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Hello my dear, strange, and wonderful patrons!

A new instalment of ATELIER BARBETTE for your viewing pleasure! It’s about 2 minutes long.

Today’s episode (and the next three or four lined up!) share the research and progress I made with my artistic team (coach William Bonet, conseil artistique Marie-Josée Gauthier, and [NEW!] conseil… de…danse…? Isabeau Lajeunesse-Valdau! [my ballet teacher!]) in JANUARY.

Excited to share last month’s work and excited to be continuing more Barbette rehearsals in Montreal at the VERY end of the month, and the first couple days of March (I’ll make little Atelier Barbette episodes for those, too).

Costume construction continues to hit unexpected roadblocks in the form of “terrible and random things happening in the lives of involved parties” but … WE’LL GET THERE EVENTUALLY 🥲

I’m REALLY hoping for final drawings and the start of construction by this weekend & early next week, respectively. We’ll see what happens …

And, as a baby re-cap of what’s been happening for the past month: February has been a … mess, to put it lightly.

At the beginning of the month I woke up with Bell’s palsy. It’s been a stressful adventure in trying to rehab the paralyzed side of my face in time for a UBISOFT/videogame contract that has JUST started now, at the end of the month, back in Montréal, QC.

I don’t have full movement back in the affected side of my face still, but it’s heaps better than it was at the start of the month and it will keep improving as I keep up with acupuncture and face excercises and whatnot— I’ve got enough improvement at this point in time that I could go to this videogame contract and not worry about them sending me home because half of my face isn’t moving 🙃 (*big exhale*)

Alright, I’ll stop here for now and let you enjoy the episode — next one will be landing after the weekend. Have a restful & relaxing couple days, everyone!

And until next time, stay strange and wonderful ❤️

XO Ess



I love the falling angel