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Hello my strange and wonderful patrons – your next instalment of Atelier Barbette est ici (is here!).

This is the last little close-up on the final ('Créature') section of the act research and rehearsals that I had in Montréal QC at the end of January with my coach, William Bonet, and artistic counselor, Marie-Josée Gauthier.

Your next episode rewinds back to the evolution that's been happening with the Ballerine section (courtesy of my amazing ballet coach, Isabeau, who actually has been starting to join my rehearsals with William! Very exciting! I love her. You'll love her.)

The next episode shall be twinkling its way into your inbox on Monday March 6th at 12pm EST – until then, stay strange and wonderful!

XO Ess



Just catching up on these. How exciting; it's really coming together. Seeing the piece sped up I still feel the essence of it is clear and coming through and it made me feel all tingly!


Those spins are amazing! Definitely worth all the research for that one particular spin - such a mesmerising, flowing shape.