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Hello, my strange and wonderful patrons! Your next instalment in the 'Atelier Barbette' creation vlogs has arrived!

The theme of this cluster of January research-and-rehearsal sessions in studio was digging into the details, working backwards from the end of the act towards the earlier sections:

Atelier Barbette 9 (the previous vlog) looked at the ending of the act – the seconda nd final technical sequence of the last section (the 'Créature' section). 

This episode jumps back to the beginning of the final section. 

I wanted to share what some of the feedback is like that I get during my sessions with my conseil artistique, Marie-Josée Gauthier and this was the perfect rehearsal for that. 

We were digging into the acting details and character notes of this final section and it felt like we broke through to a new level of embodiment in the emotional and narrative notes we're striving for, compared to previous rehearsals (where I'd say maybe more just the movements themselves were becoming more clear and refined). 

This is great progress, and the next challenge will be the switch: connecting this with the section preceding it and having a really clear, marked difference in energy, acting, character, etc. between the two –– but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. Some more physical progress has to be made on the 'sheer endurance' front before I get to that – but get to it I shall! (in this month's work).

Your next episode (Atelier Barbette 11) takes one more nitty-gritty look at a detail in this final section – the spin that connects the acting moments on the ground in the opening, to that final technical sequence at the end – you can expect that one to pop up in your inboxes on Thursday March 2nd at 12pm EST.

And the episode after that (Atelier Barbette 12) rewinds even further to pick apart the changes and evolution that has been happening with the Ballerine section of the Barbette act (thanks to the addition and insights of my wonderful ballet teacher, Isabeau!). You can expect that one in your inbox on Monday March 6th at 12pm EST . 

Until next time, stay strange & wonderful!
XO Ess



Ahhhh! I love seeing the coaches notes in real time! There’s something very special about those moments and the role they play in creation. Thank you for sharing them with us!


the way I said "oh my god" out loud in my office at 1:50, just had to tell you!