorate was definitely different! “Hello, I’m-!

“Thank you for calling the Parahuman Response Team East-North-East! Please hold while you are transferred to-

She wanted to scream.

What number did she find?!

… Oh. It was the phone number for general contact.

Fuck it.

She called 911.

“{What is your em-?}”

“Hookwolf, Cricket, Stormtiger, and two dozen armed Empire Eighty-Eight gangsters are on Jameston Street and Marley Avenue! They’re heading deeper into ABB territory!”

“{Miss, if this is prank call-}”

“It’s not! Please come quickly before the gangsters start fighting each other and kill bystanders!”

“{Alright, we’ll be contacting the PRT, but we need you stay clear of th-}”

She hung up. There was no way she would stay away, not when even a second of distraction she provided might result in one less dead person. She formed another swarm - and noticed a distinct drop in local bug population - and sent them spinning around the gangsters. If they could kill any bug that got too close, then she just wouldn’t fight them at their advantage!

A dome of rotating insects formed around the E88. She blocked out their vision and made their movement harder.

Stormtiger did something, and a groove of dead insects fell out of the dome’s insect wall. She quickly patched it up, but Stormtiger kept swinging his arms and more of her bugs kept on dying!

God, where was the PRT?!

She looked around hurriedly and found sirens far away from where they were, but she knew that police could most quickly when the call came for it.

It would take them at most five minutes. That was good.

And then the sirens stopped.


Why wasn't it moving?

More sirens.

Was there something else that was going on in the city?

Gunshots in the distance from the direction of the sirens. A lot of gunshots.

“Good, the distraction is working,” Hookwolf muttered below.

She gawked. They prepared for this…?

“Bug bitch, you must’ve called for help cuz my boys reported cops coming over! Sorry to burst your bubble, but nothing’s gonna stop me and my boys and girl from hunting the dragon down tonight!”

Taylor gulped.

She tried again with her b-.

She was out. While she had been distracted by the sirens and gunshots, Stormtiger had whittled her bug dome to nearly nothing. She couldn’t even obscure their vision.

“You seem like a coward, but one day, we’ll find you and end you!

She gritted her teeth.

And then she froze as she heard someone to her far right down on the street. She looked towards the direction of the voice and saw an Asian man. He didn’t wear any gang colors, but he was under a lit lamppost.

It didn’t stop him from being killed by one of Hookwolf’s gunmen.


The man jerked back, fell over, and stopped moving. Soon, there was a slowly but surely growing puddle of blood.

She stared in horror.

Something niggled in the back of her mind.

If you just called Adylan, then maybe he might not be dead.

She stared and stared.

Slowly, she pulled the phone up and pressed down on Adylan’s number with a shaky finger.

Ring ring ring…

People were out and about now, surprised by the gunshot, and then they began to scream and run away.

Ring ring ring…



“I-I need help.”

“Hmm, what kind?”

“Hookwolf is on Marley Avenue, between Jameston Street and Chamberlain Street. T-They’re killing people.”

“{Hmm. Just him?}”

“Can’t you just come here and deal with them?!” she shrieked as her guilt overwhelmed her. “You beat Lung, you can beat three capes and twenty-three gunmen!”

“Found you.”

She froze and looked down.

All three capes and a few of the gunmen were looking up at her.



She ran for it.

“Storm, go kill her, and take squad one with you.”

“Don’t need them, but fine.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck-!” she hissed.

“{Oh, did something happen?}”

“They found me because of you!”

“{Excuse me, but I’m not doing anything. Do you want my help or not?}”

“Yes, just help me and the city!”

“{That’s a rather vague contract for a mercenary like me-}”

She jumped down and held to a pipe. She shrieked a little in fear as she realized what she just did as she skid down the wall, and then landed on the bottom … without much hurt to show for such a reckless move.

Taylor only got a moment before she was running again, this time through an alley.

“{-s, right?}”


“{No need to yell at me, Taylor. I’m just asking if you would be open to a retinue contract.}”

“What is even a retinue contract?” she growled as she ran for her life.

“{Quite simple. You pay me regularly and for the duration of the contract, I help you. It would be a long term job for me.}”

“You just want me in your b-bed every night!” she hissed quietly as she turned a corner and then slammed into someone.

She fell down on her ass and looked up in fear. She froze.

Standing in front of her were the black sleeveless waistcoat and red long sleeve shirt wearing Adylan twins, and one of them had a phone in his hand. He hung up and the two of them stared down at her.

““So, would you be interested?””


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